Chapter Seventeen-2

2384 Words

“Get her! She's not got a sword! Drown her!” Recovering their courage, the women, again reinforced by a handful of men, rushed forward, some picking up stones to use as weapons, others with their mouth open in a formless scream. Running to Melcorka's side, Bradan stood ready with his staff, in time for Melcorka to lift the dark-eyed woman and throw her into the loch. “I forgot you picked up many tricks in the Chola Empire.” Bradan handed Defender back to Melcorka. “You are still 20 to two.” A stout, middle-aged woman lifted a stone in each hand. “You can't defeat us all!” “It's 20 to three.” The captive woman stood at Melcorka's other side. Despite the tearstains on her face, she appeared determined to help as she picked up a fist-sized stone. “You can run, my friend,” Melcorka murmu

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