Clara's Point of view

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“I refuse,” I declared my voice solemn and unwavering as I gazed into his ocean blue eyes. “And why is that?” He inquired, raising an eyebrow at me, his voice deep, causing my insides to tingle. "Control yourself Camilla," I cautioned my wolf. She should not be tingling to the voice of a man who I was involved with just once. It was a one night stand. One time fling. I should not be getting funny feelings and thoughts. "I am sorry but I can't help it," She whined within me. Why do I want to leave? Even I couldn't answer the question myself. “Mom, since dad is so rich," Dylan expressed, Twirling in the enormous living room that was surprisingly sparsely furnished. " where do I find my room? I am so eager to see my room?" Dylan probed, tugging at my cloth. "Go outside," I ordered my voice raising slightly, “um sweetie,” I called softly this time, massaging my temples, "go outside honey, mom is having grown up conversations." My eyes followed him as he picked up his school bag which he had dropped on the floor, scurrying across the room and out the door “I see you are hiding this from him,” he stated, the ends of his lips curving into a smile, What did he is? The most gorgeous man on the planet? “This,” I trailed off, gesturing between us, “is none of your business,” “It pretty much is," he insists, "I mean I am his father," he declares taking a step closer to me, "What do you want?" I inquire, crossing my arm over my chest I am used to things like this. Men always want something in return.. like David, he rejected me because I was not a strong enough Luna for him. Now he wants me because of course I have his heir. And he has outrightly paid for our freedom. "Why do you assume that I want something?" He inquired, confusion written all over his face "Because," I sighed, smacking my head internally for blurting out my thoughts, "that's the thing with you people," "Huh what people," his confusion deepening with each word I uttered. "Guys,," i.breathed, _since I already started the mistake, I might as well just finish it._ "men, whatever. Look here, I am sorry but I cannot afford to stay here. Tell me is that what you want in exchange for the help you offered us?" I urged, raisiyan eyebrow at him, "You want our freedom now?" "You are cute when you try to be upset," he chuckled, touching the tip of his nose. _so he thinks I am cute now?_ "Is it wrong to want to be close to my son?" He continued running a hamd through his hair, "I have missed him for seven years of his life," _well, all this wouldn't have happened if you hadn't shown up in the woods looking edible._ "And how sure are you that he is your son?" I countered, not ready to let him win the argument. "Come on now," he laughed, " it's basic math… I mean the resemblance is there for all and sundry to see," he pointed out, a smirk dancing on his lips as though he is proud of his strong genes. " Anyone can be a splitting image of another, without having any blood ties," I lied, trying to convince myself as well.. I mean I can look like anyone in the world right? "Okay, I recognized you, and," he paused, gazing into my eyes with those ocean blue eyes of his that were threatening to get me drowned, "…and before you counter that aswell, I sensed that he was in danger, the moon goddess can not possibly be wrong," he shrugged, "I know you might not believe me, but something drew me to you the minute I laid my eyes on you. We have a connection, I know you feel it too," his last words coming out in almost a whisper. _"i can feel it too, more like a force that pull me to you," but I don't say it out loud. He cannot hear my thoughts can he?_ "I don't feel anything," I retort, his expression turning sullen at my words. _i can't deny Dylan the privilege of knowing his dad now , can i? It would be heartless of me too and Dylan might hate me forever._ "Fine," i breath, "you want your son? Then we will find a.way to work around it. I simply can not live here on undefined terms," I say solemnly. He should be glad that I am willing to compromise for Dylan's sake. It's just for his well-being nothing more, nothing less. "I won't force you, then," he declares, a smile tugging at his lips. "Thank you," "But i do have one request," he lingers, holding a prolonged eye contact with me. "Be quick already it's getting late," I urge, my eyes alternating from the window to the wall clock that was hanging on my far right. His sense of decoration is quite modest as there are no excessive furniture here and there. The thing I find unique is his the 3D wall clock. His walls are coated in pure white paint, with a silver curtains that run from the ceiling to the floor The marble floor serving as a mirror beneath us. Um Clara you might want to know that he is still standing in front of us, my wolf points out dragging me back to my thoughts. "I want to spend the rest of the evening with you and Dylan," he trails off, his eyes examining my face closely, _what if I have a pimple on there?_ "If that is cool with you that is," he adds, his eyes widening in expectation. It's just one evening you know "It's getting late," he continues, his fingers playing with his bracelet, "I won't take long. I promise. Till we can work around getting a proper plan in place,"
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