Chapter 21

1381 Words
Carina’s POV “Carina De Caprio...” I heard laughter from behind as I state my name when this guy named Antonov asked for it. I turn my back only to see the man who throws fireball laughing hysterically. The girl beside him just frowns while taking a sip on his drink. “De Caprio? LOL. Are you related to that titanic guy who froze to death?” He continued and starts laughing like a stupid maniac that he is. The other customers in this fast food chain are looking at our direction while mumbling words to each other. I even heard rants about him disrespecting their crush from the old titanic movie. I faced him back and smiled sarcastically while waiting for his joyful moment to stop. I can’t help rolling my eyes while watching his every move. From the way his jaw moves up and down, his teeth that is visible from my sight while his eyes are closed and holding hard to his stomach because of intense laughing. I want to put a liter of alcohol on my skin as I felt his saliva falling to it. I grab a tissue from the table and wipe it then threw it at his face. The used tissue went directly to his widely open mouth that made him stop laughing and looks at me bewildered while his mouth is gaping open. It was now my turn to laugh as he stands up from his chair and hurriedly went to the bathroom to remove the stuck tissue from his mouth. He even bumps on the guy I pushed and ran away from a while ago. He stopped for a moment and looks curiously at the guy who just pass by him. He took a deep breath before shaking his head and walk back to his seat next to mine. “What happened to Gene?” He asked while looking at the direction he went. The rest on the table just shrugged as his eyes turned to me. I took a deep breath before smiling slightly and answered him. “I just told them that my surname is De Caprio... He’s just an id—“ I stopped midway when he cut off with another stupid question. “De Caprio? Like the Leonardo who froze to death in titanic movie way back?” He curiously asked that made me roll my eyes in disbelief. I faced him and look straight at his deep green orb that feels like he sucks me into staring more to it. I shook my head to remove the thought away and took a deep breath to calm myself. “He’s Leonardo DICAPRIO and I am a De Caprio. Note the difference, come on.” I scoffed and took a bite of the chicken that’s left on my plate. I was busy munching the meat when a strong hand is placed over my shoulder. I could feel the heat emitting from his palms as he push it deeper and hold tighter. “Get your f*****g hands off me!” I shouted while trying to remove his grip but he didn’t bulge, instead made the heat more intense to the point that it made me sweat and scream in pain. “She said remove your hands off her, Gene.” The other guy seriously said while looking at him dead in the eye. Even with the pain I was feeling, I can still clearly saw him starting to remove one glove off his hand without breaking contact. Gene wandered his eyes to the surrounding as he saw the people looking at us and murmuring about the scene. Some even had their phones aimed directly at us while chatting with their seatmates. I could also see the staff and even the manager getting out from the kitchen area and starts walking at our direction. The devil beside me took a deep breath and slowly removes his hands off me while raising them in the air and rolling his eyes nonstop. He grabs his bag from his seat and went out the door. “I’m sorry for that, here... Let me fix you up,” the girl put her hand towards the direction where that Gene burned my skin. I quickly examine it and boil in anger as I saw the scar and redness caused by it. The girl nods at the other two and they tried to cover us while acting as if their checking up on me. I closed my eyes as I felt the cooling and refreshing sensation from his palms coming on to my veins. As soon as she removes her hand, I quickly examine the site and gape wide in shock when I saw no evidence of burnt skin in there aside from the burn on my shirt. “Hi, do you feel any pain or anything? I’m a student nurse in here and I manage to pass by. Can I check up on you to make sure you’re okay?” A lady wearing white uniform went to our direction. She smiled sweetly at me and slowly shift her glance to the area where Gene hold it up. Her brows furrowed as he saw the burnt mark on my shirt that’s why I faked a laugh and wave my hand at her. “Oh no, we’re okay... Just a little misunderstanding,” I told her while kicking the feet of whoever is in front of me to cover up my lies. He glared at me before looking at the girl who has suspicion on her eyes and smiled at her. “I think you do have something to treat, doc...” He started acting and gently grabs the girl’s hands and put it on his chest. “Can you hear my heart beating? Maybe not because you’ve stolen it now.” He winked at her that made her pull her hands off from him. “If you don’t have a heart, then you should be dead by now.” She sarcastically said before turning her back on us and walks away. I tried hard not to laugh at what happened especially that his reaction screams confusion and a little bit hurt but I can’t and blurted out laughing. “She said you should be dead by now, aren’t you?” I taunted and laughed at him. He slowly shifted his glance on to me that made me stop when I saw an unreadable and mysterious emotion in his eyes. “Stop with that. We are here to tell you one thing...” Antonov said and looks directly at me. “We are not normal...” His first words dropped like a bomb that made me froze for a second. I do know that they are not normal, including me but the thing that shocked me is to realize that I’m not the only one with this crazy, unusual skills or whatever you call it. “As I had told you earlier, I am Antonov and I have the ability to replicate objects. The one who walks away earlier is Gene and as you already know, he has the ability to wield fire and emit heat.” He stopped and shifts his glance at the girl beside me who smiles slightly before extending her arms. “I’m Micaelle but you can call me Mica. As for my ability, I’m a psychic surgeon that means I can heal any form of wound and stop pain.” She whispered the last line to my ear. Good thing that we’re kind of far away from the others so they won’t hear what we are talking about. So Antonov is the replicator, Gene the evil fire wielder and Mica the healer. I slowly raise my head to see the last person, only to see him also staring right back at me with a serious expression on his face. He took a deep breath and extends his arms without breaking eye contact with me. “I am Nathaniel Rosario, a psychic with a rare and deadly ability to drain your power and strength and we...” He held my hand tightly and smiled warmly at me. “We would like you to be part of our team and be with us even on the other side...”
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