Chapter Five

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Chapter Five I reached out while I rubbed my face against Nick’s smooth chest. My hand came in contact with his chiseled abdomen. I outlined his v-shaped upper body with my index finger and gently kissed his chest. When I finished, I inhaled his manly scent. Nick possessed an amazing cut body. There was not a single flaw on it except for the battle scars from the previous night. My entire body ached, but I loved every single moment that we spent making love. Nick had been wild, crazy and fun. It definitely was one of the best nights of our lives and I knew that I would never forget the way our bodies united as one. I began to kiss his biceps and slowly made my way up to his neck. I kissed his neck passionately while he let go a small moan and opened his eyes. He grinned. “Baby, I love when you wake me up like that.” He wrapped his arms around me and I lay my head on his chest. I was in heaven. My heart jolted instantly filling my veins with ecstasy and glee. I belonged in his arms. No one was going to take him away from me. No one. Nick was mine and I was his. My mind slowly wandered to the events of the previous night. Emily’s face stood out among my memories. I forgot to tell Nick that I had seen her with his parents during the celebration. I had to tell him before it was too late. I sighed deeply. “Nick?” “Hmm?” Nick had his eyes close. “I’ve got something to tell you.” He slowly opened them. “You can tell me anything, Jaan.” “I saw Emily last night.” “So?” Nick answered closing his eyes again. “That b***h can do whatever the f**k she wants as long as she leaves us alone.” “I know, but what’s bothering me is that she was talking with your parents.” Nick quickly opened his eyes again. “My parents were there last night? What were they talking about?” “I don’t know. They were too far away, but they were definitely talking about us because they kept looking at us from time to time. Emily looked at me with so much anger and hatred. Your parents did too, but I did my best to ignore them.” I rested my head on his chest and listened to his rapid heartbeat. Nick held me tighter. “We just have got to keep our guard up and be ready for anything, Jaan. I don’t know what they were saying, but it could not be something good. They better not test my patience because I’ll strike out at them with everything I got.” I hugged him tighter this time. “Don’t say that, love. At the end of the day, they’re your parents and you can’t do anything to them. We just have to be ready for anything, as you say.” After a deep sigh, Nick gently kissed my head. “They should be grateful that you’re always calming me down before I do something stupid to them. They need to understand I’m not a kid anymore and that I’ve got to search for my own happiness with whoever I want. They can’t keep controlling me like I’m an eleven-year old boy. I’m sick of their rules and regulations. Thanks to you, I haven’t told them off.” I turned to him with a smile. I knew Nick was hurting inside, but he was fighter and much stronger than me. He was willing to fight for his dreams and happiness against the world and his parents and so was I. We were ready for anything. His eyes met mine and a tiny smirk developed on his face. I had no idea what just crossed his mind. “What, Nick?” “Get your ass up.” Nick told me pulling me on top of him. I felt his hardness rub against my ass. He grinned happily. “Ride Daddy’s big dick.” “Okay, Daddy.” I laughed. I was about to reach for his hard d**k when his phone rang. He sighed and rolled his eyes. Against his will, he reached for his BlackBerry, keeping his gaze on me all the time. “Hello?” There was a short pause. A smile quickly appeared on his face and he immediately sat up even though I was still sitting on top of him. Nick pressed the speaker button. “Hey, Gramps!” “Son! Where you at? You got me and your grandma worried. We just got back from Europe. There was no way we were going to spend the rest of our lives living there. We were born here so we’re going to die here.” “I’m in Elizabeth City actually. I won Regionals again, Gramps.” “That’s great, you little pimp! And you weren’t coming down for a short visit? I’m going to hang you from your balls when you get your little butt ova’ here for lunch.” Nick chuckled happily. “Is that an offer for lunch, Gramps?” “Hell yes, you little rascal! Get your ass ova’ here now. Or you forgot about us now that you found love? I’ve got a huge headache from all the complaining your mom does day and night since we got back. Yesterday, I told her that she should shut that hole in her mouth and think about accepting you the way you are. That crazy weather girl still annoys me.” Nick laughed. “Thanks, Gramps! I knew you’d accept me, no questions asked. Jaan and I would love to drop by for lunch.” “That’s great, you little bonehead! Grandma and I will be waiting for you. Make sure you bring that boy of yours so we can finally meet him. Margaret killed a nice big steer for us. Burgers and steaks up the ass!” We laughed. Nick scratched his head. “Okay, Gramps. See you