Chapter Seventeen-1

2032 Words

Chapter Seventeen“You are a warrior again,” Bradan said as they emerged from the forest into the foothills of the Monadhliath, the Grey Mountains. “I am,” Melcorka agreed. “You dealt with the cannibals without a qualm.” Bradan was quiet for a few moments. “I was scared, Melcorka. I don't think I've ever been as scared as I am now.” “We have never seen such a collection of evil,” Melcorka said. “Everywhere we go, the country is upside down. Moss-men attacking us to grab Defender and Forest-dwellers turning into cannibals; evil has descended on the country, Bradan, and I think it's getting worse the further north we go.” Bradan smiled. “Aye, the closer we get to the house built on bones, but as long as you're back to yourself, Mel, I am sure we'll be fine. You're a match for anybody.” “

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