Chapter 20

1386 Words
Nathan’s POV   The wind blew hard even though the windows are properly covered by the furniture moving around. The only light source that we have is the small break on the walls that let the sun pass through. Other than that, it will become bloody dark and dirty in here.   “I AM YOUR MOTHER!” The spirit shouted and all the furniture starts moving to our direction.   “Watch out!” The girl said and pushed me back. The moment I laid my back on the floor is the exact same moment where a broken chair goes to the spot I was in a while ago. Just a look on it, I knew the edges were sharp and the chair is quite heavy too.   “What kind of spirit or element is she?” Mica asked while helping me to get up. The rest are now standing and is on fighting position while staring at the women whose face got even grimmer than ever.   “You killed our mother! You should be gone too!” The girl shouted and tried searching on her pockets. I watch her every reaction and she seemed shock and confused when she didn’t get what she needed from her pocket.   “Damn it! Where did I left it?!” She closed her eyes shut while trying to concentrate and when she opens it, she slowly shifts her glance to the stairs above us, up to the top as if realizing something in there. Without saying any word, she started running away from us and to the stairs, up the rooms or whatever may be above us.   “Please buy me some time!” She shouted while running until she’s no longer on our sights.   I shook my head and almost stumble when a cold skin touches mine. I hurriedly dodge its attack and went to the direction of Antonov who is staring blankly at her.   “She’s a dead vessel who sells her soul to the demon.” Antonov muttered that made us shift our glances to the woman in front of us, whose lips slightly curved as she hears our conversation.   “The only thing that made bad spirits like her alive in this world is its altar, or wherever she stores all the soul she collected from others to give to the devil...”   “Your souls are now mine!” She shouted and numerous bugs come out from her mouth. Mica almost pukes when she saw big, round worms crawling their body towards our direction. Gene summon fire from his palms and directly target the bugs and worms.   The crispy sound of burning bugs and smoke from the fire filled the air. The Other Mother doesn’t look very impressed that in just a single shout from her, the fire went out and as the smoke clears, a more aggressive foe is right before our eyes.   “She’ll be stronger whenever something or someone dies here... We must find her soul vessel and break it to stop her completely.” Antonov continued and starts wandering his eyes around the house while Gene starts to fight the Other Mother.   I stood here frozen, thinking where she would possibly hide her altar like storage... What I’m pretty sure about is that it is in this house, alone. Maybe the reason for broken windows and all are for the intruders who tried to escape in this place. It’s either they successfully escaped or... just died in the process.   Based from the furniture and things I saw here earlier while wandering, there is nothing much like a vessel or something. The only relevant things in here are the picture frames and photos hanging on the walls.   When I was still on my timeline, we had an incident similar to this and the frames like the ones hanging on the wall doesn’t seem to be the vessel for storing souls, unless...   My gaze slowly went up to the floor above me as I heard footsteps coming from above. It seems like it was running and rummaging things up due to the sound created that echoes even here below.   “Go check the rooms upstairs. There might be the altar we needed,” I exclaimed. Mica nods her head and runs through the stairs, gracefully dodging the cold hands of the Other Mother that tried to catch her. I slowly removed my gloves without breaking contact with her. I carefully put it on my pockets before charging on the woman in front of us.   I run to her fast and when I got the perfect timing, I held her neck from behind and start draining her energy. I smiled as I felt something on my veins but slowly went down when I realized something. She turns her head 360 degrees and looks at me with a huge, creepy smile on her face.   “Get off her!” Antonov shouted but it’s too late.   I can feel the power in my veins, but in reverse!   “Aaaah!” I can feel every inch of the excruciating pain on my body. I can feel its powers getting out from me...   “Get off him or I will release every soul you collected and bring you back to where you really belong!” Someone shouted from behind. I can hear the tearing of something that made the Other Mother shout in pain. She threw me somewhere and I can feel my body numbing from the energy she collected on me.   She almost got my soul!   My eyes became more blurry but I still manage to squint to see what is happening on the side. I saw the girl holding a teddy bear with buttons as its eyes and his mouth is stitched to random lines. She is trying to tear it apart and the sound I heard a while ago is her pulling the bear away from each other that it produces a little c***k on the outside.   I saw a mix of black and white smoke emitting from the bear itself as the Other Mother angrily eyes her. She hurriedly ran to her direction to attack that’s why the girl dodge and threw the bear at Mica who easily caught it.   “Break the soul vessel!” She repeatedly shouted as the Other Mother holds her in the neck and slowly lift her up in the air.   “Y-You killed our mother and... separate her from us...” Her skin starts becoming pale and her lips are getting darker as second passes by. Her breathing is ragged and has cloudy eyes as a light golden smoke comes out from her body.   “She is one of us!” Antonov shouted. When we realize what was happening, Mica immediately threw the bear in the air and Gene fires it with his raging flames.   The bear caught fire as it drop to the ground, creating sound of cries coming from inside. I slowly crawl my way to the bear’s direction as the Other Mother starts shouting in pain and moving nonstop. Antonov tried his best to keep her away from us while Mica went to the girl’s direction that just fainted and tries using her magic healing powers on her.   I slowly close my eyes and tried locating a part of my soul that she took away from me. I can feel my hands burning in pain but I didn’t mind as I start to get my soul back to me. I can feel the rush of energy from my body plus other souls energy that made me energized and easily went back on my feet.   I went to the Other Mother’s direction who is now crouching in pain and grabs a small cross from my pocket before pointing it at her forehead.   “With the love of God, I condemned you back to hell!” She shouted in pain as I move the cross closer to her forehead that is now emitting black smoke as if burning without fire.   “You’re stay in this world will cease now. See you on the other side...”    
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