Chapter 61

1955 Words
Nathan’s POV   “Where did you go last summer? I never saw you posting anything on f*******:,” I overheard Mica asking Gene. He just whispered something in her ear that made her flushed while the latter laugh loudly.   “I really had a great time monster hunting, I hope we’ll do it next time and bring them with us,” Remus said while talking with the twins. As I’ve heard, since the three of them doesn’t have any family to come home to during the summer break, they venture together and go monster hunting.   “How about you, Nathan? How’s life in Seattle?” Their focus shifted on me and waits for an answer. I slowly shook my head and smiled a little at them.   “Seattle’s fine. Family’s good...” I mumble under my breath and laughs awkwardly.   “Come on, I don’t want to be late on our first day...” I told them and start walking to our new building.   Months easily passed and here we are, starting our first day as second year students. The previous months are weird and fun at the same time. Our special training also stopped before the school year ends last time so I had to still practice even if I’m at home. Especially that I’m starting to gain some memories from the real owner of this vessel...   Almost everyone had a blast summer while here I am... Being a f*****g detective and getting paranoid after knowing one thing...   “Nathan!” Nathalie shouted from the living room. I went home to Seattle where Nathaniel Rosario lives to at least rest for a while before going back to school in which I didn’t expect it to become more difficult as time passes by.   “Why is it, Mom?” I asked back and lazily went up the bed only to see her standing in the door with a smile on her face.   “I really love it when you called me that,” she said a bit teary eyed and then went back to her serious face.   “By the way, the police came by to ask some questions regarding the accident of...” She stopped in her tracks and slowly shook her head and then smiled again at me.   “I know it’s still hard to process and it’s been almost a year now but... They still have no lead as to who tried killing you because you were never here to speak up about it,” she muttered word by word especially the last line. I froze to what she said as my chest starts pumping real hard. Memories of me finding Nathan’s body suddenly flashed on my mind like a movie.   The way I found him half buried and almost lifeless, no strength left that made it easy for me to take over his vessel and live his life for now to fulfill the mission I still don’t know what to do about. The broken glasses, the shovel used to bury him that just lies on the ground and more importantly...   The man whom I bump into before I found his body and the rest was history. -- “What I was saying Mr. Rosario is that... You only have few months left before this turns into a cold case and possibly be closed because of the lack of lead. It’s been a year yet we don’t even have an idea who your attacker is. If you don’t want to cooperate and let it slip away, just tell it directly to us. We’ve been wasting our time and energy trying to solve this yet you who almost died looks like you don’t care whether we find him/her or not.”   I keep my mouth shut while the officers grab their files and bid goodbye to Nathalie and didn’t even manage to look at me. She walk them to the door and talks for a few more minutes before closing the door and turning her back to look at me.   “Why did you do that, Nathan? Why do you keep on being quiet and just spill the truth for this to be over now?” She shouted. This is the first time I saw her this angry because usually, she’s just calm and always gentle on me.   I took a deep breath and bit my lower lip and shook my head lightly before facing her with serious expression.     “I don’t know...” I answered softly and turn my gaze away. Her brows furrowed and clenched her fist while shouting again.   “What do you mean I don’t know? What the hell is h—“   “I don’t know who did that...” She stopped in her tracks and suddenly became soft. She lay her body on the couch while staring blankly at the ceiling. It took her a couple more minutes before she faced me with eyes streaming down her face.   “W-What do you mean by... Oh God, I-I’m so sorry for pushing this Nathan,” she start sobbing real hard while her palms are hiding her face. I exhaled sharply and walk closer to her and rub her back to ease the discomfort. We’re in that awkward position for almost 10 minutes before she finally calm down. I handed her a bottle of water from the table that she immediately took and consume. She wipe her face using the towel she got from somewhere and after a few more minutes turn her attention to me.   Her eyes are red and swelling due to crying. She tried smiling but it looks so awkward. She even faked a cough to clear her throat and grabbed my hands and gently caress them.   “I’m sorry...” I nod at her and continues listening as she continue her sentence.   “It’s just that... I don’t want the case to be closed or be a cold one because of the lack of lead. I just want to... g-give you the j-justice you deserve.” Her voice cracked once more but she still managed to say the things that are bugging her even though she is already running out of breath.   “I will find the culprit no matter what it takes... Even if it cost my life, I will do everything for you, son.” -- “Hey, you seemed familiar,” a man wearing a guard’s uniform eyed me from head to toe. His eyes widen in realization and called his colleagues that are within the vicinity.   “Rielle! Adam! Guess who’s here!” He shouted. The students who are peacefully walking near us stopped and their attention turned to us. The girl smacked him on the face and shoo the students away.   “You’re so noisy, Bryan. What’s with the shouting anyw—“ The pen she was holding fell to the ground when her eyes met mine.     “Is he...” She slowly uttered while pointing her fingers at me. Her eyes still widen in shock while her mouth gapes wide.   “Yes! He’s the boy we found buried before!” Bryan exclaimed and pats me quite hard on my shoulders. I winced in pain but he’s suffering more when Rielle smacks him one more time on to his abdomen.   “I’m sorry for what he did. What brings you here?” She continue scanning me from head to toe like Bryan did when Adam step in and looks directly into my eyes.   I don’t know if it’s just me or I really saw his orbs shifting in color. I almost stumble from the ground when I remember bright yellow eyes shining before I totally pass out a year before.   Could it be?   Is he...   “It’s already lunch time. I think you have lots to ask us,” he said and waves his hand before walking away. Before he left, his mouth formed a smirk and muttered some words I clearly understand.   “You’re the one...” -- “Well, that’s it. We tried looking for the person who did that to you but I never saw anyone since it’s already raining hard and also too dark that time,” Rielle continued after telling their side of the story. I just nod and smiled at them but the heavy feeling is still on my chest. I went here to the school where the real Nathan graduated hoping to find some evidence or any lead about what happened to him.   I admit I got excited and hopeful when I saw the guards whom found him the night before but it all fades out with what they said.   “Thank you for your time,” I sincerely said and looks at my watch. Lunch time’s already over and I’m sure they will now go back to their post.   “I’m heading out now...” I waved my hand and bid goodbye before turning my back on them. I was about to leave when a strong force held my shoulders, stopping me from walking. I slowly tilted my head and saw the big guy named Adam behind me. He grabs my palm and put something into it before closing it into a fist.   “I saw it before I step out from the crime scene... I don’t know how this is related but I’m sure this will help.”   I’m already out from the campus when I finally opened my fist and saw the thing that Adam put in my hand.   A golden clip.   I snap back to reality when Gene taps me on the back.   “Hey man, you’ve been spacing out for too long. We’re already here in front of our room and you are blocking the way,” he whispered in my ear and pointed at the queue behind me.   I immediately took a step back and apologize to anyone who can’t pass through earlier. I heard the girls chuckle as they enter our new room and finds a seat enough for the six of us to be together again.   “Welcome to your second year! I swear things will be tougher in here but you’ll definitely enjoy it as much as I do.” A man in about his mid-20’s greeted us and roams his eyes around the room. He’s quite familiar but I don’t know where I met him or if I even do because Nathan and my memories are in chaos and getting tangled right now.   “By the way, I just applied to this academy so most of you didn’t know me,” he stifle a laugh and then gets back to being serious. He looks at us intently and smirks. My mouth fell open as gasps where heard everywhere when he introduced himself.   “I’m Roché Linux Freud, your new adviser for the entire semester or school year and yes...   I am the older brother of Roscoe Levi Freud, one of your admired MH member. Let’s get this class rising to the top, shall we?”
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