Chapter 60

1823 Words
Nathan’s POV   “I’m pretty sure you’ll top the class like you always do,” a female voice said. I tilted my head to see her but her face is blocked by the sun shining brightly in front of us. I roam my eyes on the surroundings and see that I am in what seemed to be a cafeteria I never went before.   ‘Where am I?’ I asked to myself and kept looking. The people around me are like in a haze... Their faces are blurred and all I can see is their mouth opening while laughing and talking to each other. I can’t understand any word that made my brows furrowed in confusion.   “LOL stop flattering me. There are many genius students on our batch so I highly doubt that I’ll get the title.” I froze in spot when I heard that VERY familiar voice coming from behind me. I slowly tilted my head and my mouth gape wide when I saw in a vivid image the man who is in front of me.   His laugh, awkward smile and gentle stares at the girl I can’t fathom who is enough for my head to spin like crazy once more.   ‘What am I doing here? This is not my memories... I know because –“ I feel my body getting numb all of a sudden as the man turned his gaze on me. His gentle stares to her suddenly became cold and lifeless while staring intently at me. His mouth slowly formed a smirk as he slowly mutters the words that snap me back to reality.   “I’m coming for you...”   “Nathan!”   “Nathan!”   “Nathan!”   A loud slap across my face awakens me from that nightmare. My mouth is gaping wide as I continuously gasp for air. I could feel bits of sweat running down my forehead even though the room is well ventilated.   “What the hell are you thinking of? You kept on repeating your name and then shout like a stupid man. Are you insane?” Mica shook her head in disbelief and damps a wet and warm towel on my forehead.   “You’re temperature a while ago before you became hysterical is around 37.5 F. Slightly elevated but with the reaction you have earlier, it may be a bad sign for you though...” She grabs another towel from the side table and gently damps it on my skin. She continuously cleanses my upper limbs and doesn’t seem to care when she starts on my bare chest.   I took the time that she’s distracted and stares at her intently. This is quite the first time she’s close to me except for the previous instances that we’re in a near death situation.   “Stop staring...” I stifle a laugh and shook my head and scans the room, only to be stoned when I saw another bed beside me. Mica seems to feel my reaction and tilted her gaze to the woman sleeping on the bed.   “Oh... Maria also had a THING during the session. She’s quite stable now but I’m still closely monitoring her and –“ She stopped talking as she closed her eyes hard while holding her head. Based on her expression, I now have an idea as to what is happening to her.   Mental telepathy...   And there is only one person I know that is capable of doing that.   “Sorry, Nath. Sir Ichigo is asking for my presence to report on what happened yesterday afternoon.” Before I could open my mouth, the door already closed as she left without bidding goodbye. I scratch the back of my head and removed the now dried and cold cloth on my forehead and put it on the side.   I was about to go back to sleep when my body shivers as I heard her cold voice from behind.   “I’m coming for you...”   I slowly tilted my head and saw Maria who is now awake and intently staring at me. I could feel different emotions coming from her but what struck me most is the rage burning in her eyes. It only passed for a second before coming back to an emotionless state. Her lips slowly form a curve that made me froze on the spot as my dream starts rushing back to me.   “Mica said I should check on you tw—Maria? Oh my God you’re awake!” Carina came rushing in and leaps on her twin on the bed. She hugged her tight, facing on the other side while Maria is in front of me, still smirking like a while ago.   ‘Something’s not right here,’ I said at the back of my mind and closed my eyes shut.   “I’m coming for you...” She whispered without making any sound before fainting once again.   “Maria?! Maria! Nathan, help!” Carina shrieked that made me snap back to reality. I hurriedly scooped Maria on my hand and carried her gently. Carina opened the door while I run towards the infirmary where the healers where.   I look all over and saw students staring at us with confused looks on their faces. I didn’t give a s**t and continued running until I saw a group of healers together with Mica who is coming to our direction. They didn’t seem to notice at first but when Carina starts shouting and calling her name, we got their attention and they immediately run to our spot.   One of the healers ordered to get a stretcher and the other one gladly obliged. Not a minute had passed and Ros came flashing through pulling a stretcher from his arms. The man a while ago seemed so dizzy after getting pulled by him as he went to the bushes and puke.   “What the hell happened?” Mica asked in frustration as soon as Ros and the healers took Maria away. Carina is still in daze while staring blankly at the spot where her twin was taken away. I turned my attention back to Mica who is intently staring at me. I took a couple deep breaths and shook my head as I also don’t know what had happened.   ‘She just told me twice the words HE said on my dream then she fainted...’ I’d like to voice out but I’m sure it will lead to more questions that I don’t even have the answer for.   Or maybe I know...   For the man I was seeing vividly on my dreams is none other than the man I take his vessel with...   And he is none other than the real owner of this body...   Nathaniel Rosario... -- “She’s stable now. We’re still waiting for the results of the lab tests to show if there are any complications but so far, she’s doing well. You can visit her now.” We nod at the healer who is in charge of her. She also nodded and waves her hand before going to other patients.   Carina is the one who opened the door while the rest of the squad went in. I took a deep sigh and slowly walks and enters the door. Upon entering, I saw them having fun and laughing with each other. Maria is now sitting on the bed and shyly laughing on Remus’ remarks.   “I guess it’s better to have Klio as the trainer. I almost died because of that Amazona,” he shook his head in disbelief that made Gene laughed so hard that everyone looked at him.   “You guys should have seen his face when Sheritan said...” He corrects his posture and makes a serious face while mimicking the girl they were talking about.   “Let me show you how trainers should be treated, Remus. Are you ready?”   Everyone bursts out laughing when he tried altering his pitch to match hers but failed miserably. I can’t help myself and also laughed that made everyone stopped and looked at my direction.   I maintained a straight face as I walk closer to them and cross my arms.   “What? You’re the only ones allowed to laugh?” I asked in a serious tone that made them burst in laughter.   “You sounded like Sir Ichigo,” Mica commented and laughed to her hearts content. I shook my head and held my temporal area when I hear his words on our head.   “I didn’t sound like that lol.” He said and stifle a laugh. “By the way, get well soon, Maria. And for the rest of the squad, we’ll resume your training after your classes today. Thank you and be prepared.” The voice faded which means he’s already out of our head.   “He’s really something...” Remus commented and everyone agreed in unison. -- “We already have class in the next ten minutes. We’ll just get back here after that, okay?” Mica assured her but Maria just slowly shook his head.   “I heard the announcement. There will be another training after the class. Don’t worry about me...” She smiled at us and gave everyone a hug as they waved goodbye to her.   “I’ll bring you your favorite food before I go to training okay?” Carina told her and kissed her cheeks before running next to the squad.   “We’re now running late. Get well soon,” I said without looking and turned my back at her. I was about to walk away when she gently held my arm that made me stopped and looked at her.   Her eyes are now on their normal shade and warm expression that made me soften a bit. I nod at her and lightly caress her hair before waving my hands.   “Nathan,” she called. I lower my hand and smiled at her a little before answering her call.   “Yes?”   My smile suddenly faded and the hair on my body starts to rise when I heard her next words.   “I’m coming for you...”   I keep a straight face and looked at her intently. Her expression didn’t change at all as she continued what she was saying.   “That’s the words he wanted you to know... Take care of yourself, Nathan.   I don’t know who he really is but... He is coming for you.”
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