
1121 Words
Cale’s POV: My obsession with her was devastating, there was just no other word for it, because I didn’t want this, I didn’t want to feel this thing, this obsession. Her visits had increased to twice a week now, which was hell for me. She had enslaved me with her beauty, her soul, she just had this unexplained essence about her, and I wanted to be a part of it, I needed to be part of it. All I could think of was being with her, wanting her, needing her. I was bound to her heart, body and soul, whether I wanted it or not. But I couldn’t let her know. I shouldn’t let her know. All I could do was watch her from afar and protect her. The times she visited me was torment, not being able to touch her was making me mad with desire and only Aine could sate that burn. I tried to be with some of the other pack women but I just couldn’t, I couldn’t stand to be near them to touch them. All I felt being close to them was either disgust or nothing at all. The wind once again brought her scent to me. She was about a mile off, I could taste her scent as it drifted towards me, calling to me. Still, the wind didn’t stop carrying her essence, searching for it’s unwilling target. Just knowing she was coming set my body aflame. I tried to clear my head and decided to go for a quick dip, to uncloud my senses. I walked over to the cold river, stripped all my clothes and walked into my freezing salvation. I had to get this obsession for this woman out of me. These chains that were binding me to her, were drawing tighter around me with every passing day. I dived in deep and the cold water started to clear my head. I turned on my back and let the slow-moving river take me a little downstream, thinking about Aine, how such a small girl managed to enslave me and entrap my heart and that was the problem. I couldn’t leave her and I couldn’t love her, which meant I was in this weird limbo, trapped. Minutes later, I turned on my stomach and started to swim back to the shore. I noticed a waving, laughing Aine standing on the riverbank and, for some reason, her happiness annoyed and irritated me. If she cared to take notice, she would have seen my clothes lying on the ground next to where she was standing, she would have seen what her constant presence did to me. I exhaled, letting go of some of my pent-up frustration, and started to slowly walk out of the river. I noticed her eyes roaming over my body and pleasure started to spread through me, that is until I smelled her lust. Aine’s POV: I waved at Cale when I saw him in the river. I had specifically gone to the kitchens early this morning to get him some of the cook’s special triple chocolate cookies. She was not impressed with me when I took a full dozen, but I wanted Cale to have them. He always looked so unhappy, like he was carrying the world on his shoulders. His hair had become longer again, it was now already on his shoulders. He started to walk towards me from the river and his dark hair was plastered to his face and neck, his blue eyes shone with life and were very clear. My eyes then slid to his chest and how his muscled chest and sculpted abs moved as he started to walk to me. I watched as a drop of water travelled down his muscular chest and I couldn’t help but follow it down until it disappeared. My Goddess but he was beautiful. I felt a pull in my core and then a heat started to spread over my body. He kept walking towards me and then I noticed he was naked. I couldn’t take my eyes off his manhood. I wanted to, I tried to but for some reason I was mesmerised by it. The heat and something else spread deeper into me and it was slowly turning into an inferno. He stopped right in front of me only millimetres away from my face. When I finally decided, I probably had to look up. My mouth and lips were dry and I darted my tongue out to lick my dry lips. When I looked back up, his eyes were black. I heard a low growl and then felt his arms encircle me. His mouth crashed down on mine and I involuntarily let my hands follow the same path the drop travelled moments before. He drew me close to him and I could feel him becoming harder. I inhaled his scent and I wanted more, more of this. His tongue slipped into my mouth and I couldn't help savoring it. I heard a deep grown escape from him. Then, just as suddenly as this started, it stopped. He pushed me a little away from him, still holding on to my arms tightly. I knew i was going to bruise, but I wanted it. I wanted any mark on me that he put there. He shook his head as if to clear it and then spoke to me “Now let this be a lesson to you, I hope you now realise that coming here without protection from me is going to lead to something you can’t handle. I could have made love to you now and you wouldn’t have stopped me. So get out of here before I do something we both will regret” I stumbled away and as soon as I found my footing again, I started to run. I ran until I reached the safety of my room and dropped on the bed. I couldn’t believe what just happened. I touched my lips. That was my first kiss, I was a woman of 24 and that was my first kiss. Was that why he pulled away because it wasn’t good enough? No, I saw his lower extremities growing harder, so he liked it. I might be 24 and still a virgin, but I knew how these things worked, he wanted me. I pulled the pillow over my head and screamed with frustration. My Goddess, I wish he had taken me on the shores of the river, anything to just relieve me of this obsession with him, of this constant lustful state I was in. I wouldn’t have regretted it, that much I was certain of. I screamed again into the pillow, I couldn’t take it anymore.
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