Episode 9

1955 Words
Larissa Henley was astonished by the words of Rome Zoe. For many minutes she only stares at him in great awe. " You are telling false stories. Rald isn't bisexual. He ... Never loves men. He loves me. He would do anything to have me and ... " Abruptly she stopped and shivered. She just realized she has spoken too much. Her head bow in grief and she shook her head once again. " Please take your words back. Rald can't be ... Bisexual " All this while Rome only stares at his wife without blinking. Somehow he felt pity for her. He realized she is just another pathetic woman, like his real mother which pained him. Without speaking he goes off to the bed and lay down while pulling the bed coverlet over himself. Larissa was still astonished at the truth. She shivers slightly and her appetite vanished into thin air. Slowly she get up and picked up the tray and headed out to the kitchen where she aim to clean the dish she had used. The house was silent with no maids around. She finds her way gently to the very large kitchen which was dark. She turn around for some time, trying to get accustomed to the darkness. She saw the switch up ahead and she made to turn it on. Larissa casually switched on the light and turn. Unexpectedly she collided with the butler. It all happens in a jiffy and she went out of breath immediately. Larissa knows the man loathe her so much and she never expected him to be awake at that hour. Surprisingly she didn't scream out. She only shuddered at this unexpected collision. " I am so sorry. I apologized " She began. " I never know you are here. I was ... " " What are you doing here? " The Butler asked in anger with his Jaw jutted up in great anger. Larissa dares not look up at his face. She didn't want to glance at another face that is masked with disdain. " Oh, I am here to return the dish and wash them. It's okay, you can go ahead to bed. I can do it " " Don't bother " She heard him say angrily. " Give me the dishes. I never know how you managed to get the Alpha to make dishes for you and yet you couldn't finish it. He even paid for your promotion. Undeserving. Good night " This cold statement from the butler put Larissa at the edge. She had thought it was one of the maids that make the meal but no. She was wrong. She has thought it was Ralf who paid for her promotion but she is so wrong. Swiftly she get out and headed at once into the room. She burst in to see Rome is not in bed anymore but he is in the bathroom. This she knows when the sound of water running came. Seconds later Rome comes out to see his wife in the bathroom staring at him in awe. He was taken aback by her unusual gaze but he soon made to bypass her. " Why did you make the dinner for me? " She suddenly asked. " Why are you acting nice? Why did you pay for my gig's promotion? " The man was astounded. He wonder who had informed her about it. He stares at her for some time and immediately gets the answer. " The Butler speaks too much. Eavesdropping too? " He made to storm out but he was stopped by his wife who rushes Forward to hug him from behind. Larissa Henley couldn't pinpoint why her heart was beating so fast nor did she know why she had hugged him but she didn't care. She pulled back to say from behind. " Thank you, Rome. I don't why you helped me with this promotion for my gig but I appreciate " He slowly turns around to stare at her for some seconds. The expression on her face indicates a lot of love and passion. The two emotions he can't afford to give out to anyone. " Don't thank me. I paid for your gig's promotion because I overheard you telling your friend about it " " Thank you, so much and ... " " Don't thank me. You ... are my wife, It's my responsibility to give you financial comfort " He said but this time with his eyebrows creased up together. He saw the woman before him smile happily and this makes his chest suddenly tighten. He step back in somewhat fright when he recognized what is happening. ' It is a contract marriage of six months, you bastard. You must not make her fall for you. Never! You are only a scapegoat just like your pathetic mother ' This voice repeated in his head, filling him with sorrow. Very swiftly he dashes out of the room, grabbing his car key. Larissa was surprised at his sudden changes of expression. She watched as he descend the stairs very swiftly. She parted her lips to call him back but no words comes out. She shivers slightly in fear and then ran to the window where she saw him driving away. What did I do wrong? Did he just get scared? She thought to herself in horror. The expression on his face when he saw his smile stunned her so much. She found herself pacing about and waiting for him to return. She picked up her cell phone and call him multiple times but he didn't pick up. Larissa Henley couldn't sleep. She felt there is something she had done wrong. She didn't make any research about him at all and now she began to regret it. *** It was after dawn that she finally fell asleep but that didn't