Episode 8

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The departure of Rome Zoe and his harsh act made Larissa stiffen abruptly on the spot where she stood. From the corner of her eyes, she could see the maids already cleaning up. No one tries to offer her any sympathy which makes her more frustrated. Slowly she goes to the staircase and headed into the grandiose bedroom once more. Her steps forward brought her heart thudding but she did, had to, without any choice. At last, she pushed open the door carefully and step on. There, on the bed, she saw him laying down with one of his hands over his face. She couldn't tell whether his eyes were closed or not but she knows well that he isn't asleep, yet. She decided not to anger him more than necessary. Slowly she moves to the couch ahead to lay on it for the night. It wouldn't be her first time sleeping on a couch. Not at all. Numerous times, her adopted father, Henley would make life unbearable for her so that she would end up passing the night on the couch. Seven usually comes later to drape over her some duvet to keep the cold away. Larissa settled down on the couch gently and was about to lie when the words of Rome came, stopping her. " Come here " His tone could be mistaken for an order. Maybe it is a command but Larissa is too annoyed to heed his word. " Keep the bed. I'm fine here " " I said come here! What the hell! " He said out loud, sitting up a little. The lady stares at him briefly to see his amber eyes sparkling in fury. She knows he is a werewolf, an Alpha to be precise. She figured it will be very bad to get on his bad side. Slowly she comply, with her eyebrows creased up together in displeasure. She goes to the bed and made to lie down but Rome caught her right up and eases her to himself, rolling just a second to hold her hostage beneath him. He pulled up her hands over her head and pinned them down gently. Then he lowers his lips down to hers. An action that stunned the holy hell out of Larissa Henley. Their lips brushed each other for a second and then two. It turns out that the Alpha could tease and he did while holding his wife hostage. He gave her lower lip a soft bite, making the lust in Larissa ease up, going at his highest peak, flaring up. A moan escape from her and she gave up trying to escape. She began to kiss him too. She made him release her hands and she unconsciously wounded it around his neck. She pulled up her left leg so Rome could caress her bare lap, going up with his palm to her panties. She was lost. She never know why her body was responding to her husband that way. All she knows is that she can't stop even if she wants to. All of a sudden, when Larissa was completely in lust, Rome tore his lips away from hers and look down at her for a little while. She could see her green eyes hungry and dark with lust. He knows she is already sexually charged and that makes him excited. He pulled away from her while muttering for her to hear. " All women are the same. Full of lust. Ready to jump into bed with me. How can I get a different woman? " For some seconds Larissa couldn't move even after Rome releases her and roll over to his side. She was stunned, trying to find the reason why she has let down her guard. She thought she love Gerald Chen so much that no one could get passed her defense but she is wrong. That man, her husband, the Alpha of Zoe's pack isn't just anyone. He is different. She could feel it. Slowly her eyes lids were closed by her when she remembers his words. He had slept with Numerous women and he just compare her to them. This makes her feel so sad that she made to get up but again Rome grabbed her wrist and pulled her down. This time Larissa was so enraged. She decided to fight him back even with her little strength. Her small fists came punching on his chest and he let her. He wanted to speak and was about to when he saw the tears glitter under her eyelids. Somehow, the sight of her sorrowful tears makes his heart tear apart. He allowed her to vent her anger and when she got exhausted, she fell off him. He was confused. He didn't know what to do when her tears came soaking his pajamas. He debated on what to do with his hands for some time and then he slowly patted her back gently. Rome Zoe isn't a man to apologize. He didn't say a word. He only patted her gently but Larissa vow not to fall for his dubious act. She pulled away from him and shifted off to the edge of the bed, providing many space between them. Rome didn't speak anymore and that was because he is stunned. He never knows why everything happened. He found himself gulping down and then laying back as well. Silence fell and the light was put out by the man. Larissa closed her eyes, forcing the sleep but it didn't work out well for her on that part. After about Thirty minutes of silence, her stomach decided to disgrace her as it began to growl for hunger. She rubbed it gently while remembering she had never taken any meal that day as was busy say modeling for the product with Rald. Her stomach growls again and this time louder. She closed her eyes at this and scolded herself. Then, she began to regret ever rejecting the dinner. While this was going on Rome suddenly ease up from the bed and goes out. After he left Larissa could breathe properly. She looks around briefly for some seconds. Suddenly she dashes to the window, to see if he is going out but he saw no one in Silent Street. She returns to the bed and began to wonder where he has gone to. " I shouldn't care where he went to. He probably has gone to sleep in another room. How nice of him " She mutters to herself in relief but then the