soon.” “All right son. See you!” Nick’s grandfather hung up, and Nick turned to me with a huge smile. I had never seen his eyes shine with such intensity before. He gently kissed my lips. “Let’s get ready to rumble.” He smiled. “We’ve got to be there in one hour.” “Cool.” I tried to get down, but Nick held my legs in place. “Where the f**k do you think you’re going? You’ve got to please your man first. Ride Daddy’s big dick.” I laughed and got into position. * * * * * I was extremely nervous as we neared their house. My heart beat faster with each passing minute and I was beginning to break a sweat. Meeting Nick’s grandparents was too nerve wracking to say the least. I turned to Nick who was happily singing behind the wheel. Instantly, I began to c***k my knuckles. Whenever I would get extremely nervous, that would calm me down quick, but that day, my strange antic was not working for me. I decided to close my eyes and take several deep breaths. It didn’t work either. “Relax, Jaan” Nick cooed. Even he sensed my neurotic state. “They’re far different than my parents. You’ll see pretty soon.” “Okay.” I smiled and turned to the road in front of us. We were heading to the rural areas of Atlantic County. Several dairy farms, vegetables farms and horse farms decorated the landscape. The sky was clear and a few scatter clouds decorated the heavens above. It was one of the most beautiful areas that I had ever seen. It somehow made me feel welcome and at home. Suddenly, Nick pointed to a white marble mansion sitting on top of a hill. The majestic house stood overlooking what appeared to be several acres of land. “That’s their house.” “That’s their house?” I asked him in disbelief. “Yeah, why?” I sighed deeply. I honestly thought that they were the opposite of his parents. Senior Hawking sounded more pleasant and easy going. “I thought they were more laid back. Your grandfather sure sounded that way.” Nick chuckled. “They are, Jaan. You’ll see. You thought my grandparents were a pair of hillbillies, didn’t you?” I nodded meekly. Nick laughed. “They were hard working farmers once. My grandfather struck gold when they found oil on his land back in Texas. He made the millions not my arrogant father. Believe it or not, my grandfather owns everything. He gives my dad a yearly allowance so he can maintain his business. My dad is a terrible businessman even though everyone says otherwise. They think he makes millions, but he can’t even cover the expenses of the house.” I nodded in awe, wondering what type of allowance he gave Nick’s dad. In St. Peter’s Town, Nick’s family was the richest and most powerful family around. The idea of a yearly allowance sounded insane to me. When we arrived at the gate of his grandfather’s mansion, my heart froze inside my ribcage. The anticipation was killing me now. I wanted them to like me, especially because Nick’s parents did not approve of our relationship. I wanted their approval at least. Nick didn’t care whether his parents approved of us or not. He was happy and end of the discussion. As the gates opened, I sighed deeply, preparing myself for the worst. Nick drove past the gates and up the hill. It took a few seconds to reach the top, but when we finally got there, I was breathless. I wanted to turn around and make a run for it, but sadly, I couldn’t. Nick stepped out of the car first and walked to the passenger door to open it for me. He always performed that courteous gesture. Somehow, Nick forgot that I had two hands and I could do it myself, but I didn’t care. I found it very sweet and loving of him. “Relax, Jaan, just be you.” I held in my breath for a few seconds and stepped out of the car. I had never seen a house that big before in my life. It made Nick’s parents’ mansion look small and their house was the biggest one in town. Nick pulled me in with his right arm and we approached to the front door. All of a sudden, the door swung open and an elderly, fat man, dressed in cowboy boots and tall ten-gallon hat, stepped out. “There you are, son! Welcome!” “Hey, Grandpa.” “Look how big you got.” Grabbing Nick up in a bear hug, he lifted Nick off the floor while kissing his cheek. Nick was beaming. “Yeah, Grandpa, I’ve gotten tall.” Senior Hawking dropped him back to the ground and turned to me. “And this young fellow must be your boy?” “Yes, he is. Grandpa, meet Jaan. Jaan, this is my grandfather.” “Nice to meet you, Sir.” I stretched out my hand for him to take. When he smiled warmly, my eyes quickly fell on his six gold teeth and crooked smile. In his youth, that man must have been a very handsome man like Nick. “Come here!” He grabbed my hand and pulled me into his arms. He literally squeezed the air out of my lungs. His mustache gave me the goose bumps as it brushed against my cheek. “Welcome to the family!” When he put me back on my feet, I stumbled and Nick grabbed me, helping me regain my balance. “Sorry there, young feller. Don’t know my own strength.” He stepped aside. “Come in and make yourself at home.” I stepped through the massive front doors into the entry hall. My jaw dropped. The house was exquisite from top to bottom. Everything