Episode 7

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The rain has already soaked Rome's body but he didn't care about it. He wasn't even focusing on it. He help Larissa to alight and motion her to the car he had brought. The lady was made to settle in the front seat beside the driver's seat. She watched as Rome return to the car ahead and pulled out the car key in the ignition and locked it. He soon returns to settle beside her in silence. He didn't speak for some time as he got busy trying to dry his wet hair. " Where is your chauffeur? " He finally asked in that deep hoarse voice of his without looking at her at all. He didn't make any movement that suggested he want to drive. He waited patiently for her reply. " Uh ... Diego is at the hospital Rome " He slowly turn to her and raised one of his thick eyebrows in question. " Why? " " It's his daughter. Ginevra is ill and uh... Needed surgery. Heart disease. It's deadly, so I heard. I advised him to stay behind with his wife " " Your car was only out of fuel. There is a station ahead where you can get some. why don't you? " He asked while staring deeply into her green eyes. He waited for her to admitted she wishes for him to come but she replied sincerely. " I'm sorry if I distracted you. I was out of money. that's why " The man didn't reply. Their gaze locked for a very long time. He never expected her to be candid. At last, Rome picked up his cell phone and put a call to Diego at once. At the first ring, the chauffeur answered immediately. The two go on to speak and Larissa listens attentively. " How is your daughter now? " " Signore " Diego said from the other end in awe. " I am so sorry Sir. I couldn't ... " " How is she doing? " Rome cut in. " She is stable now. Thanks to Signora. She paid for the first surgery " Upon hearing this Rome slowly turns to Larissa and stares at her briefly in astonishment before refocusing ahead. " I will inform my Beta to make a transaction. You can stay with your daughter throughout the week. Resume after seven days, okay? " Diego finds it hard to speak for some time. He is so overwhelmed with emotions. He had heard the Rumours just like Larissa but he met the exact opposite. " Thank you so much, Signore. I appreciate " He finally says but Rome didn't reply. He waited for the man to finish speaking and then he disconnected. Immediately he put a call to Wesley and order him to make a money transfer to Diego without any delay. All this while Larissa was surprised. She could only marvel at his generous heart. Slowly she relaxed and sit back. Her tired body longed for a good night's sleep but she Doubts if she will be having it. The ride began at Zoe's mansion. Her husband didn't speak at all as he only focus on the road. Casually she glanced at him to see he is somehow restraining himself. His face was creased up in a small frown that put the lady to the edge. Larissa was concerned about him but she dares not speak a word. She was about to look away when he suddenly stop the car, stepping on the brake immediately. This action of his brought the lady forward but she quickly regain her posture and breath out shakily. After steadying her breath she turns to stare at him. He was staring ahead. His amber eyes are unmoving. Slowly his head turns and he settled his gaze on her. Oh no. Will he turn to his werewolf and attack me now? She thought to herself in fear but to her surprise, he asked rather weakly. " Do you have a silver on you? " " Sil... Silver? " " Yes. It's ... Weakening me. I can't concentrate " He confessed gently. At once the lady realized he is a werewolf and silver weakens them. She pulled off her earrings and stare at it for a second. " This can't be silver. It's fake. I got it at the second-hand market. Uh ... Oh! This wristwatch of mine is silver. The only valuable jewelry I had. It was bought by me from my first hard work. I am so sorry I inconvenience you. I shall toss it away immediately " Without waiting for his response Larissa pulled off the wristwatch and throw it out. After she did Rome noticed her sad expression but quickly managed to clear it up with a smile. He drives on after this without speaking. After some minutes they moved away from the highway and arrived at the City. Rome pulled the car into a jewelry store and pulled away from the wheel " Come on " He said to Larissa who was surprised. She had thought they would be going home but he had stopped at a jewelry store instead. She alighted with him and they both walk into the jaw-dropped store. Upon setting eyes on them, the receptionist left her table and the couple she was speaking with to attend to Alpha Rome and his wife. Their marriage has made the headline and everyone has many different negative comments about their bond. " Alpha Rome, you are here " The receptionist greeted, and then to Larissa, she smiles brightly. " Ma'am, please come in. Why have you come? " " Go with her " Rome said to his wife. " Take any pieces of jewelry you wanted except silver " This order was enough to make Larissa surprised. She