6. Come My Nina

1481 Words
Rosalie P.O.V.      I am the first out of the car, if I wasn’t then I am sure I would have drowned in all of the testosterone.       I stumble a little before taking a deep breath, shaking my head a little. “Okay, see this is much better. Fresh air is— hold on. Let’s back this up, you brought me to Astral Pack?” I ask as soon as I am able to breathe air that doesn’t fog up my mind.       “Oh, no, no, no! Why would you bring me to Astral?! I can’t be in Astral! What time is it?” I practically yell as I frantically pat my body down in search of my device before remembering my handbag. Quickly digging into it and ripping my phone on to check the time.        “You don’t need to worry, Tesoro. You will be staying with us.” Angelo says as he gets out of the limousine.       Dante nods, pointing to Angelo in agreement since he agreed to remain quiet. He didn’t need to spark up anything else and have the boys try biting his head off.       Then it is Adrian's turn to get out of the vehicle and speak up. “We need more information, Dolcezza. Why are you in such a panic?” He asks in a calm voice, deciding to take the thoughtful route on this one.        The fact that Adrian at least took the time to ask what is bothering me really means a lot. “My foster family, I was supposed to relieve the babysitter tonight.” I answer, taking my time to retrieve a calmer state.         “I don’t see how that has anything to do with you. If it’s a foster family, your foster parents can get their own pups from the sitter.” Dante blurts out, that vow of silence being broken at a record speed.       Adrian parts his lips, preparing to speak when I interrupt. “Because it is not that simple, Dante. She won’t even realize the children aren’t there and when they are there who knows what she will do.” I admit defeatedly, a dejected sigh leaving my body as I close my eyes. Rubbing my face in exhaustion.        I sink down to the ground, closing my eyes as I try to think of something to do. Anything that may help with those precious pups.       It is relatively quiet but I can hear one of the boys pacing, each step just barely audible.       Opening up my eyes, tilting my head back to see the three Alphas concentrating. To think that they would all take the time to help think of a solution without understanding the full situation.         “Oh! Tesoro, we could make a call for somebody else to pick them up. It shouldn’t be too difficult.” Angelo suggested, stopping as he spoke up. Him having been the one pacing back and forth.        Adrian held out his hand out for mine and of course I took it to help get back to my feet. Patting myself off to get the little bit of dirt off of my black dress.         *****************       Adrian P.O.V       There is concern written all over her face, I being the only one left behind to watch after her. Her body curled up on the little couch attached beneath the window.        Nothing I or the other have tried has been able to pull her away from the window. Whatever her reasons, she is adamant on waiting right where the driveway is visible.        At this point, even attempting to approach her results in her getting snappy. I personally have know clue what she’s capable of so I decided to choose life and keep my distance.        Then, it happens. The sound of crunching gravel as a vehicle approaches, I don’t get the chance to get up and look out the window before I see her flying out of it.        “Rosalie!” I yell, rushing to the window she just threw herself from to see that she already knelt down next to the vehicle. A young little wolf pup hugging her tight before being handed another much smaller pup.        This She-Wolf, she is far different than any other I have ever seen. No matter the excitement, I have never witnessed anybody so energetic to actually jump from the third story. It is a miracle she’s even alright, especially from the rumours of her rarely shifting.        I, like the normal Were I am taking the stairs to get to the ground floor. Rushing out the door to find that she hasn’t moved, well she is now sitting flat on the ground with the toddler girl and infant.        “Rosalie...that was totally reck—” I go to speak but find myself unable, there is something about this woman. The way she spoke to these children, the tenderness, the relief, the happiness. Her. Just her, everything about Rosalie sparkles.         “I’m sorry, Adrian. I must have startled you.” Her closed eyes, with that cheeky smile. She is not sorry in the slightest but I cannot bring myself to be upset because that smile alone melts everything else away.        For the first time in my life I cannot think of a response, my mouth moving aimlessly for something to say. Yet nothing comes.        “Adrian? Your lips are moving like a fish gasping for air, are you alright?” Rosalie’s soft yet concerned  voice being followed by her hand resting on my cheek. The yearling resting on her hip, watching with great curiosity.        I stare into those dark eyes of hers a moment longer, giving a nod shortly after. “Y-Yeah I’m alright. It’s just...I really hit the jackpot, didn’t I?” I ask with a sheepish chuckle following after.  Rosalie P.O.V      I can feel that blood rushing up to my cheeks as I stare dumbstruck at this man before I burst out laughing. “Am I really that big of a catch?” I ask lightly but his hand grabs hold of my wrist almost instantly after my question.       “Dolcezza, what I said was not a joke. You sat in worry for an hour. The second these pups arrived you grew so excited that you deemed it necessary to leap out a window. The softness in your voice, the joy in your face to have them in your arms again. My Dolcezza, you truly are one of a kind.” His voice deep as he lifted my captured hand.        The second his lips touch the back of my hand I can feel the sparks rush through my body. His heartfelt words flushing my cheeks before I pull him into the depth of a kiss.       No thought was put into it, it just happened.       “Ewwwwwwww!” The voice of a disgusted six year old rung through our ears. Pulling back the both of us laugh as I take her by the hand.       “I apologize Nina, that was pretty nasty huh?” I chimed, truly I melted but since she is only a child it made sense to agree with her.        Adrian seemed to understand as he also agreed that it was so gross, even going as far as warning her to never do such a thing. The look in his eyes tells me everything and it warms my heart.       “Well Nina, let’s get you inside and get a snack!” Adrian suggested, the little girl appearing to be quite dazzled.       A soft gasp leaving her as she looked up at Adrian then I. “How does he know I’m Nina?” She whispered to me, putting her hand over her mouth so that he would be unable to hear. Of course as a six year old she did not do the best job with this secrecy.       Adrian doing his best to stifle his laughter as he opened up the door for me and the little ones.        “I am an Alpha. That’s just another one of my magical abilities.” He persuaded with it being quite clear how well she believes this little fib.        Leading towards the kitchen, Adrian goes ahead and takes Nina to the table while I find something for her. Sakuya is still resting on my hip, watching me go around the kitchen.       “Hey there se—” A man who is halfway wrapping his arms around my waist freezes when he realizes that I am not the person he originally thought. A low, deep warning growl let out by a third party and those hands were quickly risen into the air.       To my surprise it is actually Dante with his arms crossed over his chest. “Do you just go around wrapping your arms around people? Because I hope not, that girl there. She’s mine.” He let out a low snarl, only settling once the other man stepped far enough away.        “Jacob, there you….are?” A woman came rushing in but stopped in confusion and worry because of the tension in the air.       She has approximately the same length hair and an infant also on her hip. “Umm...can I just.” In a quick action she grabbed her mates shirt and dragged him out of the room.       “You see, it was an accident.” I couldn’t help but to laugh, although he did not seem amused in the slightest. It is almost as if that frown has been permanently stitched onto that face of his. 

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