
1680 Words

'' I want you to know that I like you, ok. I know this is all too soon and very confusing for you but you mean the world to me,'' His cheeks turned red as he said that. When he saw there was no reply from me he took both my hands in his and said. '' You don't have to say anything immediately ok, Take all the time you want but just trust me, please, OK?? '' He looked at me with his eyes filled with hope. I was dumbfounded by his confession even though it didn't explain any of my questions or change in his behavior. '' Will you be my girlfriend? '' he asked so suddenly. My eyes widened at his words. '' I know you are hesitant about this, now, but I promise you, I will answer all of your questions, and I will make it up to you for being an asshole to you every single day, but please a

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