shook her head immediately. " Rome I didn't ... " He interrupted her by holding her hand tenderly. His amber eyes are soft and loving for a second before it turns cold. " Go on. Don't disobey " He said softly, stunning Larissa so much. She had never expected that kind of treatment from him but then she couldn't help but marvel at his loveliness. The receptionist and staff who were present soon began to take back their negative comments about the two new couples. " Oh, come on already " The receptionist said as she pulled her around. There is very much to see. Shiny ornaments and pure gold stare back at Larissa's eyes. She soon stops to stare at a pair of golden earrings. She gaze at it for some time then glanced at the price. She nearly exclaimed at how high it is but was quick to smile, just like always, covering her uneasiness. Rome who was behind her pointed at the earrings and the staff quickly packaged them for the beautiful lady. Larissa goes on for some seconds and soon stopped again before a wristwatch glitters under the artificial lights. The precious diamond stones at the center caught her fancy. She bite her lower lip when she saw how expensive it is. She reasoned with that amount of money she will pay for her promotions and everything else she needed. Slowly she turns to glance at Rome only to see him staring at the outside world from the window. He had retired there with his hands folded on his chest. His back was so broad and solid and his hair was wet but very shiny. " I will take the diamond watch too " She mutters to the ladies who were waiting. At once they packed it for her, gleeful that they have made quite a sale. " Rome? " Larissa called upon him after she approached him. He responded by pulling away from the window and turning around to stare at her face. " Rome thank you " He didn't reply. He only stares at her carefully. He noticed the unusualness. Normally, when he took a lady out for shopping, she would almost empty the stores but that was never the case with Larissa Henley who is lacking. She appears as though very reluctant to accept his financial help. " What did you buy? " He asked carefully but then the cashier quickly made her way to them. " Alpha Rome your wife bought these golden earrings and wristwatch diamond " The man was surprised. He slowly glance at Larissa who nodded in positive. Rome had expected her to almost empty the jewelry store. Rosa had done so in the past and other women have also followed suit. He didn't speak at all. He only paid for it and made to walk out. On their way, some ladies beamed at Larissa, asking for a picture and autograph. This request surprised the Lady because she has never been asked for an autograph in the past. Filled with joy, she turn to Rome who nodded for her to go ahead and she did. The moment was blissful to her and her fans who beg her to win the competition gig. " I never know you sang this song. I saw it on promotion today and I was taken aback Rissa " One of the ladies said and they all laugh about it. At last Larissa and her husband left the jewelry store and go home. The ride home was smooth and silent. Once and twice she would steal a glance at Rome Zoe but the man didn't pay her any more attention. He finally ease into his mansion and alighted carefully. He didn't speak to her or invite her in. He just left, disappearing into the room. Larissa arrived inside the warm living room to answer the greetings from the maids. She soon left to take her bath. She pushed open the door and step in. For the first time since she gets to Rome Zoe's mansion, she looks around carefully, taking note of the spacious and grandiose room which has two sofa and a center table at the right side. She walks further in to see the kingside bed which befits the man, Rome Zoe. Now she looks around but couldn't find him. She knows perfectly well he is in the room. Shrugging, she goes to take her bath too. When she returns to get dressed, she realized her bags which she had brought forward are nowhere to be seen. Larissa become confused and surprised. The towel around her Didn't help but make her feel naked. She would dislike to make Rome uncomfortable in his home. Her aim is to live with him in peace for six months without any intimacy. The bustles from behind shook her, pulling her back to reality. She turns at once to see Rome coming out from another room that is not visible. He was dressed in other clothes and his hair was still wet. He stare at Larissa for some seconds but didn't speak. He made to walk out but the lady stop him with his question. " Rome! I ... Can't find my luggage. I kept them at the corner but ... " " It's in the closet " He replied smoothly as he lead the way back to the room he had stepped out from. Larissa watched as he pushed a button in the wall. Miraculously a path was revealed and he walk in with Larissa behind him. The lady was beside herself with awe. The air around this closet indicates wealth and prosperity. The closet is filled up to its brim. She had her section which was filled with expensive dresses