A year in the life

1482 Words
Calib's POV: It’s been a year now since I arrived at the pack. Without fail, Aine came by every single day, to bring me something from the pack house. I had tried to ignore her, to be rude to her, but she wasn’t getting the message. Every single day just before 9’oclock she would walk toward me and talk incessantly about her day and feelings. The funny thing was I was looking forward to that hour she spent talking to me. I was growing more and more infatuated with the girl and it had become an annoying flaw in my otherwise unbreakable armour. I smiled as soon as I sensed her. She was about ½ mile from my camp, and I couldn’t help but feel a little lightheaded. I gave myself a mental shake trying to clear the fog her presence always caused me. I closed my eyes and began to harden myself. I couldn’t get close to her, I wouldn’t allow myself to. There was no way I was going to f**k up her life. She was so sweet and innocent, I just couldn’t allow myself to feel what my wolf and I were longing to feel. I inhaled her scent, and I immediately went on full alert. There was another scent. I inhaled deeply, trying to determine the origin. Adrenaline flooded my body as soon as I realised what it was. There was a rogue nearby. I immediately changed into my wolf and started to stalk towards the scent of the rogue. I saw him about 20 meters from Aine and I started to run as fast as I could toward them. The rogue noticed me a little too late. I launched myself at him, extending my nails in mid-air. I dragged my claws across his chest and face, killing him instantly. As I dropped to the ground, I saw Aine collapse. I changed back into human and ran towards her. She was unconscious, she must have fainted when she saw what was happening. I took her small figure in my arms. her heart was beating extremely fast, so I picked her up and started toward my cabin. Relief flooded my body as my cabin came into view. I kicked open the cabin door and carefully placed her on my bed. Her heart was starting to beat normally again. “Aine, Aine, please wake up sweetheart.” Her eyes slowly fluttered open. Fear immediately replaced confusion, and her heart started to beat fast again. She tried to sit up, but I put my hand on her chest. I slowly moved my hand and took hers. I didn’t want to scare her. “He’s gone, sweetheart, and I promise you he will never be back” She turned her hand in mine and held onto it tightly. I could smell her fear and when I spoke again I spoke soothingly “It’s okay, I promise, you are safe sweetheart.” She stared up at me. “Please just hold me” She turned on her side and when I got in bed with her she put her head on my chest and held me tightly around my shoulders. I carefully stroked her head until her breathing started to become even. I smiled when I realised she was starting to fall asleep. I felt my heart start to swell with happiness and I couldn’t allow it. I couldn’t allow this girl to penetrate my hard-won exterior. I immediately got up and I watched as her eyes opened, searching my face. “I’m sorry princess, but you will have to leave.” She gave me a very insecure look and I knew I had just hurt her feelings. I turned my back on her, not wanting to see her hurt face. I balled my fists and when I spoke again I felt angry with myself and with her for managing to get under my skin. “Just leave Princess, please”, I said the last part almost pleadingly. She got up from bed and I thought I saw a tear spill down her cheek. “Okay, t t thank you for saving me ……… again” I nodded my head in her direction, but I didn’t look at her and she walked out my door. I promised myself in that moment that I would not speak to her again, I would stay away from her to save myself and her. As soon as I was sure she couldn’t see me anymore, I changed back into my wolf and started to follow her. I still had this need to make sure she was safe. She walked with her head bent until she reached the pack. She disappeared into the pack house, but I stayed there. I kept watching until I saw her enter her room. She went to the window and looked out of the window. She was crying and for a second I wanted to go to her, but I couldn’t. I turned and started to run back to my cabin. I thought about leaving their pack but again my heart wouldn’t let me. I needed to stay for her to make sure she is safe. I was caught, caught in limbo and it was of my own making. Aine’s POV: I was devasted. I couldn’t understand his sudden change. One moment he was almost loving and the next he basically chased me away. I looked out of my window over the pack hustle and bustle. My eyes fell on a group of women talking in the square. They had their children with them and looked happy, that is until they saw me watching them. They immediately grabbed their children and moved away. I could understand their feelings, it was my fault that we were always under attack, but I actually thought that I had finally found a friend. I even imagined myself half in love with him, but now after today, I didn’t think I could face him again. I heard the knock on my door. “Come in.” Lauren one of the omega women who worked in the kitchen. “Miss Aine, I have your juice.” I inhaled deeply and pulled my face. “Can you just tell my father that I drank the juice and throw it down the basin?” “I can’t do that, Miss.” I felt a surge of rebellion, I grabbed the juice from her and threw it down my ensuite basin. “Tell him whatever you want” I saw her stricken face and felt bad for a second. She disappeared quickly and minutes later my father came through the door with Lauren at his heels. My father looked angry. “Please tell me you didn’t just throw your juice, down the basin” I walked to the window again and turned my back on my father. I heard a slap and when I turned around my father was busy beating Lauren. My first reaction was extreme shock. I had never seen my father act this way, never. He was a kind and fair man. I ran toward him and through myself in front of Lauren. “What are you doing?” My father’s face was flushed and red, he looked extremely angry. “You need to drink your juice Aine and this b***h was supposed to make sure of that.” “I was the one who refused to drink the juice. If you need to hit anyone, it should be me” My father’s eyes softened when he looked at me, he reached toward me and stroked my cheek. “I could never hurt you baby, never.” “You are hurting me now, by hurting Lauren. This is not her fault” He turned hateful eyes toward Lauren. “Ask her to make another batch and, after she’s finished, bring my daughter her juice.” Lauren ran out the room. “Why did you do that?” My father rubbed his head with his thumb. “You need to drink your juice Aine.” He turned and left the room. I stood like that in total shock until Lauren came back later with another juice in her hands. I turned pleading eyes toward her. “I am so sorry Lauren, I didn’t know he was going to do that.” I touched her arm as I took the juice from her and she immediately moved her arm away from my offending hand. She had a bruise forming on the side of her head and I reached out to touch it but she whipped her head away. When she spoke to me her voice was almost dead, “Drink your juice miss,” I downed the whole glass and handed the empty glass back to her. She took it from me and silently walked out the room.
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