You're pregnant.

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"Ma'am, you're two weeks pregnant. Congratulations." "What the heck?" I regurgitated my spit. What does the physician say? "You have a pregnancy. "The test results are out," he said, giving the paper to me as he sat down. I took the paper from him carefully. I skimmed the page till I came across the word "positive." I felt lightheaded abruptly. "Are you alright?" The doctor inquired, but I fainted before I could answer. His words vanished as I became completely dark. When I opened my eyes again, I discovered that I was now a hospital patient. In front of me was the doctor. "Am I audible to you? Are you able to see me? I watched him talk and nodded. He was traveling slowly, but I could still see and hear him. "You must look after your own needs. You're not going to faint anyway. He sounded angry but was trying not to show it. "You are not one anymore; you're two, and you're carrying a child." My eyes were filled with tears. I had a baby. Without a doubt, that was the stranger's kid. How could I not take care of myself and take some medication? I had been too preoccupied with the news of moving out to take any pregnancy prevention medication. I was unable to secure even the house, and as of right now, I still don't have a place to call home. Since the evening I discovered Maria with David, I have not seen her. How on earth am I pregnant right now? How? How do I handle the infant? Not even a place to sleep exists for me. How am I going to keep the kid? "You will keep the child." The doctor said, "We do not abort pregnancy here," before I could even formulate the question in my mind. I was crying, wondering how I was going to make it through. "Who said I was planning to have an abortion?" Weeping, I asked him. He gave a shrug. My stuff was on the ground outside the house when I eventually left the hospital and returned home. I noticed that Mrs. Dami had already given the new tenant the key. "Mrs. Dami...” She turned away from me after I approached her. Without giving me a second glance, the new tenant entered the house and locked the door. I looked around the house and then at my belongings lying on the floor. I sobbed and eventually dropped to my knees. How should I proceed? I sobbed for what seemed like a lifetime before getting up, wiping my eyes, and leaving the compound with my possessions. As soon as word got out about my breakup with David, it was met with laughter from everyone. Additionally, word spread that David had proposed to Maria and that their marriage would occur shortly. Right then and there, I decided to break away from the flock for my sanity. Move far away so that no one can find me. A place where no one would ever know that I'm a rejected werewolf or even recognize me. I would go somewhere remote where no one would be aware that I was pregnant with someone else's child. Not David or Maria, in particular. I'm heading to the realm of people. I will raise and care for my child by myself there. I'll make a fresh start and find something to do there. After seven years "Hey," "Hello, this is Miss Clara James, Dylan James's mother. The individual inquired, and I got up from my seat to swiftly respond. Indeed. Indeed, I am. Is something wrong? The woman narrowed my eyes and continued, "Well, your son happened to have done some damage in school, and we would like your presence with immediate effect." "Injuries?" It astonished me. Dylan, my son, is a peaceful boy. What harm did he cause? Indeed, harm. We'll be there to greet you. I quickly packed and slung my bag over my shoulder before asking my employer for permission. Since this was the first time it was happening, he gave me permission to leave work, even though I wasn't permitted to. I hurriedly left the office and made my way to Dylan's school. Dylan inflicted harm. How on earth is it even feasible? They are definitely going to frame him for something he did not do. I went straight to the main office as soon as I arrived at the school. A woman's yelling and screaming were audible to me. I was curious about the situation. I pounded on the door and then opened it. "Miss Clara James," I said, nodding as I moved inside the office and took a seat next to the irate woman in the vacant chair. Dylan was head down on a chair at the side of the office when I looked at him. "So this... thing was raised by you?" When she inquired, I became enraged right away. "Don't even think about calling my son a thing! Who the devil are you? I'll never sit and watch her call my son a thing, even though I had no idea what had transpired. As soon as the head of the school realized the woman was going to take revenge, she hit the table to draw our attention. "I didn't bring you here to pick fights with her!" After yelling at me, the principal said, "Her son, Luke, was severely shoved by your son, Dylan. As we speak, the youngster is in the hospital. I gasped as I turned to face the principle in front of me after looking at Dylan. "Is he okay?" She nodded when I asked. "We could get him to the hospital right now. He'll be alright, but could you please apologize to Mrs. Julie? I let out a sigh and turned to face the irate woman. "I truly apologize. I have no doubt that my son feels terrible about what he did. We sincerely apologize. I apologized and wondered how Dylan could push someone to the point of needing to be hospitalized. "I'd rather not listen to your petty apology!" The woman yelled at me. "No one would stop me if I took this case to court." My gaze grew wide. "No." Dylan's use of his werewolf strength is hidden from them. I inquired in an attempt to bargain. "How can I make this right? What is the hospital bill amount? I swear to have it cleared. Do I appear to be indigent? Do I appear as though I desire your crappy money? Even more enraged than before, she questioned me, and I bit my tongue. Give a price. Ten million dollars? Twenty million dollars? Simply name it. With his eyes fixated on Dylan, a man entered the office and said.
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