Chapter 67

2756 Words
Nathan’s POV   “This looks like a ghost town... Different from the rumors I heard.” Mica uttered while scanning the entire place. I could not help myself and roam my eyes around. There are houses made of bamboo and their roofs are all shaped like the moon, big and round and white...   Even though the moon is shining brightly above us, there are no signs of the villagers in these land of the moon.   I used to heard rumors about this place and they said that it is magical as it can be, especially during full moon but...   I slowly raised my head and stare at the big bright moon above us. It is already full in size and indicates that we are now having a full moon but...   “Where are the people?”   “What time is it, Nathan? They are probably asleep,” Gene asked and Remus nodded his head in agreement.   I look at my watch and my brows furrowed when I saw its time...   “It’s only 11:48...” I muttered. We went out at around 10 pm and I know that we walk through different lands in order to be here so I expected the time to be around 12 or something.   “Something’s not right...” I muttered and look at the man with a long, white beard beside me. He is quiet all throughout and haven’t said another word after he welcomed us from the gate.   “Hello... Could you please tell –“ My words were cut off when he turned his back and motioned us to follow him. I look at the rest of the squad and they also look confused but still chose to follow the man. -- We stopped by a house that is at the center of this village. We can’t help but admire the structure of this house. Just like the others, its walls are made from nipa and bamboo and the roof is round shaped like the moon. However, the only difference that made this stand out is because it’s roof is made of glass and it emits light everywhere as the moon shines directly into it. This is the source of light of all the villagers aside from the moon itself.   “Welcome to my humble abode...” He said in a low tone. He opened the door and motioned us to come in.   The boys go first in order to check if it is safe before urging Mica and Carina to come in when they made sure that everything was clear. I was the last one to come in and I walk slowly to the door only to stop when the wind blows hard and sent shiver up to my spine. I turned my back and look outside but nothing was there. The village starts to become more eerily scary and screams abandonment and an upcoming danger.   “What are you doing there? It’s cold outside. You should rest...” The old man said and opened the door wider for me. I was about to protest but seeing my squad sitting and resting on the comfy sofa, I just took a deep breath and step forward before the man pushes the door closed.   I walked my way to the place where they were and I could clearly see the tiredness evident in their eyes. About Maria... She is resting on Ethan’s car and no matter how much Carina wants to stay, she couldn’t until we finish this mission.   “You have a cozy home...” I said and he just smiled at my remark. I roam my eyes around while he went to the kitchen to prepare something.   The house is quite big that made me confused. I tried looking for rooms but there is only one and the rest is the living room, the kitchen and the bathroom.   “Are you living alone?” I asked. Seems like he expected the question and put the glass of coffee to the table before answering me.   “Well, I used to have some company but...”   His words were cut-off when the sound of droplets of the rain comes pouring from above. It breaks the silence of the outside as the wind blows harder followed by lightning and thunders.   The roof above is made of glass so we could see the rain pouring down the drain. The room temperature gets cold that made us shiver a little.   “Come, have a drink... It’s getting cold here,” the man said and pointed at the coffee he put on the table.   “Drink it while it’s still warm.” He urged. Gene was the first one to drink it. He sips on it as if there was no tomorrow and producing sounds that made Remus drink his too.   “Hey, take it easy...” I said. They didn’t listen and continued drinking theirs. Mica sniffed the coffee and I could see her mouth gets watery and drink it while it is still hot. Carina, on the other hand looks confused but the temperature in the room grows colder that made her drink hers in order to warm her up.   “Don’t you like it? I’m sorry we don’t have any source of electricity or heat. We just depend on the moon so...” He gently slid the coffee in front of me and smiled.   “Come on, I know you’re cold.” His expression urges me to come and sip it but something in my mind tells otherwise. I put the cup into my lips and was about to drink it when I stopped and faced him back.   “I-I’m sorry... I’m allergic to coffee,” I said and slowly put the cup down. The smile on his face suddenly fades and turns into a grim one. I turned my attention back to my squad and my brows furrowed when I saw them getting drowsy. Gene is already laying on the sofa as Remus is on top of him. The girls continuously yawn and hug each other. Carina managed to look at me before she faints on Mica’s lap.   “What is happeni—“   Screams from outside could be hear followed by the howling of the animals to the nearby forest. I could clearly hear their cries of anguish as the rain keeps pouring harder than ever.   I hurriedly went to the door and tried opening it but it doesn’t bulge.   “Where do you think you’re going?” A deep voice asked. I turned my back and saw the old man wearing a devilish grin while holding a big pipe on his hands.   “You! Who the hell are you and what did you do to my friends?!” I shouted but he just laughed at me. He played the pipe on his hands and it is quite unbelievable that an old man like him could easily hold that thick metal pipe which I’m sure is heavy as hell... and deadly.   I immediately dodge when he tried to hit me with that. The pipe landed on the door and created a hole. I tried peeking on to the hole only to saw shadows of unknown creature dragging bodies from the cold, slippery road.   “You could have died peacefully if you just drink that coffee...” He uttered. My eyes landed on my friends who are now all lying on the sofa and to the ground, unconscious of what is happening around them. I was about to turn around when I felt a pang of pain on my neck. I tried checking what happened and a syringe falls next to me.   “H-How...” I feel my body getting numb and weak all of a sudden. My eye starts to be blurry as I slid down the wall and sit on the ground while holding my neck.   “W-Why are you doing this and how...” I faced him with anger in my eyes as I formed my fist into a ball. He just laughed at my question and threw the pipe to the free seat near us. He picked up the syringe he used on me a while ago and put it back on his bag.   “How the hell did I know about your arrival?” He continued. I cannot move my lips nor my body. I could only glare at him as the effect of the drug starts taking over me.   “Well... Well... I really thought you’re a tough guy or a good match for me. The police department really has no good members... I really wonder how come they’ve top every department in here?” He was talking to himself but I know he is referring to Blackport PD... Another question arised from my thoughts but my body is no longer functioning to ask.   “Seems like you’re already drifting away. Quite longer than what I expected though... Your friends are already asleep but you who had the drug injected directly to your veins, I must commend that you are indeed strong...” He grab a free chair from the side and seat on to it, facing me directly while he is watching me drift away.   “I don’t know what will happen to you since the drug I injected is overdosed and could be fatal so...” I feel my body shiver and try fighting off the fear that is creeping on to my system.   ‘I can’t die yet... I still haven’t fulfilled my mission yet.’ I said at the back of my mind and tried fighting off the drug that is slowly taking over my body.   “As a reward, maybe I should tell you the truth that BPD wants to learn from our village for a very long time...” I could see his fist clinched and gritted his teeth in anger before making himself comfortable on the chair and starts talking.   The rain is getting weak and the cries of the people outside gets louder followed by howls of animals coming near them.   My eyes move and tried checking on my watch only to see that it is already 12 midnight. The cries and shouts starts growing louder into my ears that I can’t even follow what this old man is saying.   “I always know that the Blackport Police Department has been sending its detectives to the village on the east because of paranormal happenings but one day...” I hitched my breath when I heard what he said.   Other village? Does that mean...   “One of their detectives caught sight of our doings so I did what I have to...” My eyes shifted on to the metal pipe a while ago. Even though my eyes are blurry, I could still see the faint and faded dried blood in it.   “I thought I killed him before he got back to the department but guess whose here...” He scans me from head to toe and then back to my squad mates who are still asleep and doesn’t move a muscle.   “They managed to send you all but from what I see, you’re just a bunch of rookies that I will never need to think about.” He gets up from his seat and walks at my direction. He touched my face and looked at me directly in the eye.   “Nobody will know what happened in here because we already reached the end. Before the sun rises, the moon village will no longer be at sight and only the moon above us can tell what is happening below it...” He smirked as he stares at me intently. Gone is the calm and gentle eyes that welcomed us a while ago. All I can see is greed and anger and joy to what is happening around us.   “Goodnight and enjoy your peaceful death...”   I used all of the remaining energy I have to touch him. He looks confused as his brows furrowed to what I did. I tried my best not to let him get away as I transfer all of the toxins from my body into him while drenching his energy.   “W-What...” He started coughing blood and I could feel him get weak all of a sudden. I regained more strength and can already feel my body. I used both of my hands to touch him and prevents him from getting away from me.   “W-What are you doing?” He weakly asked. I didn’t answered and watch him as I pour all of the toxins from my veins directly into him.   I learned this skill when I used it on Ethan and transferred my energy on to him but this time, its’ way different. I’m transferring the toxins from my blood while sucking the energy out of him.   His white beard starts to be the color red as blood starts oozing off from his mouth and nose. He tried gasping for air when I released him and hurriedly ran to the direction where the PD are.   “What should I do?” I asked myself. I tried looking for ways to help them when suddenly, the unexpected happened.   I could hear the laugh of the old man as his body and the rest of the squad starts fading and turns into dust. A lightning struck the glass roof directly and shatter it into numerous pieces. I rolled onto the side to prevent the shards to directly hit me when I realized one thing.   The wind blows hard and take the dust away from me. My eyes widen in shock when I realized what was happening. The man already faded and went with the wind. I could see their colored dusts different from everyone else as I opened the door and run to follow them.   The road is slippery but it doesn’t stop me in chasing on to them. I could feel my heart beating so fast at the thought that I lost them when suddenly, Ethan’s car is already beside me and opened the door for me. Maria is already awake on the back and I could see the fear in her face as I said the words that made them stopped.   “T-Their gone... T-They have been carried by the wind...” I weakly told them and burst out crying.   “Where is my sister?!” Maria lashed at me. I shook my head and pointed at the dust that is slowly fading away while being carried by the wind.   I don’t know what had happened. I just found myself sitting on the front seat while Ethan is driving on full speed. Maria never get lost to the sight of the dust even though we are now approaching the borders that separates Licht from Tarnen divisio.   I already heard numerous stories about the land behind the wall and all of them are the worst.   “We need to f*****g get through the wall! We must or else we’ll lost them forever!” I shouted. Ethan seemed to think twice when Maria stood from her seat and grabbed the gear from him.   “I’m gonna save my sister no matter what it takes so let us f*****g cross this f*****g border before I called all of the spirits to hunt you all!” She screamed.   I could feel my body weakening as the vehicle flies above the wall. The eerie environment a while ago is nothing compared to this.   Lava oozing from everywhere, dark creatures lurking around and even wild animals howling as they welcomed us to the other side.   I hitched my breath to get sight of the land in front of us. The land I never thought I’ll be with even on my original life.   “So this is it...” Ethan muttered while we were still in the air.   “We are now officially in the bad and cursed land. The literal definition of hell from people living in Licht...   None other than Tarnen divisio..."
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