4. They didn't...wait.

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    Dante P.O.V.     'Of course you want her, dumbass. She is our mate you f**k face.'      Sometimes Desmond can be such a pain in my ass...but I have a nagging feeling that he might not be wrong.     'I have always been here you doofus, I know you. And she is our mate so if you dare insult her, hurt her again...I will leave you and your dumb ass.'      'Alright, I understand. Don't get your tail in a twist.'      I let out a long sigh before my attention returned to that sketchy woman that was here not too long ago.      'Seriously though what was with that? Trying to stick her nose into our business? The way she spoke was pretty strange too.'     I find myself leaving the bar stool, weaving through the crowed of Were's. I don't know what's drawing me towards the exit but I keep walking anyways. My wolf not allowing me to turn away anyways so I might as well.     *******     Rosalie P.O.V.     In the midst of this drama, I am being swept away in it all. A flood of freezing cold water weighing down on my body.     "-a. Dolcezza. Dolcezza if you don't respond, I will take that as permission." Adrien's low voice  breaks through my clouded mind. I snap my head towards the source of the tingles erupting throughout my body.     I am still sandwiched between two of my mates who are right here. Trying their hardest to appease my aching heart.     So sweet!     "Wait, permission to do what exactly?" I ask skeptically, my arms crossing over my chest. Don't think I miss his gaze dropping by my action.     A small snicker leaving my lips while rolling my eyes.     "Permission to do this."     His firm lips entrapping mine without time for me to react. The kiss isn't a gentle one, oh no. The way his lips move forcefully with mine until we hit a good rhythm. Nh, nothing could be better.     A low growl erupting into my right ear followed by two strong hands yanking my hips back against his body.      Here I was thinking I  wasn't getting enough oxygen from this kiss. Angelo's antics definitely knocking the rest of my breath away. This...this is the type of drowning I could get  used to.     "Tesoro. I know Adrien is great and all...but don't think for a second I'll let you forget about me."     That is all it took. My pale features burning to the deepest red my face could possibly ever become. What was once a slight dampness is now a drenching my undergarments and it even decides that cascading down my leg is an acceptable decision.     f**k, I know they can smell it. The way those eyes of their swivel to the deepest black imaginable proves it. It also doesn't help my situation any.     Somehow I manage to catch a glimpse from he corner of my eye, heads turning this way. Oh hell no! They can totally smell it too!     Against my wolf's very well heard protests. I use both of my hands to push my mates away with all of my might.      That's when we all heard it. A loud ripping of clothes followed by the sounds of cracking. It happened so quickly. That is when a loud, blood chilling growl split the silent murmurs to complete silence. All attention turned to this large brown wolf. f*****g. Massive. But...I'm not scared.     "Stop being dramatic, Dante, Desmond." Angelo spoke with authority. His large body stepping in front of my small one. His muscles flexing beneath his shirt, the tenseness completely visible at this point.     Next it is Adrien's turn to speak, "I get it, but shift back."     From what I can see it looks like Desmond is debating whether he should really pass the baton back to Dante.     'I told you! Foolish human. Mate loves us!' Aria practically screeched into my mind. Damned wolves.     Wolves...he's in wolf form. Dante is in wolf form!     Before I can even process what I'm doing, I scream out. "NO! HE CANNOT!" Okay, maybe it was more like a screech.     This caught my mates attention, all three pairs of eyes shooting daggers. Well except for Dan--Desmond.     The two of my mates still in human form try to pull me behind but instead I slip their grip and instantly find myself with my arms around this handsome wolf's neck.     Desmond c****d his head to the side with what can only be assumed as a wolf version of a grin. Obviously curious as too why my sudden outburst.     I unwillingly glance back to my other two mates whom are visibly grinding their teeth.     "Mate...what did you just say...?" Angelo asks, the Alpha in him clearly not enjoying the disobedience. The defiance.     Unfortunately for me, my resolve isn't exactly the greatest.     I try having my words come out strong and with a backbone but all that actually comes out is practically a squeak.     "Because..." I can feel that heat in my cheeks, "I don't want him to...he'll be naked."     The frown sewing into my brows. Sure Dante was an ass to me earlier but I still wouldn't want the whole wolf world seeing one of my mates in the nude.     That's when I heard it. The  crowed around them bursting into voluminous laughter.     "Oh, don't worry, hun. All of us females have already seen him naked." One she-wolf chimed, "Yeah, no need to hide anything. The trio already banged most of the females here." Said another.     The burning under my eyelids, the knots tying in my stomach, the pang in my heart.     That's right. They didn't...wait. They have already seen what I haven't.     My possessiveness is for nothing.     I am naive. I should have known.      I heard the rumours.      Just because I felt the mate bond I was so willing to just jump into heir arms.      How could I forget? They are males. For them it is completely understandable and even acceptable for them to sleep around whenever they feel like it.     My body again moves before my brain does. I can feel the slight breeze blow my hair behind me. I am running out faster than I thought I could manage in this form. I can also hear the quiet yet heavy thumps of three wolves chasing after me.     I can't bring myself to look back.      I received the three biggest playboys in the whole were population! Goddess knows how high their number count is.      Then there's this ugly f*****g duckling.     They have surely had the beauties of our species but they were tied o me.     The orphaned freak.     How could they possibly get it up to a face like this?     There's three of them. I am supposed to please them, but how could I?     Even the very thought of any of my mates holding another woman throws my stomach in knots but they've clearly got themselves loads of pleasure over the years.     Wham!     I finally felt the heavy body of one of my mates knocking me to the ground.     His fur black and absolutely eye catching.his wolf nearly triple the size of a normal Were. Massive, Insanely massive.     I can also spot Dante's wolf along with Adrien's...?     His wolf is a light brown, all four paws pure white. Even the tip of his very fluffy tail!      He's wearing flipping socks!     My diverted train of thought halting completely while Alessandro shifts control back to Angelo, his large bare form hovering over top of me.     ******      Angelo P.O.V.     What was all of that even about? She didn't want Dante shifting back because he'd be named?     My body pinning Rosalie beneath me but I keep contact to as minimal as possible.     The thousands of questions I want to ask won't form so I am just here ogling her.      Seriously though? What's her problem? Throwing such a fit then running off without a word. It isn't like we try to hide our bodies. We're proud of them.     Very.     Very proud.     She isn't ashamed is she? What the hell would that even be about? Female logic is so f*****g weird.     This is when my peaceful(not) conversation with myself is interrupted by Alessandro clearing his throat.     'I can't believe I have such a stupid human. It's obvious mate doesn't want to share any of her mates, even if it is merely them being exposed...and then there were those bitches throwing our past at her. Mate is upset.'     Sometimes Alessandro can be so annoying, but I know that he is the one who wants what is best for our mate.     "Come on, Tesoro...talk to me ab--" My attention is immediately caught by that sweet scent lingering from between her legs. "Now is not the time." I murmur upon rolling her onto her back.     "I-I can feel your body...y-you're completely..." her words turn into an embarrassed hum. I knows it is due to the mate bond tugging at them.     I let out a sigh as I stand up and pick her up bridal style. "Let's just get to the pack house and we can talk about this properly. No running off this time." I warn. Both other males following my flank as I return to my car, all of us squishing into the back of the limousine. 
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