5. Hot and Cold?

1257 Words
    Rosalie P.OV.     This is all happening so fast. Why is it happening so fast?      Is it supposed to be like this?      I go from being the packs trash to the mate to not just one but three Alpha mates?     Tell me I'm not really in the back of their limousine with them.     It isn't possible.      I am dreaming. I have to be, it is the only thing that could possibly make sense.     'Shut up already, it is true! Our mates are real, how could you be freaking out now? We're with them all! Seriously, don't be chickening out on us now. Buck up.'      I let out a scoff while slowly shaking my head slowly.      Angelo snapped me out of my little bubble by clearing his throat, not that I mind all too much.     "I can tell you're having a conversation with your wolf...but....is now really the best time for it?" His voice insanely alluring and even a little breathy.     Oh s**t.      How did I not notice my situation?     I am in Angelo's f*****g lap! When the hell did this even happen?! I am pretty damn certain I had my own spot when I first got on.      Then there's Dante and Adrien. One on either side. Each having a hand resting on my thigh. All attention is still on me.     Am I supposed to say something? Ugh, this is so confusing.     "When would be a good time for you, sir?" I retort before internally cringing. I sound so snide.     It's obvious that they're all thrown off guard by my comment. Hell, so am I and I'm the one who said it.     A few seconds of awkward silence pass as the three gathered themselves.     "I...didn't mean it like that. You know I didn't mean it like that." Angelo grumbled out. It is clear how much he wasn't expecting me to talk back.      "Yeah, no harm was intended. Let's just relax. No need to worry, really," Adrien spoke next, his hand lightly rubbing my thigh. The sparks flew but I am stubborn...when I like to be anyways. They opened a whole new can of worms.     "Do I know that? I just met the three of you. I have no clue what you're really like. You all know and understand what it's like to have a wolf. You don't see me telling you not to be talking to them." I persist and watch from the corner of my eye as they all slowly start to sit themselves back. Creating a little bit of distance.     "That's right. We do understand, but what we don't understand is this sudden disobedience. We are your Alphas. It would do you well that you remember." Dante just had to add in.     He really just said that. Disobedience? How old does he think I am? What does he think I am? I am his mate. All my life I held some type of hope for a mate, to finally be equal with somebody. Now they talk about obedience and that they are my Alphas...?     'Stop while you are ahead, child. I don't need a panicking human. Just breathe. They were raised to be ahead of everybody else. To be at the top. Look at yourself, Alphas are supposed to be with other high ranking individuals but here we are. Compared to them we aren't even dirt in this hierarchy.'     I follow her advise and take a nice, slow breath. Calming myself down enough to realize something else that hasn't occurred to me until now. Where are we going?     I slowly part my lips as I prepare to ask that very question when I notice that all three are dead silent and glaring daggers at each other. Eyes slightly glazed and that's when it clicks in that they're all arguing.     For crying out loud...it went from the sparks of first meeting my mates, to one of my mates almost rejecting me, to us getting hot and bothered....to this.     Three mates for me, YAY! Note the sarcasm.     Angelo P.O.V.     'What in the f**k were you thinking? Are you trying to get us to lose her? She-wolves are complicated but I know that they'll try making a fight out of anything you could give them. Dante you dumb-ass!'  I exclaim through our private link. This fucker can be so sometimes.     'What? Her behaviour is all of a sudden my fault? I didn't make her say or do jack s**t. Don't get pissed with me because her ug-- because she can't control herself. If she wants to throw a meaningless fit, then let her.' Dante scoffed.      'Please tell me you weren't about to say what I think you were about to say...Did we not just get over this? Resolve this crap, and you go and try calling her ugly, again.' Even through the link, Adrien knows how to make his voice boom.     'Does this prick want to fight? Is he trying to call her that again? Mate is perfect! I'll tear him to shreds. Give me control and I will mess him up.' Alessandro just had to add in because his input is 'necessary' apparently. Not that his offer isn't tempting.     'Look, we can't keep arguing. It'll only piss us off even more. Calm, we need to calm down.'  I managed to get out before a piercing growl ripped through the vehicle.     Our eyes all snap open, body rigid. Each of us snapping our glances at each other, my arms tightly winding around Rosalie's waist protectively.     An exasperated sounding huff came from her body as her slender arms crossed over her fine chest.     It took a few seconds for me and the two others to finally pry our gaze from her chest. Only to find that she was giving all of us this look. Man, if looks could kill...high chance it would really have us six feet under.     "Okay, I get that you're my mates and everything but my eyes are up here...I also think that maybe we should hold up a little. I will not be jumping head first into this mating thing...no matter how much Aria tries to sway me. Also, I would really love to know where exactly it is that we are going." The confidence in her voice somehow gave me a sense of pride and there was no hiding this grin from showing.     I begin to nod because it is a reasonable question although I do feel like we will be carrying on this conversation a little later. "We are all staying in the Astral Pack. We have family and friends there so it was easy accommodations."     She slowly began to nod and it seems like that was pretty much it. Us guys toning it down quite a few notches as to avoid getting in trouble. She has appears to become quite difficult when she is angered.      ******     Shortly after we did managed to arrive at our temporary pack house.Only for Dante to ruin the peace with one of his stupid little jokes.     "You really aren't as docile as you initially lead on to be...you do know that, right princess?"      I swear to god I would to punch this bastard but from what happened last time I suppose I should air on the side of caution.      "I don't do it on purpose, I am a really hot then cold kind of person. I usually don't get that aggressive. I am sorry for all of that but I am also rather sure that it will happen in the future."     Well at least she is pretty damned honest.
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