and clothes she could ever dream of. She has jaw drop as she walks ahead to see the heels and thousands of types of footwear and bags that are meant for her alone. It almost seems as though she is in a departmental store. " This is ... Are they ... Mine? " She asked in astonishment but she didn't get a reply which makes her turn around to stare at Rome. He was staring at her without blinking. He is busy taking notes of everything about her and her reaction. He had seen her bare should and her long legs. Her satin smooth skin and her wet lashes. He'd sworn no one has the beauty that could match hers ever but he keeps his compliment to himself. " Rome are these all mine? I mean... I never know I would ... " " Don't try to act dumb and surprised. You know luxury will come after you sign the contract marriage " He suddenly declared angrily, taking Larissa aback. He marched forward to her. His steps filled the lady with fear but she stood her ground and suck on her breath. When he stood before her he mutters acidly into her ears. " Go on. They are yours. That's how excited cheap and gluttonous Ladies are when they set eyes on material things " He pulled away to glare at her. His amber eyes filled the lady with fear and sadness. She watched him turn around and leave. For some seconds after his departure, she couldn't help but breathe out shakily. She had thought all will be fine between them but no. It seems the other way around. Tears threaten to flow but she held on. She knows deep down she never sign the marriage contract because of luxury. She only did this because her adopted father had forced her. Months ago she was living perfectly well with Rald as her lover until the news broke out that she is destined to wed the grumpy Alpha. Larissa let out a sigh as she arrives on a decision to never accept and received any financial help from Rome Zoe. She located the luggage she had brought along and pulled out a nightdress Seven had brought for her. She never had a true friend but Seven, her brother had turned out to be the only one who listen to her words without interruptions. Seven, the true son of Henley. Slowly she walk out after dressing and the door to the closet closed automatically. She marvels at it for some seconds before going to bed ti sleep. Rome is nowhere to be found and that put her to peace. She was about to lay down on the bed when a knock came. " Yes? " She answered from the inside and a maid walk in with a low bow. " Ma'am your dinner is ready " " Oh dinner? " She repeated. Her thought went to Rome and she quickly declined. " Uh... I'm fine. I won't be eating dinner " " I'm sorry ma'am but your husband insisted. He said you have to come down or else ... I will be punished " Larissa was surprised. She does not want any comfort he had to provide. She had been providing for herself since an early age and she concluded to continue doing that. Gently she stood up and headed to the dining room where Rome Zoe already is. He sat on one of the chairs with the table dressed already with assorted meals. She marched forward with fury gripping her heart. " I won't be taking any dinner Rome so do not punish anyone " She stated to him and turned around, going back to the bedroom but a swift movement occurs and the next second she saw Rome standing before her. Her jaw rattle at this and she had no choice but back off. He had used his speed to catch up and overtake her. He took a step forward and she took a step back. This time his amber eyes were angry too, matching hers. Larissa back soon hit the table gently and she stop since there is nowhere to back off to anymore. Rome now stood before her, his Milky forefinger pointed out to her face to issue a cold warning. " It's my house, you are my wife and it will be my rules. Sit down and eat! " He informed her coldly but the lady jutted up her chin. " You will have to shove the dinner through my throat Rome. It's your house, yes, I am your wife, of course, for six months. It's your rules, fine! but that only applies to your employees and werewolves. I am Larissa Henley, a Human. I refused to be one of your cheap and gluttonous Ladies whom you go around having s*x with " This reply from Larissa shook the maids who were around. No one speaks, not even Rome Zoe. He straightens up and set his Jaw. Larissa Henley couldn't pinpoint whether he is angry or not. He lean forward to her but moved away at the last minute to push off the dining table angrily. The ceramic plates and glass cups came scattering on the marble floor in a second. This time Larissa was stunned. She bites her lower lips and shut her eyes in a bid to keep the unpleasant sight away. Rome Zoe is enraged and unforgiving. She had poked on his sore spot, giving him another reason to make him start thinking otherwise. He hated the fact that Larissa Henley isn't like the other ladies. He detested the fact that she isn't the type of lady he had pictured her to be and he despise the reality that he seem to be falling in love with her.
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