incoming footsteps came, putting her into a frenzy. Very Swiftly she returns to bed and lay down in a jiffy as she prepares to be asleep. The sound of the door opening came later and his instructions came. " Turn on the light above your head and come here " The aroma came first before she open her eyes to see Rome holding onto a small tray which he goes to placed on the center table which was at her left side. She was surprised at the sight of her favorite dinner but she prove to be adamant. " I'm not hungry Rome. Thank you but ... " To make the matter worse her stomach growled again and this time much louder. " Get yourself here and stop being unreasonable " He stated coldly as he approached her. She suck on her breath when he drew nearer with his hand stretched out. She didn't know what to expect from him at all. He is so full of mystery. One minute he'd be the best man and the next he will be the meanest. Rome's requesting fingers bypassed her and made it to the switch above her head to he put on the light. His head slowly turn to her and sigh at this position, his lips now happened to be a few inches away from hers. Her shaky breath Caresses his nose and again he is tempted to kiss her once more. This time more lightly before pulling back. He ease back but took Larissa along by circling his fingers around her wrist. He pulled her to the couch and sit her down before the table where he has placed her dinner. He also lowered himself across her but he took out his cellphone and began to go through it. Larissa lost the urge to the urge and she has no choice but to pick her cutlery. She ate a bite that couldn't help but relish in it. " Wow. This is my best meal. How do you know it? " She asked delightfully, forgetting entirely that she holding a grudge against her husband earlier. Rome Zoe was surprised but he marvel without a choice at her innocence. He lowered his cell phone and focused on her completely. " I did some research on you before I sign the contract. I know from there what your best meal is " The cutlery fell from Larissa's finger and she swallow hard. " I ... Never did any research on you before I sign the contract. Why would you do that? " He raised one eyebrow and lean back while crossing his leg on the other. " You expect me to bring home a woman I know totally nothing about? " At once she shuddered. She realized he is right. She bow her head sorrowfully and began to eat without even tasting anything. " I only listen to the rumors about you. Rome Zoe is a mute man. Rome Zoe is the meanest man. Rome Zoe is the most possessive man " She looks up at him and smiles sadly. " I don't even get to read the contract. The clauses. I was only told to be with you for six months and then leave " Rome Zoe was taken aback. He frown slightly and asked carefully. " You got your copy? " " My Dad did has it. I never get to read it. Why? " He set down his cell phone and folded his hands on his chest. Larissa was concerned now because his thick eyebrow has creased up together. " Are you educated? " " Yes, why? " " I don't think you are. Why would you dare sign a contract without knowing what's in it? " " Uh... My dad won't do me bad. I know he won't " She replied carefully but she began to think of herself as unwise. Quickly she asked. " Do you have your copy? " " Mine is different from yours. Tell me about you " He suddenly requested, surprising Larissa again. " You just said you did some research about me " " Tell me about you " He repeated as though she never speak. Larissa pulled back carefully and nodded. She could see his eyes sparkling again. She wonders why they do that often. " I am Larissa Henley. The only daughter of Henley. I got a brother. Seven, his name and ... " " You are adopted " He announced, startling Larissa again. " How ... How did you know this? " " Research and observation. Only a few responsible dads will ... " He stopped abruptly and take back his words. He would hate to tell her what is at stake for her in the nearest future concerning the contract she had signed innocently. " Do not tell anyone you are adopted. It has to stay a secret. Isn't that what your dad tells you? " He asked again and she nodded, feebly. " Rome how did you ... " He didn't wait for her to finish her speech before he stood up and goes off. He returns after some time with a credit card. He lowered himself on his sit again and held out the credit card to her. Larissa's gaze fell on this and she was astonished. " It was supposed to be given to you yesterday but I was too occupied. Here, it's yours. The cash in it has no limit. You can spend as much as you want in a day " " Rome " The bewildered lady began. " Rome I appreciate it but I can't... I can't accept it. Trust me, I didn't sign this contract marriage because of ... " " I know you didn't marry me because of the wealth and marital comfort. Come on, take it " " Rome I ... " She wanted to make another excuse but then she saw his eyes flash again. She swallow back the rest of her words and she watched him place the credit card on the table. " I'm giving you this so you won't have to ... Ask for financial help from anyone " He looked into her green eyes and finished. " Especially your bisexual friend " " Bi... Bisexual? " Larissa was stunned as she asked this. " Who is my bisexual friend? " " Gerald Chen. Don't you know he loves men too? " At once Larissa shuddered in shock. She managed to ask. " How... How do you know this? " " Think about it " He stated again but she didn't spend much time before knocking the truth. " He had wooed you in the past? " " Hmm hmm "
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