Robert's POV

1005 Words
Give a price. Ten million dollars? Twenty million dollars? Entering the office, I posed the question. My gaze shifted to the object or person who had stopped me in this location. The youngster is seated calmly at the office's side. His face was round, and his hair matched mine in color. My eyes grew wide as I waited for him to raise his head, which he did. I was a perfect replica of the child I was when I was in his shoes. Whatever had happened wasn't his fault because he appeared so innocent and attractive. I doubt if he was even aware of what had occurred. "You will give me twenty million dollars if I ask for it, you? I turned my gaze from my kid to the woman who inquired. My gaze shifted to the woman standing next to her before I could even consider answering. Was this the one? The person I shared a bed with seven years prior? Everyone said it was all in my head and that she was a ghost, but I know what I felt and what I saw. Not only is she real, but she gave birth to a puppy for me—I didn't sleep with a ghost. Her mouth and huge eyes were still fixed on me. I pondered whether she was aware of me. Yes, I said, maintaining eye contact with the woman. "And who are you?" When the principle asked, I looked up into her eyes. "My name is Father. Right now, I'll write the twenty million-dollar check, making sure that none of us remembers what happened today. Do you think that's okay, Mrs.? The woman hurriedly got up and said, "Julie, yes, it's okay with me." I'm positive that after I leave this office, I won't remember anything. I motioned for my betta to enter the office, and when he did, I took my check book and scribbled down the twenty million-dollar check before giving it to her. She gazed at it, her eyes wide, then I went to where my son was sitting, and he was staring at me, wide, then I lifted him up. "Let's head home, son." I approached his mother, who was motionless in her chair. Not knowing her name or how to address her, I murmured, "Come home with me, honey." When I realized she had no intention of getting up, I assisted her in standing. She didn't take her eyes off of me as we left the principal's office. I led the mother and son to the car, both of them stunned and dazed. The woman woke up from her stupor when I opened the door for them. "We...we...cannot go... with you?" I understood, even though she phrased it as if it were a question. "We can discuss later. I protested to her, "We need to leave here first," but she shook her head, threatening to take my son away. "You have to acknowledge that he is also mine. You tried to hide him from me, but you didn't realize that, as I am his father and Alpha, I will know about him the instant he utilizes his power. No matter where he is, an Alpha can always sense and recognize his pup. She was making things difficult for me, but I didn't want to become upset with her for keeping my child from me. After looking for my son for so long, I wasn't going to abandon him or her. "So I'm going to leave with my son, so you better come along." Before the driver took off, my kid and I got inside the car with her in a hurry and in silence. "Are you truly my dad?" As soon as I heard the boy inquire, I smiled sincerely and nodded. "Yes, I am." "Whoa! " My dad is extremely wealthy!" His mother responded, "Language, Dylan," and he gave a quiet, regretful whisper that nearly made me laugh. "Dylan, what?" I gave him a raised eyebrow. My son has such a lovely name from her. "Yes, Dylan James." I scowled in response. "James? James, who? She turned to face me and said, "My father," and I nodded in response. superior to a husband. My son should respond to my name, not the name of another man. "What's your name, then?" She opened her mouth to respond to my question, but Dylan shocked her by asking, You're unaware of her name? She is your wife, right? "No, I'm not. That's because we didn't get to see each other's faces during our very dark nighttime s*x in the woods. She awoke earlier than I did and fled. I looked everywhere for her, but she was nowhere to be found. Thus, it was more of a "one-night stand thing." I considered the consequences of saying it out but refrained from doing so. "You are Clara James, and me?" Her gaze scanned my eyes for solutions. I said, "I'm Alpha Robert Dean," and she dropped her jaw. "Al, Al, Alpha?" She pointed at me and asked, her eyes wide. "Yes, indeed," "What is an Alpha?" When Dylan saw her mother's look, he inquired, and I did the best I could to explain. "King" "You are my son, King of the Werewolf." The Werewolf Prince "Wow!" He shouted. Was he even told by his mother that he was a werewolf? You may be wondering why your friend fractured his bone when he fell so forcefully. The reason is that you used your werewolf strength. And because you are the offspring of an Alpha, your strength is ten times greater than that of a normal werewolf. Clara only stared at me while I told him these things. As I turned to talk to her, the driver remarked, "Alpha, here we are." "Where are we now?" Dylan inquired as we descended, Greetings from Nexton Pack. Dylan smiled when I told him, "You'll be living here with your mother from now on," but then Clara added to both of us, "I decline"
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