Lonely Hearts

1335 Words
Calib’s POV: I hadn’t seen her in over a week and that caused me to feel restless. Neither myself or my wolf could settle. My heart contracted thinking about her but I just couldn’t let myself feel more for her than what I was already feeling. I was already close to feeling more for her than I ever had for Gina and I didn’t think I would survive those extreme feelings again, I just couldn’t. Especially because I couldn’t ever trust myself again. I sensed Beta Terrence walking towards me with a basket. As soon as he came close to me, he shoved the basket in my hands. “There!” he didn’t look happy to be sent on this errand. I put the basket down at my feet as he turned to leave. He swung back and his eyes fell on the basket and he looked up at me. “You’re seriously an ungrateful asshole” I just kept staring at him, not uttering a word “She specifically packed that basket for you, and you can’t even say thank you. Most of us would give our right nut for her to pay so much attention to us” I turned to return to my work, not too eager to be drawn into this, whatever it was, so I just gave him a sarcastic “Thank you” He looked up at the sky and muttered something “Asshole, she packed some birthday cake in there as well.” I kept working. “It’s not my birthday” “Yeah I know prick, it's hers.” I stilled and watched as the Beta left. Guilt washed over and I walked into my cabin and started to finish the owl carving I was busy with. I knew now I had started this carving with her in mind. I carved until I finished thinking of her the whole time. It must have been after 9o’clock when I finally snuck into the packhouse. I knew which room was hers, her scent would direct me straight to her inner sanctum. I noticed a small party taking place in the dining room. It looked like the whole pack was there. I hid myself and searched for her in the crowded room. I found her sitting with her head bent at a table with an untouched piece of cake in front of her. She wasn’t eating anything at all, just staring at it blankly. She looked miserable. Her father approached her and I saw her body tense. Something felt off, but again I ignored my feelings, attributing it to her not wanting a party. I saw the frown on her father's face and he whispered something to her. People were starting to leave the party, so I decided to do what I came here to do. I followed her scent right to her room. The door was open so I snuck in. I went over to her bed. I picked up her pillow just to inhale her scent even more, drawing her smell into my lungs. When I put the pillow back down, I placed the owl carving on her pillow. She was coming upstairs, I knew it was her. I almost stayed, I almost gave in to my obsession, but just before she entered I went through the window. I stared through the window at her, I had to see her reaction. It was torture standing perfectly still with her so close, her scent wafting over my senses. I watched as she stopped by her bed, noticing the owl figurine. She picked it up and a slow smile started to appear on her face, she looked radiant. She fisted the owl figurine tightly and ran to the window. I made myself as small as possible against the wall, balancing on her very narrow windowsill. I could still see her through my peripheral vision. She stared in the direction of my cabin and it felt like my heart was beating out of my chest. I saw another smile on her face and then a tear. She turned around and went back into her room and I took my first breath. I jumped down and started back to my cabin. It felt like I was leaving a piece of myself behind. Aine’s POV: Holding that little owl in my hand made me not feel so alone. I turned 21 today and I felt like the loneliest girl alive. I stared down at the little owl. It was beautiful and I knew instinctively that Cale had made it, and that made me feel happy for the first time this week. This last week has been hell for me. Firstly, my father has been acting weird lately. I couldn’t understand his attitude since the incident a week ago. And secondly, I spent a week without Cale and I missed our visits. I knew I was the only one talking, but still he made me feel safe and like I wasn’t so alone. There was a knock on my door and I hid the little figurine in my draw. As my father walked in he sniffed the air. “Has Cale been here Aine?” I gave my father a blank stare. “No father, I haven’t seen him in more than a week.” He gave me a sceptical look and came to a standstill before me. He started to rub the sides of my arms. He used to do that when I was a little girl and it always brought me comfort. Right now, it made me shiver and made me feel the exact opposite. “Good, I’m glad, it’s never good to get too close to a man like that.” I frowned when I looked up at him. “What do you mean, he has saved my life and I consider him my friend” He gave me an indulgent smile. “Ainie, he is the help, he is just here to help us to protect you, he is basically expendable”. I was starting to get very upset, if something happened to Cale I would literally die of heartbreak. “NO one is expendable father”. He turned as he walked to the door. “What a lovely sentiment, daughter, but you will soon discover that, that just isn’t the truth.” My father gestured toward me. “Now come, come back to the party, your guests are waiting for you” I inhaled deeply and looked into my father's eyes. “You know not one of those people is there to see me, they hate me and they are only there because you are the Alpha.” His smile froze on his face. “That is not the truth, Aine. Now come, we went to a lot of trouble for you.” I stiffened and walked out in front of him. I steeled myself before I went back to the party. Placating my father had become my way of life, I knew now what he was capable of doing. Alpha Grey's POV: I watched Aine as she moved between the pack to take her normal seat at the table. Her lack of gratitude infuriated me, she was being very ungrateful, after everything I had sacrificed for her. I watched as the males of my pack leered at her and I was immediately angry. "Get out, everyone just get out", the pack faces fell but they quickly moved out of the pack house, not wanting to anger me further. Aine slowly got up and started for the stairs back to her room. I followed her with my eyes until she disappeared from view. It was that bastard, he had caused all the trouble in my pack, I was going to have to get rid of him. It didn't care anymore if he protected us or not. She was fascinated by him and I couldn't allow it. She was mine, mine. I would never give her up. Never.
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