Chapter 39

1115 Words
Nathan’s POV   Carina is silent for the whole ride. Nobody tries to play the song You are my Sunshine anymore because of the images forming beside her. After repeatedly saying about Bloody Maria, she passed out and woke up silent and colder than ever.   “Are we near?” Gene tried asking her while his eyes are on the road. Good thing that we manage to get ourselves a new vehicle where all of us could fit in and who knows that Gene could even drive one?   Carina tilted her head and glance at the surroundings before nodding her head. She pointed directions until we get to the place wherein an old house was built, and is now abandoned because of the structure of it now.   “What shall we do here?” I asked, sensing if the topic is too sensitive for her to handle or not. She weave a deep sigh and opened the car door beside her and hops off the car.   The gate is already rusty and created an eerie sound as we tried swinging it open. Carina didn’t wait any second and kicked it hard and then walk directly at the doorstep.   I looked at the rest of the gang but they just shrugged their shoulder and keep walking next to her.   "Do you want me to open it up for you?" Gene suggested when we realized she was not opening it, just standing in front of the door as if waiting for it to completely open.   She shrugged and took a deep breath as she hold the doorknob. She was about to twist it when the door suddenly opens and a familiar music echoed in the air.   You are my sunshine, my only sunshine You make me happy when skies are grey   "What are you doing here?" An old lady asked as soon as she opened the door. Her color is pale and her hair is as white as snow. She has this long, tangled hair that almost covers her face and just hang freely at the level of her butt.   Her teeth are missing possibly due to old age but that doesn't change the fact that she looks creepy as hell.   "Nana!" Carina exclaimed and hugs the old lady tightly. The latter seemed confuse at first but when Carina showed an old picture she took from her pocket, the old woman's eyes widen in disbelief.   "D-Danna, is that really you?" She unbelievably asked as tears starts streaming down her face.   "M-My dauntless Danna, you are really back..." She sobbed hard while hugging her tightly and whispering words into her ear.   Carina, still crying, motioned us to go inside and move her Nana's body to the side to allow us to enter.   "I'm not feeling any good in here..." Mica uttered under her breath while hugging her body tightly. I shook my head and fought the shiver that is running through my body.   You’ll never know dear, how much I love you Please don't take my sunshine away...   The sound was coming from an old radio and is playing across the house. The audio seems a bit rusty but the voice of the female singer who covered it years ago is still cold as ever.   Moira Dela Torre, the singer from the Philippines.   I shook my head and tried to remove from my mind the horror movie involving that song and now that we are here, it gives a more eerie and scary feels all over my body.   “You grew up so fast, Danna. You really look like your mother...” I overheard Nana telling her. I stopped for a moment and roam my eyes around the house. From the outside, it is a three story house probably built on the world war age.  The wooden floors creak every time someone stepped into it. The windows are rusty and the glasses are full of dirt as if it’s been abandoned for a long time.   “T-Thank you Nana but...” Carina took a deep breath and faced her Nana and stare directly at her eye. “W-Where is she?”   Silence...   The room went silent after she said those words. Her Nana’s expression changed into a dull one and turned her back on us.   “Why do you still need to see that selfish, weird and crazy twin of yours?” She grabbed the basket from the table and walk to the door.   “I’m leaving, and you all should leave to before I got back here. You don’t know how much Clarissa had changed over time. She’s starting to be a freak just like your father,” she scoffed and shook her head before heading out.   Mica walked to her direction and pats her back lightly. Gene shrugged his shoulder and starts wandering around the house. He went to the kitchen to grab some coffee and offered his cup to us. I just waved my hand and walks near the girls' direction.    “Hush, we’ll find your sister okay?” I heard Mica whispered on her ear as I pass by them. I was about to talk when the radio abruptly stopped and the strong winds caused the door and the windows to close. The morning has just began when we went here and it is unusual for this hour to be this windy unless there is a storm coming up. The warm and bright sun says otherwise and the only reason I could think as to why this happens is the same to what happens when we were back in Carina's place. Deja vu.   Carina’s breathing became rugged as her eyes moves to random directions as if staring at something. I watched carefully as she closed her eyes tightly and take a couple of deep breaths.   “Is there any problem?” I asked while looking at every direction her eyes went. She shook her head and shrugged her shoulders before walking to the old staircase in front of us. She stopped for a while and turned her head a bit before smiling slightly at us.   “Sometimes, I really think my ability to see the paranormal and predict the future is a curse...” She starts walking ahead while continuing her speech. Her next words left us frozen for a minute as a loud shriek and stumbling of furniture has been heard starts escalating from the upper floor.    “But do you ever wonder how hard it is for my sister to always see the past and hear those unwanted voices in her head?”      
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