Episode 10

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The taxi car Zoom passed without waiting at all. It took to the lonely road now, moving away from the city entirely. Larissa has long been bounded by her ankles and wrists. She was also gagged painfully so screaming is completely out of the question. However, she didn't stop wriggling. The big man in the backseat with her has managed to wrap his arm around her waist to grip her more securely. All of a sudden the car stopped and she was pulled out of it very roughly. Her arm was quick to bruise and her eyes roamed about frantically in so much fear. She realized they are already out of the City and was before an abandoned house that was built not too deep into the bush. The one who was driving grabbed her arm immediately and pulled her into the mini house which smells of cold pizza and cigarettes. Larissa was strapped in a chair in the living room and her gag was removed slowly by the one who had acted as a driver. He gave her a wide grin, showing off his bad dentist that makes Larissa almost puke on the spot. " A fine lady. Deere come here, see what we got today " The taxi driver said softly as he reached out to caress Larissa's cheek lovingly. The lady shoved his fingers away but that was just a bad idea because she infuriated her assaulter with her act. He angrily grabbed her hair in his fist and pushed her head backward with that movement. His lips soon parted for a brilliant smile and he whispers to her face. " I can't wait to get inside you. Don't worry, I will make sure you enjoy it. No regrets " " No Dennis. I go first " Deere the big man said to his accomplice as he shoved him away from Larissa who breathe out shakily. " Please " She began earnestly. " You can't do this to me you two " In response to her pleas, Deere chuckled dryly and reply. " Look around you and tell me what you see " She shivers slightly in confusion but obeys. With her lips quivering, she look around to see the underwear of ladies scattered around. Her heart suddenly fell when she gets their real identity. Tears clouded her eyes and she mutters. " Please don't do this to me. I am ... Married " Dennis barked laughter and walk closer to her. His bad breath fanning her face unpleasantly. " I love married women, you know. The moment I saw the ring on your finger I was overwhelmed with lust. Now come here, let's have a nice time " " Dennis I said I go first " The other disagree. " She belongs to me " " Don't get on my nerves, Deere. " Dennis said in anger. He moved away from Larissa to glare at his friend for a longer time. Larissa didn't keep watch. She silently finds a way to free herself but all her effort hit the brick wall. When she was feeling frustrated the two men reconcile and arrived at a decision. " We take her at once then. Come on " Deere walk ahead to her and she began to scream, begging and promising that she will give them anything except her body. All her pleas fell on deaf ears. The unforgiving two men gripped her dress and tore it apart in a twinkle of an eye. She was stunned. Her bare shoulder and bra kept her unmoving for a heart-stopping second. She never knows that will be her fate. She wouldn't have stepped out of Zoe's mansion. Her heart began to thud very loudly. The thought of passing out crossed her hazy mind. She knows things will never be the same for her once the two men forced their way with her. She wonder what Rome would say. Miraculously, as though he had read her inner thoughts and felt her desperation, Rome Zoe appears at the door. His unexpected presence stunned everyone. In a good, relieving way for Larissa Henley but in a bad way for the two rapists who now stop to give him their attention. " Rome. Oh my... Rome " She stuttered in awe. Never had she been so relieved or excited to see anyone. She looks at him briefly under her wet eyelids to see him as cool as ever. There is no expression on his face that she could read at all. He only stops in the doorway for a while, ten seconds, maybe, and then walks into the unkempt living room. His amber eyes were on his wife all through. He acted as though there is no one there except her. Slowly he goes to free her from the rope that was used to bind her wrist and then set her ankle free. Larissa bow her head tiredly and droplets of her tears fell innocently on the palm of Rome Zoe, filling the man with so much rage and disappointment. Enraged that the men try to have their way with his woman and disappointed in himself for not being good enough. Rome stretched out his palm to Larissa who took his offer immediately. She goes beside him while shivering and he headed out with her, walking to the exit. Deere and Dennis were surprised. Even Larissa was taken aback at Rome's silence but she didn't push it. She had thought he would take revenge but he didn't. He only walks her out. They were just in the doorway when the two men behind them mutters to one another. " What a spoiler he is. It would have been perfect to thrust into that Lady. Eat her p***y " Immediately after hearing this Larissa felt Rome's fingers around her wrist go cold. His amber eyes gave way to the usual glow and he set his jaw. He slowly lead her out but didn't follow her. Larissa was in horror. She managed to see the cold expression on his face before he walk back into the house, shutting the door so she won't witness the horrific way he would deal with the men. Larissa Henley stood behind the locked door but she could hear the yell and groan from the two men. She couldn't help but get curious and scared. " Rome? " She called softly when the loud cry for help from the two rapists died down. She began to feel scared of her husband's health. she didn't even feel sorry for the two men at all. Her concern is only on Rome Zoe. " Rome are you alright? Please open the door. Rome! " The door suddenly opens at last and the man appears in the doorway, before her. His clothes were slightly covered in blood and his hair was a little