take us out

1033 Words
"Fine," I agree, "Dylan!" I called, he has been outside, playing with pebbles he probably found on the floor. "Yes Mom," Come here," I instructed, watching him through the window as he stands from the shade outside and runs through the door and into the living room. "I am here mom," he declares, engulfing me in an embrace, " Dad," he adds, his eyes flickering in admiration as he runs off to Robert's feet. "Daddy wants to take us out," I annnounce, "you want to go?" "Of course mom," he beams, doing a little happy dance at the news. "Good boy," "Give me a sec, I will go change to something more casual," Robert announces, ascending the stairs, practically practically jogging. "Mom," Dylan called softly. "Yes honey," "Dad is hot," "You shouldn't be saying stuff like that," _but I agree, he is a smoking hot gentleman._ *** "Dad," Dylan's voice fills the car, Robert's grip on the steering is firm, hi veins threatening to rip out of his flesh. "Yes Dylan," he responds, the smile evident in his words. "Can we stop by the toy store, pretty please," clasping his hands together. "I hope you're not getting Barbie dolls," his voice coming out in teasing manner. "Ewww," Dylan grimaces, "I want to add more swords to my collections," he declares, hitting the chair. "I see my son is a warrior," he chuckles, "I can slay dragons and monsters, even werewolves too," His words taking me aback, now Robert will know that I haven't mentioned the werewolf lineage to Dylan. "Dylan shut up," I thundered, biting my lower lips. "Clara," Robert calls softly. Is it weird that I love the sound of my name from his lips? I could sit down and listen to him call my name all day long. " let him be." "Dad, what is a werewolf?" Would Dylan quit being too inquisitive, now I am ashamed at my own training skills now. "Um Dylan I think now is not the right time for us to talk about werewolves," he puts off, taking the left turn. "Is it wrong?" Dylan probs, tilting his head to the side. "Not at all honey," i trail off, saving Robert the stress of having to explain to an all.too inquisitive Dylan, "just that-- " I am too busy wondering what store I should take you to.." Robert interjects, throwing me off balance and easing the tensed atmosphere. "Take me to a toy store that has a regular supermarket and a restaurant as well," Dylan beams, forgetting the discussion almost immediately, "Mom here loves to shop randomly and she loves to eat as well," "Dylan!" My voice coming out in a shriek "Mom, I did nothing wrong," he protests, "I am only telling dad here, he isn't a stranger is he?" "No honey,"I lie. _ever heard of close strangers, I think the right term is familiar strangers. But how do I explain it to Dylan without confusing him even further?_ "But mom," his voice dragging me out of my head. "yes honey," I sigh "Why haven't I heard anything about dad all these while?" My heart beating loudly in my chest at his question. Robert glances at me from the driver's seat, can he hear it as well, "you never bothered mentioning him to me. Do I have grandparents as well?" Dylan rattles on "Dylan, we are here," Robert's voice comes to the rescue. "Yesssssss," Dylan screams before jumping out of the car, leaving us behind and running out of the parking lot, towards the store. "Do you mind giving me a few tips so I don't flop?" Robert calls behind me, freezing me to the ground. _his voice is hipnotizing._ "He is obsessed with the Teenage Mutant Ninja turtles," I blurt,.placing my hand over my lips almost instantly. "What's that?" He probed, grabbing me by the arm, his touch sending shocks of electric through my skin. His musky scent beclouding my senses. "A kids show," i explain. "Okay noted,"he nods attentively, " Any other tips?" "His favourite character is Raphael from the same show. He hates the shredder, a villisn from the cartoon as well and he is looking for the exclusive limited edition TMNT magic card," I explain, Pulling out my phone and scrolling through various pictures the characters. "Cards, magic and turtles," he says after me. "You make it sound hilarious," I point out, giggling at my own words. "I'm glad I do," he nods, I can see a smile creeping to his words as well. "Heyy wait up Dylan," he calls out jogging towards Dylan. "Am I too fast for daddy to keep up?" Dylan teases, pausing for Robert to catch up. "Yes you are," "I am sorry daddy," "It's fine," he waved, "in fact I was more worried about your mom here, she seems a bit too slow to keep up with our shenanigans.." he is whispering in to Dylan's ear, but it is loud enough for me to over hear them. "True," Dylan shrugs, "but don't judge by her appearance. Mom is quite strong but her body makes her appear weak. I think it's her super power," "Are you guys gossipping about me?" "Mom dad said you are slow and weak," Dylan's voice rings out. "Dylan's words not mine," Robert protests, erupting a giggle from me. "Not true," Dylan whines, "I told Dad that you kick a lot of butts. "Butts is an offensive word," I correct "Dylan look over there," Robert calls, "the limited edition teenage magical cards," he says, pointing in a direction, "What where are they!!?" Dylan's screams, running off. "He is so energetic," Robert beams before running off. "You have one of the most beautiful families," an elderly voice calls out behind me as I trailed behind the two boys. "Huh," I blink, turning back to lock eyes with a pair of green eyes, the color, similar to the grasses in the field in spring. "Your family is quite enviable my dear," she continues amidst my confusion, "that young man, he is a keeper," her smile grows wider as she points towards Robert in the distance, carrying Dylan up on his shoulders. _he is a keeper._
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