Chapter 40

1037 Words
Carina’s POV   Every step I take from this stairs, the noise coming from the upper floor rises. Her voice screams agony and despair while furniture rumbles all over. I tried so hard to keep my eyes straight on the walkway, ignoring all the stares, the eyes that pierces up to my spine. The stares that are not just from the gang, but the stares from all of the ghost residing in this area.   Ghosts...   Really lots of ghosts...   They come near us, embracing and touching our skin every time they have the chance. They flock all over us and I knew my gang mates are shivering due to the unseen force that are hugging them right now. But I knew better...   I can see them. I can see them clearly and I’m already used to it to the point that their burned faces, rotting skin, and bulging eyes or even in capitated limbs does not scare me at all.   ‘Ha, who are you kidding Carina?’ A voice echoed on the back of my mind. I stopped for a moment and took a couple of deep breaths to relieve my shaking body. I smiled sadly and turn my head to the group who are just behind my back and waiting for my next move.   Of course, I am scared... But to be the one who could only see this and probably save these people from ugly truths, I must be brave... So brave to the point that I’m faking it.   “We’re always right behind you no matter what. Now, go...” Nathan gently taps my shoulder and smiles at me. I smiled back and took another deep breath and walk towards the door where all the noise are coming from. The door I’m sure that is hers because of the initials engraved on it.   M.C   Maria Clarissa... My long lost twin sister. The sister that our grandparents separate us from away from each other and live to different countries far away. I lived in Russia and been fed and taken care of the twin sister of my mom. The same twin sister that told our grandparents to take the other kid away as soon as our parents died from an accident.   I raise my hand and softly knock on her door. The noise suddenly stopped and everything became eerily quiet. I took a step back when I heard footsteps coming toward us and then the door sprung open in front of us, revealing the woman that is always on my dream even before I met Nathaniel and the others.   Tears started to stream off my eyes as it landed on the sight of her. It seems like I am standing in front of the mirror because of the uncanny resemblance between the two of us. She has long, black hair up to her waist. She is wearing a yellow dress, just like what she used to wear when we were still kids. I did not hesitate and hugged her tight while sobbing into her shoulder. I closed my eyes tightly and hugged her even tighter to feel any heat but no... Nothing happened. She did not hugged me back nor wipe my tears the way she used to do when we were young. Her body does not emit the same heat I used to feel just by the touch of her.   I slowly took a step back and stare at her for a long time. Her eyes are dull and her lips are already pale. Her hair is long but also messy as hell and her dress is a faded color of yellow with a few stains on it.   She looks like me but... She is no longer the Maria I used to hang out with.   “What do you need?” Her cold voice send shiver down to my spine. Her gaze shifted to the people behind me and her eyes glared at me. I could see the anger and hatred deep within those eyes and before I knew it, she closed the doors hard in front of my face and created a loud sound. If it was not for Nathan who pulled me before the door closes, for sure it would already hit my face and bleed.   Bleed...   The stains on her clothes... They were not normal dirt stains.   Blood.   My eyes widen in horror and gasp in shock when scenes stars flashing right before me. The ghosts from the hallway walks and passes through the walls, directly to her room.   “No!” I shouted and knock on the door continuously. Remus tried stopping me when he saw blood dripping on my fist but I resist and continue knocking hard on her door.   Lots of ghosts were roaming here earlier but now, I did not see any single soul of them. They were all gone and already entered Maria’s room.   “G-Guys, p-please help her... The g-ghosts...” I tried telling them in between my sobs when the door slowly opened wide and show the nightmare I’ve been seeing all my life.   Maria is sitting on the bed, directly staring at us. Her skin is getting pale than a while ago and her hair is as messy as this whole place is. The windows are closed and the only light that illuminates the place is the little lamp of the bed side table.   She was laughing in a mix of different voices and then sings to the tune of the song we used to sing before.   “You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey...”   “H-Holy sht...” Someone blurted out behind my back and pointed at the thing in the wall slowly moving backwards...   I cried as she started bleeding everywhere as the cross on top of her starts rotating into a reverse one. The sign of the demon taking over. She looks directly at me and smiled as she sings the last part that sent shiver all over my body.   “You'll never know dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away...”
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