disheveled. He look so monstrous and extremely dangerous but that wasn't enough to keep Larissa away. She look past him briefly to see the two men dead on the floor, covered in their blood. The sight is so horrible for her to watch that she shivers. Slowly she look back to Rome only to see his face masked with fury. He is staring at her now in anger and she knows what would come next. Abruptly he left her and head to the car he had parked up in the highway. She quickly goes after him. Her heart unsettled that he seem to be upset with her. " Rome ... Rome listen to me " " Don't you dare ... Lay your finger on me " He warned as he whirled around to glare at her acidly. Tears dropped from her eyes but she shoved it away, saying it isn't the time to be hysterical. " Rome ... " " Why did you leave home? " He thundered in question. " Why did you step out without informing me? Do you have any idea what would have happened if I was a second late? " She wants to make an excuse. She wish, desperately to tell him it wasn't her fault. She wishes to ask him why he seems so much upset but all her words dissolve into tears and she breaks down before him. Her lips suddenly go pale but Rome was there to help her steady on her feet. He sagged his shoulder in defeat and slowly pulled off his jacket to drape over her. " Come here " He said softly but she pushed him away. This time she looks up at him in frustration. " You are the cause of everything. Weren't you the one who left home last night, putting me in sorrow? You said I should inform you before I leave home, do you pick up any of my calls? You are right. I won't touch you if that's what you wanted. Why do you care if I am raped and molested anyway? According to you my existence itself is a mistake " He didn't blink as he stared at her after listening to her speech. Slowly he marched forward to her and surprisingly placed a soothing palm on her shoulder. " You have no idea how scared I am when your moans and sound of struggle come through the moment before your cellphone went off " " But you saved me. I'm fine now " He nodded while swallowing hard. He knows he isn't acting according to his plan. The new unfamiliar feeling he is experiencing has compelled him to start walking on a different path. He stare deeply into Larissa's eyes for some time and then abruptly when he saw that same look that has frightened him the previous night he took his steps back and mutters, this time emotionlessly. " Let's go home " Larissa allowed him to take her along into the car. He even takes the time to open the car door for her to settle in. He took his seat before the wheel and drove off. The ride was silent for some minutes and awkward. Rome had returned to his mute mood. He didn't take his eyes off the road and Larissa couldn't believe he was the one who care for her a while ago. She stole a glance at him before clearing her throat, though she is still shaken by what just happened she is relieved that nothing at all happens to her. " How did you know I am ... Here? " She finally asked without looking at him. Somehow she is scared of looking deep into his amber eyes. She felt he becomes uncomfortable anytime she does so. " I pick up your scent " " Scent? " She asked as she look up at him and he nodded. " Yes " " Because you are ... A werewolf " She mutters quietly and sighs. " It was my brother who invited me out but he canceled the meeting at the last minute " He didn't reply to this and another silence stretched out between them. Larissa look at him briefly before she settles her gaze on her fingers which were clasped together. " Rome thank you for ... Saving me. I appreciate your help, a lot " He didn't reply, still. He only focuses on the road. She wasn't surprised at his muteness. Instead, she decided to tell her story as she lean back, knowing fully well he is listening. " I have no one to call mine many years ago. I was only six when my adopted dad, Henley found me in the street. He saved me from dying and took me to his home. There, I met Seven, Henley's only son. They were both good to me. My adopted dad and brother. I want for nothing. I do not even have a name but after being adopted, I was given the name Larissa. Seven told me he once had a sister whose name is Larissa but ... She died. He began to treat me like his sister while Dad love me like his own. Things were perfect until I come of age. I began to walk on the path of being a singer but my dad despise it " She catch her breath and swallow hard before she proceeded. " He said I shouldn't be a singer. ' Larissa you have to live on a low key ' he usually says but I pushed away his words, disobeying. I never know why he hated music but I later learnt the reason the day a luxurious car stopped before the house. That was months ago. The first day I saw your mother. The elegant lady, Cordelia Zoe. She is different. I could feel it the first time I saw her. She is a werewolf, just like you. She hugged me and told me about the marriage saying. ' My dear Larissa, I heard you wish to be a singer. oh! isn't that a disgraceful career? This career of yours is frowned upon in Zoe's family but it's okay if you insisted ' " This time Rome gulped down hard. He could remember vividly the first time he learned he will be going into a marriage too in the stead of Nimo, his brother. " I was stunned and taken aback. Thousands of questions weigh down my mind. I can't get married to someone I didn't know. Especially when I am already in love with Rald. I asked my dad about it and he told me the secret which he made me promise not to tell anyone. He said to everyone I will be his lost daughter, Larissa. ' no one must know you are adopted. That is why I have named you after my daughter. She was supposed to marry the son of Alpha Zoe when she comes of age but she died prematurely. I found you at last and here you are to take her place ' my father had said " " What was your reply? " Rome asked at last and Larissa replies. " I have said no. I