
1599 Words

Another 18 months later. Calib’s POV: I was restless before I went to bed. I couldn’t settle. Something felt off. I ran the perimeter of the pack house twice, checking that Aine was safe. When I finally went to bed my sleep was restless as well, but I must have fallen asleep at some stage because I had the strangest dream. A golden wolf appeared to me. She seemed familiar somehow. She was beautiful, surrounded by this bright golden light. The dream quickly changed and the Golden Wolf started to wither in front of me her light fading fast and it looked like she was dying. She tried to speak but she couldn’t. The only sound she was able to utter was a tortured scream. I then heard Aine scream "wake up Calib" and I sat up, ripped from the dream. Drenched in sweat. I wiped my soaked

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