Chapter 19: Other Mother

1004 Words
Nathan’s POV   “Miss, stop!” I tried stopping her while running towards her direction. She abruptly stopped and then continuous to run, faster than she did a while ago.   She ran to the grassy area in this high way and ran to the end part where an old abandoned trailer is found. I stopped and waited for the others who are also running to our direction. Gene had a smug look on his face while mumbling something below his breath.   Aside from the Cerberus whom we can hide the identity and truth because  of Antonov’s friend, Gene’s case is an exemption because he physically, magically shown his quirk of flame that is a lot more explaining to do.   “Where is she?” Gene asked. I pointed my fingers at the direction where she went and the rest goes in there. I sighed and followed them until we reach the destination.   My eyes roam the place and make face when I saw how abandoned and disgusting this place is. Aside from the fact that it is full of garbage, tons of metals scattered in the area. There is something that used to be a house on the center of this place. The roof and windows are broken and shards of glass can be seen inside. There are also lots of bugs and spider web that can be seen through the broken window.   “This place is just horrible. If she ever hid here, for sure that she is crazy as hell. It’s so scary that I can feel bad aura emitting in this place,” Mica said while rubbing the palms of her hands against her arms.   I stopped and closed my eyes to feel what she is trying to imply right now. It is true that this place has an eerie vibe when we went here, but as I tried to focus, I can feel my body shiver not in fear but in excitement as the power of the bad element grows as time passes by.   “This will just mean...” Mica stopped when we heard a loud, screaming noise from inside the house that made us all stop.   “No! Stop it! I said I don’t want to be with you anymore!” Someone continued shouting from inside. We did not waste any second and ran to her direction. Gene kicked the door open and as it sprung free, I can feel the air that slaps our entire body as we went through.   As time passes by, the eerie feelings grows and the air seems so less for us to breath normally. The house is quite big, a two floored unit but it still is filled with dirt and bugs all over.   “Hush...” Mica said and put a finger on her lips before closing her eyes and feeling the entity that is residing this house.   “I-It’s too powerful. I can’t really tell whether there are spirits or bad elements lurking in this area but when I do, it’s too freaking powerful...”   My eyes wander in different direction and saw the picture frames hanging on the wall and also lying on top of the cabinet. I slowly make my way to the frames and wipe the dirt using the back of my hands. It reveal a photo of what I think is a family with the mother and father holding two identical babies while both grandparents are on the side.   They are happily looking at the camera while their lips are on full smile. I gently put it back and was about to leave when I saw another frame, facing down. I grabbed it and wipe it only to see the image of two identical women, hugging each other while facing the camera. One of them is wearing a wedding gown while the other is a long flowery dress with a flower crown on her head. At the side of the photo is the groom who is smiling but there is something wrong in here.   The groom is facing the woman with a flower crown on his head with sad eyes. I squint my eyes to see the man and grabbed the frame I was holding a while ago to compare it.   I knew it...   The groom photo is the same man who is in the family picture. The only question that lingers in my head is that... Who is he? Who are they and what happened here? We heard a loud thud on the second floor accompanied by continuous footsteps. We waste no time and run to the stairs, only to be bumped in the girl who is panicking while running down the stairs. We fell on the ground and she fell on top of me. We stood frozen in place as I looked directly at her beautiful, light blue orbs that screamed curiosity, anger and fear.   “No one will get out of here alive. You are now my child!” A cold, scary voice said from somewhere. I slowly shift my glance and my eyes widen in shock when I saw a woman in white flowing dress, tainted with blood as her face is full of stabs and her neck has scars, walking down the stairs while her full white orbs are staring directly at us. Her mouth suddenly opened and released a loud shriek.   “Run!” The girl on top of me shouted and grabbed me from the collar. She tried running to the door but it suddenly closed and created a loud sound. The dusty furniture starts moving and blocking all the ways to escape this house.   Saddened, the girl went to our location while facing the woman walk down and come nearer to us. Her eyes is now full of bravery as her fist are clinched and with a gritting teeth, she whispered without removing her attention to the woman in front of us.   “I will not stay with you again... You’re just nothing but our...   Other mother...”
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