appreciate his love and dedication in bringing me up but I vow never to give in to his request. In doing this my adopted dad changed drastically. His attitude turns cold. Many times he would chase me out, telling me to return to the street. Seven helped me. He offer to take me away but I declined. Somehow I felt I owe my dad so much. He saved me from being an orphan and I have to repay him forever " " So you give in because you want to satisfy him? " " Yes. He is my dad. He is my savior. I have to make him happy " " Your lover, Rald. What were his words when you break things up with him? " This time she took her time before replying. " Uh ... Rald and I weren't in a proper relationship. He never stated he will marry me. We only have uhh... s*x relationship, if I am to put it bluntly. We make love and that's it " Rome stays quiet. He had been wrong. All this while he thought Larissa is in a genuine relationship with that renowned pop star. " It ends now " He finally stated quietly. " I won't want my wife to be anyone's s*x slave. you have to be faithful in this contract marriage. Did you get that? " She couldn't breathe. His tone has in it the possessiveness everyone had spoken about. She looks at him and said sincerely, her eyes brimming with tears. " If you continue like this I would fall in love with you Rome and trust me when I do, there won't be a way out " Her statement makes him stiffened. A lump rose in his throat and he look ahead to breathe. He wishes she knows about his own true identity as well but he dares not speak. He glance at her briefly to see her green eyes glued to him. The tears in her eyes trailing out gently. " I thought you hated me " He whispers, trying to make the atmosphere more light. " I thought you said I am the meanest man " " So the rumors say. I don't know you Rome but I believe with time I will unravel the mystery about you. As for being faithful in this marriage, it goes for you too. For six months you are mine and I am yours. We stay together till then " He gulped down again and nodded. His heart somehow shattered at the thought of letting her go after six months but then his mother crossed his mind and he sighed sadly. There is nothing he could do. Just nothing. The rest of the ride was silent and peaceful. Rome soon ease into his mansion and parked the car in the garage. When they alighted Larissa was quick to notice her car which was abandoned on the road, under the rain, the previous night. " I brought it home this morning " Rome explained when he saw her staring at the car. " Thank you " " Let's go in " He replied instead, making her walk forward. They enter the large house to see the maids, three of them already awaiting their return. Immediately they rush to meet them but Rome's expressionless gaze makes them stop on their track. The maids were horrified to see blood on his T-shirt but no one dare make inquiries. The Butler was quick to explain why they are fidgeting. " We saw how concerned you are when you storm out this morning. We are worried about it. The last time you have that expression on your face was when ... " " Cook my wife her lunch " Rome ordered curtly, cutting in. He didn't wait for any response before he pulled Larissa up to the spiral staircase that leads to their room. He left her when they enter the room to take his bath while Larissa goes to take hers too. She pulled off his jacket but with a smile on her face. The incident a while ago couldn't stop amusing her. " Did he just address me as his wife? " She thought to herself aloud while letting the cold water pours down on her. When she finished taking her bath, she walks into the room to see Rome just walking into the closet he had shown her. Her breath caught because he is bare from his waist upward. Mentally she knows he wanted to dress up so she waited for him to get done before she goes too. With the towel around her body, she stood still until the man walk out casually with his hair still wet but cladded in fresh clothes. He stops abruptly, in surprise at her state. " Why are you standing here? " He asked. " I'm uh... Don't wish to make you uncomfortable in your home. I know we are not a real couple so I decided to wait behind while you finish dressing up " He didn't speak for a long time. He only stares at her innocent face again and again. His head tilted slightly and he saw the bruise on her arm which makes him frown, forgetting her last words. " You are hurt " He stated coldly. His mood suddenly changed. " Can't you be more careful next time? " " Rome it wasn't ... " " Your fault? " He finished for her with a glare. " It would leave a scar, right? " " I ... I don't know. I don't think it will. It's a minor injury " He gulped down hard and look away to get a grip of his rage. Slowly he walk back into the closet, to Larissa's section, and picked out a simple dress with tiny straps. He returns to extend it to her without expression. " Wear this " He order and the lady nodded, expecting him to leave but he didn't. He gritted his teeth, trying hard not to suppress his sudden anger towards her. He hated anything like a scar. He despised it with Passion because it reminds him of his mother. Slowly his eyes roam around her body for some brief seconds and then fell on hers. That moment he realized she is scared and confused. He sighs and bows his head. " You are right. I am a mystery and to unravel it will take a lot of time. Can I ask you a question? " He asked. " Ye.. s. I think so " " Do you have any scar... on your body? " " No. Why did you ask? " He look up into her eyes but didn't respond directly. He answered. " I will call Tanya to see to your bruise. You be careful next time. I won't let it slide if you ever get hurt " After this vow he walks out of the room, surprising her so much. She flopped on the bed and breath shakily as she understands what is happening. " We are ... Falling in love with each other. Oh no. This... is bad. Right? "
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