Chapter Sixteen

1737 Words

Chapter Sixteen“Bradan!” Melcorka spoke urgently. “Bradan!” “What?” Bradan rolled over, nearly fell on the floor and saw the dim shape of Melcorka leaning over him. “They've all gone,” Melcorka said. “Drost, Eithne and the children have all gone.” “Just like the villagers.” Bradan forced himself awake. “Where?” “How should I know?” Melcorka asked. “I heard movement, and they were gone.” “Something must have taken them.” Bradan said. “It's time we were gone too, or we'll be next to vanish.” Lifting Defender, Melcorka strapped it on her back. “No,” she said. “These people gave us hospitality. We'll try to find them; there must be some sort of trail to follow.” Although the canopy of trees hid the sky, Bradan guessed it was the early hours of the morning. The rope was hanging down, swa

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