What changed?

2253 Words

'' We need to talk" He gritted his teeth, I tried to push him off but his hold only got tighter and a lot stronger, making it impossible to move. "If you want to leave, stop squirming and listen or we can always wait till you are ready to hear me out, Either way, we are not leaving without finishing our talk, understand?! '' He said glaring straight at me. I stopped moving and stared at him. '' Nod, if you understand! '' He said sternly, holding my chin in a firm hold, his tone erupting goosebumps in my skin. I nod my head, yes. '' Good, I had enough of your ignoring, so tell me what is wrong with you '' He asked, his voice softened a bit. '' Nothing '' I said, with a shrug. I can play dumb too! He searched my face to see what was wrong. '' Then why did you run away like that? why t

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