Chapter 59

1570 Words
Carina’s POV   “So why are we doing this again?” I asked out of frustration. Cashmere shook his head gently and taps me lightly on my shoulders. I just woke up for the nth time and yet the look on his face doesn’t change one bit.   “What did you dreamed of this time?” He asked. I closed my eyes tightly and tried remembering if I ever had a premonition a while ago. I just sighed in defeat and sadly smiled at him. He knowingly nods at me and stand up to get something from the table.   We are currently in a bed room the academy permitted us to use. It is only the two of us and I have to admit I still have doubt what he plans on doing with me or if he is plotting bad against me.   “Stop thinking nonsense, Carina. I don’t touch you or anything bad that’s running through your mind right now.” I feel my face heated as he says those words. I tried avoiding his gaze but he walk to my direction and sat at the edge of the bed.   “One of your psychic ability is to see the future, right?” He asked again and I nodded in response. I still avoid his gaze but look like he doesn’t care and continued talking.   “What’s your capacity?” He asked that made me looked at him. I took a deep sigh and smiled sadly.   “I only see the future when my dream permits me to see it. It’s not every night that I’m having a premonition but when it does, it doesn’t stop until it happens already.” I face palmed and shook uncontrollably as I still remember the thing that’s bugging me.   “But...” He lightly massages my back when I started sobbing hard. I’m getting out of breath as I feel a big lump on my throat preventing me to speak out. He handed me a glass of water and I immediately took it drink.   “Thank you,” I said after a moment of silence. He just nods at me and provides enough space for us in the bed. Now I feel a bit ashamed for thinking that way about him when in fact he’s one hell of a good guy.   “Do you want to continue the story? It’s okay and I understand if you don’t...” I waved my hand in front of him and cleared my throat. I feel my eyes getting watery again but I closed it shut and prevents from being too emotional like a while ago.   “I’m still seeing my twin, Maria being bloody as hell. The thing here is...” I took a couple of deep breaths before continuing what I was saying. He was just looking at me intently and listens to my story.   “Before we got here, we are taken by the first members of the squad. You know, Nathan, Gene and Mica?” He nodded and I continued.   “I always dreamed of her being bloody Maria and all until we went to her place, in my old and greedy grandmother who held her captive a-and...” My voice cracked as tears starts flowing down my face. I burst into tears once more but I tried to be brave to finally say what’s been bugging me.   “I s-still dream of her being... bloody.”   I stand up from the bed and grabbed the backpack from the side. I hurriedly went to the door and opened it but what he said stopped me and caught my attention.   “We all have premonitions that we do not want to happen... I also saw the death of...” I slowly turned my head and saw him smiling yet his eye says otherwise.   “Our next session will be training you to control your thoughts and be free to see the future without just dreaming of them.” I nodded at him and faced the door ready to leave. I was already outside when he said something that pierce at the coldest part of my heart.   “Being a seer can be both a curse and a blessing. We don’t want to see our loved ones dying but we also want to see them in order to prevent them from happening. Think on the positive side and let your ability help you to save them from being on the other side...”   Nathan’s POV “Nice one, Nathan.” Sir Ichigo praised as I successfully managed to drain the energy of a wild bear. He walks through our direction and examined the bear that is peacefully laying down the ground. He looks like he’s just sleeping but exhaustion is visible in his eyes.   “Normal breath sounds... Congrats, you didn’t suck the hell out of him,” he continued and offered a high five.   “So, what should we do next? What animal would I put to rest?” I asked while sitting on the ground just below the big oak tree. It’s quite cool in here unlike the field where Remus and Gene were training with Ros and Sheritan.   Sir Ichigo walks out without saying anything. I just rest my back on the trunk and closed my eyes peacefully.   We’ve been practicing to drain the energy of animals and plants to the level he wanted. He seems happy with the results and so am I because I’ve been training secretly at times in order to prevent the same thing from happening.   I slowly opened my eyes when I heard a dragging sound near my location. My attention flew to Sir Ichigo who is now dragging a helpless man and almost dead man in front of me.   “What the hell? I don’t plan on murdering someone!” I blurted out. He just laughed at my reaction and shook his head as he assisted the man and lay him comfortably on the ground. He looks like he’s been attack by something or someone because of the wounds on his skin. His flesh is already showing and he already looks pale due to blood loss. His eyelids are drooping and his skin felt dry, including his mouth that is a sign of dehydration.   “Right in front of you is a man who is attacked by the bear you put to sleep earlier,” Sir Ichigo said and pointed at the bear who is still sleeping. He turned his attention back to the man and examine his wounds.   “I know that bear attacked someone because of the skin trapped on his nails. Also, I called someone from the healers to help but I know he’ll die while waiting so...”   He looks at me intently in the eye as a smirk slowly forms into his lips. He is not saying a word but I know what is running on his mind.   “Yes, Nathan. We’ll do the reverse process. Give the energy you sucked from them and transfer it to him,” he commanded and provided me space to do my task.   “How? I never tried this one before...” I admitted and sighed in defeat. The man’s breathing is slow and I know a few more seconds wasted will lead to his death eventually.   “There’s no harm in trying, Nathan. As long as you did your best, then it is the best already...”   I froze in spot and smiled at him when I heard his words. Those are not directly from him but...   “Salvatore Gertrude told me that... Even though I am way advanced than them, his words are still on my mind and I keep holding on to it, hoping he’ll eventually come back soon...” Pain and longing is visible on his eyes. He snaps back to reality when we heard the faint breathing of the man.   “Hurry up!” He said. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath while slowly pressing my palms on his chest. I cleared my mind and think the other way... Transferring the energy instead of sucking it from them.   I could feel my hand shaking but I stood firm as I also feel the loss of energy from me. I stopped and removed my palms when I feel his heart beating and hear him gasping for air.   “W-What happened...” He asked and looks at us. He first saw the bear and then Sir Ichigo but when his eyes met mine, I saw anger that passes through it.   “He saved you...” Sir Ichigo explained. I heard footsteps coming near us and they were the healers that he called. The man is now getting treatment but his eyes is not leaving me even until he was taken away.   “What was that?” He asked. I just shrugged my shoulders and was about to walk away when I feel my head spinning.   I can only hear him shouting my name before everything went black.
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