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Calib’s Pov: 2 ½ Years later Over the last 2 and a half years there have been three attacks by wolves on my cabin, which led me to believe someone was trying to get rid of me. Because of that, I had gotten into the habit of scouting my area and the packs area every day. Once in the morning and once at night. Luckily for me, they always made themselves known before attempting to kill me. They weren’t rogue’s though, they had the smell of pack on them but none that I had ever come across. Aine’s father, of course, was my first suspect, as his manner was very different towards me, he had become cool and distant. I walked the perimeter and it felt like something was off. I sniffed the air. There were no strange scents in the air, the wooded area just felt too quiet. I could almost feel that someone was watching me. I went back to my cabin and started working. Aine’s POV: Another two and a half years have passed without anymore incidents by Rogue’s. Cale’s presence had clearly kept them at bay, either that or I just wasn’t aware of any more attacks. I had started sneaking out to see Cale, just after my father's warning. As in those days, my dad was constantly watching me. Since then, however, he knew of my weekly visits to Cale and as long as I kept it at once a week, my father didn’t complain much. My relationship with my father hasn’t changed much since the incident on my birthday 2 years ago. He just kept watching me, which made me feel a little unnerved and very claustrophobic. The only time I really felt free and myself was when I was with Cale. On a more frustrating front, my relationship still hadn’t progressed much with Cale, except for the fact that I was now unequivocally, head over heels, in love with him. He still kept me at a distance and I wasn’t quite sure why that was, but I had a feeling it was about another woman and that almost broke my heart. But he was still here with me, and that said a lot. I couldn't help but wonder about her, who was she?, and why weren't they together now?. A surge of jealousy ran through me but I quickly suppressed it. The other thing that gave me some hope was that every single year, without fail, on my birthday I would find a carved wooden figurine. They were my most treasured possessions. I grabbed my basket filled with goodies and I walked the familiar path to his cabin. When I got closer I noticed that he was chopping wood. I hid behind a tree just watching him. His muscles flexed and strained and my mind flooded with images of him naked with me. I felt a pooling at my core and I knew I had to pull myself together before I spoke to him, because he would definitely be able to smell my arousal. I took a couple of minutes to try and right myself and walked towards him. As I came closer, I saw his nostrils start to flair and his eyes turned darker. He gripped the axe tighter and brought it down with a lot of force on the piece of wood. I cleared my throat before I started to speak to him. “Good morning Cale” He turned slowly toward me. I watched as his jaw clenched and unclenched “Morning Princess” I gave a small nervous laugh as his darkened eyes fell on me. “I just brought you some weekly supplies and those chocolate chip muffins you like so much”. A frown appeared between his eyes. “Thank you, you can just leave it there.” I started walking towards his cabin. “No, it’s fine, I’ll take it in for you and I’ll just pack it away as well.” He made his fist in tight balls and I nervously walked into the cabin. When I finished packing away his groceries and muffins, I went back outside. He was standing at a wooden self-made water storage tank. He dipped his head into the water. He brought his head up out of the water, and I watched a droplet roll down his face, down his neck and onto his chest. I wanted to be that droplet so badly. My mind went back to my earlier indecent thoughts and I could feel my heart already starting to beat faster. My eyes glazed over and when I opened them again, he was standing over me staring down at me. His chest was heaving. I slowly moved my eyes up to his face. His breathing was becoming more laboured and when I reached his eyes, they were completely black. I had my back to the door and as he stepped forward I moved against the door. He moved even closer, inhaling deeply. It looked almost like he was suffering. He brought his arms up and placed them on either side of my head. I stood completely still, not wanting to break the spell. He brought his head down and it looked like he was going to kiss me. Our lips were millimetres apart. My lips were dry and I was nervous. I licked my lips and I saw his eyes focus on my mouth. He was going to kiss me and I longed for it, I wanted it. He took another deep breath and then lifted his head and then just as quickly moved away from me. He stood with his back to me and when he spoke his voice sounded strained. “See you next week, princess.” I grabbed the empty basket and almost ran out of there. I felt very embarrassed about my actions. If only he kissed me and made love to me and mark me. I shuddered as I thought of him touching me, goddess I wanted him so badly. Calib’s POV: I kept my back towards her until she was very far away. I couldn’t risk repeating the behaviour I had just displayed. I hit the cabin wall next to the door out of poor frustration. “Jesus Calib, what the f**k is wrong with you? What the hell was wrong with me? The moment I smelled her arousal I almost lost complete control, I could have taken her right there on the ground in front of my cabin, like a f*****g animal. I was going to have to watch myself even more around her. I should never again get to close to her. I haven’t been close to any other woman in the last 3 years. I still haven’t forgiven myself for the Connor thing, but I had long ago forgotten about Gina and the obsession I had for her, I knew now it was unnatural and it was never love. But the way I acted when I found my mate was worrying and I couldn’t let myself be that guy again, I would never allow it. My wolf still longed for his mate or for a mate, but even he understood that our actions were disgusting and that we could never be trusted again with such a responsibility. We were destined to live a half life, a life without love.
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