take long because she was woken up by the call from her brother, Seven. She swiftly picked up the cell phone, expecting to see the name of Rome on the screen but she was disappointed. It was her brother who had called. However, she gladly picked it up and said to the receiver softly. " Seven? " " Sister good morning. Damn! I'm sorry. Are you free today? I would like to meet up with you. I just arrived now " " What? '' Larissa yelled out in glee. " You are back? " " Yup. Come on to our usual place. I miss you sister " At once Larissa sprang up from the bed to clean up. It is already morning but her eyes are still sleepy. She hasn't gotten the best slumber in weeks and that has begun to give her dark circles under her eyes. She walk into the closet Rome had shown her and picked out of the numerous dresses, a perfect one that stop just at her knees. She had a vow not to accept any financial help from him but she soon take back her words. Slowly she put on a pair of fine heels that matches her dress. She step out, calling unto her husband's contact again but this time it wasn't going through. Larissa step out of the room and headed to the exit. On her way, she passed through the maids who greeted her and the butler who pay his respect grumpily. " Good morning everyone " She managed to mutter weakly. When she get out she suddenly remembered Diego and his sick daughter. Immediately she gave him a call and the chauffeur answered at once. " Signora. Forgive me. I couldn't call because I was busy. Ginevra is doing fine now. She just fell asleep and my wife had left to bring us breakfast " " Wow! " She exclaimed in relief. " This is good. I am so glad she is recovering " " All thanks to you Signora. You have begged Signore on my behalf and ... " " No, no. I didn't tell Rome before he helped you financially. Listen, I think the rumors aren't accurate about him. Trust me " " I have begun to think the same. He called a while ago to ask about my daughter's health " " Really? " " Yes signora " " Uh... Good, good. I have to go now, Diego. I might stop by later on, okay? " " Thank you so much. Have a nice day, Yeah? " They said their goodbyes and Larissa disconnected. She heaves a heavy sigh after the call as she wonders why Rome won't pick up her call. " I did nothing wrong to him " She said to herself thoughtfully as she walk out of Rome Zoe's mansion to take a taxi. She successfully Flags down a cab and tells the driver her destination. The ride was just so brief and when she arrived at the agreed place she alighted and paid the taxi driver off. Larissa walks slowly to the space bench but didn't sit on it. That spot was the place her brother and her usually meet up. Where is he now? She asked herself inwardly while she waited, looking around, concerned that her fans might Storm her but no one did. A day promotion won't just make her eligible enough to command crowds like Rald's presence used to. All of a sudden her cell phone rang out and she snatched it out from her bag. " Seven I have been waiting. Where are you? " She asked rather urgently and the voice from the other end replied. " I am so sorry little sister. I just got a call from my boss and I am left with no choice but to rush back. I honestly apologized " Larissa couldn't reply for a very long time. She was devastated and tired. Softly she said. " I hate you " " You should. I'm sorry " Her brother replied lovingly. " I will make it up to you. I promise " " Seven ... " " Not now little sister. Now I have to go. I will call you Later. love you " Seven said and disconnected immediately without waiting for her response. Larissa has already gotten used to his busy schedule. After Seven Henley realized his father is none other than a cunning man he had left home to work in another city. Larissa look around for some time and finally decided to return home. She needs rest and sleep. Most importantly she needs to speak with her husband, for a long conversation. She flagged down another taxi and sat in the backseat tiredly. " To Zoe's mansion " She said to the taxi driver and the journey began again. Larissa slowly lean back and sighed. She lifted her Cellphone to her face and put another call to Rome. This time Rome's cell phone began to ring. Larissa swallowed the lump in her throat while she waited for her husband to pick up his call. Unexpectedly the taxi suddenly skidded to a stop and she look up to see what has happened. To her awe the backseat door opened and a notorious big man enters and sat beside her. She was astonished. Frantically she looks around to see the unfamiliar surrounding. Her heart fell to her stomach at the sight and she began to fight for a way out. As her luck would have it, Rome answered her call but as usual, he didn't speak. He was expecting her to say her words but what came to his hearing was muffling sounds and sounds of struggling. " Rome I ... " That was the last statement he heard from his wife before the line went dead.
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