inside the house was white, even the elegant marble floors. Several paintings depicting memorable battle and religious scenes throughout history clouded the walls. Nude sculptures from the Roman era decorated almost every inch of the house. The white furniture was neatly decorated with golden edges. But the real eye catcher was the staircase. The stairs were round and extended all the way to the top floor. My eyes fell on the giant crystal chandelier at the very top of the ceiling. “Whoa, it must take forever to clean this house.” Nick’s grandfather gave us a partially toothless but sparkly gold and expensive grin. “You and my wife are exactly the same! She’s always worrying about cleaning. She wants everything to be clean and tidy. She’s worse than a toothache when it comes to that.” He clapped Nick on the back. “Margaret’s going to like him. I certainly do. Your boy’s humble.” My cheeks felt hot and I was about to explode from the fire burning inside of me. Nick’s grandfather liked me! “Come on, you old kook,” Nick answered smiling. “You know I wouldn’t pick just anyone to love for the rest of my life.” “I know that, you little whoremaster!” They laughed. Nick and his grandfather seemed really close. “Where is that woman o’mine? Fussing over some spot on the tablecloth, no doubt instead of greeting her grandson. MARGARET! Where are you at you crazy woman? Get out here quick. Nick and his boy are here!” An old lady in a long peach dress with a huge and floppy red sun hat appeared on the second floor landing. Yes, a red hat. Her gray hair hung in two braids at either side of her head and she sported a huge supply of makeup on her face. The moment she saw Nick, she shrieked and ran down the stairs. Yes, she ran. I could not believe that she was able to do that at her age. When she reached the last step, she lunged at Nick and wrapped him in a bear hug, the way her husband had done at the front door. “Oh my God! Look at my handsome and only grandson.” She lifted Nick off the ground. Yes, she lifted him with her own two hands and immediately showered him with kisses. Nick immediately did the unexpected—he blushed. I had never seen him blush before in my life. He was a grandmama’s baby. She set him down and focused on me with a huge smile from cheek to cheek. She also had six gold teeth. Nick stepped in. “Grandma, this is Jaan. Jaan, this is my grandma.” “Nice to meet you ma’am.” I stretched out my hand to her. She stared at me for a couple of seconds without saying a single word. An awkward silence filled the room. Then her lips parted and that twenty-four carat-filled smile reappeared. She ran towards me and grabbed me up in a hug until my feet dangled. “Welcome to my humble home!” She kissed my forehead and placed me down on the floor again. She quickly turned to her husband. “The boy isn’t at all like what our old sow of a daughter-in-law said he’d be.” Nick’s grandfather laughed loudly. “Margaret, don’t you pay mind to that old witch. I told you a million times.” Margaret smiled. “He’s a real cutie, Nicky. I don’t know what’s up your mother’s ass.” I was blushing again because I hated to be put on the spot. But, she did call Nick’s mom an old sow. Which made me love her even more. She clapped me on the back. “Now enough of this small talk. Let’s get to the table.” She led us down a long corridor adorned with more priceless-looking art while they talked to Nick about the last two years of his life. She pushed a double door open and we stepped into a large and highly decorated room with a crystal chandelier hanging in its center. A long table, filled with nearly every food imaginable, stood in front of us. I quickly looked around. Instantly, several maids made their way towards us, but Nick’s grandmother stopped them in their tracks. “It’s okay, girls. We will serve ourselves. You may leave.” The girls bowed and left immediately. I turned to the table and counted four chairs. I found it odd because the table itself could hold at least twenty-four. A chair stood on each side of the long table. Nick and his grandfather walked towards the ends. I knew that my spot was at the center with Nick’s grandmother. All of us sat down except for Nick’s grandmother who retrieved a plate and began lifting all of the silver platters. “John,” she told me. “Serve yourself with whatever you like. I’m going to serve my one and only grandson. It has been three years since the last time I saw him.” “I will, Mrs. Hawking.” “Oh! Call me Grandma and call him Grandpa.” “I will, Grandma.” “We’ve got to serve ourselves, John,” Grandpa told me jokingly. “She goes crazy whenever Nick drops by.” “I can see that.” “Oh, shut up, Harold!” Grandma answered. She was serving Nick his food. “He’s my baby’s baby.” Nick blushed again and I laughed to myself. Grandma picked all the food that Nick wanted and served them on two large plates. I served myself smashed potatoes, fried chicken, stewed pork, gravy, macaroni and cheese, baked beans, a heap of buttery white rice and buttermilk biscuits still warm from the oven. Those were just a few of the many delicacies she’d prepared for us. After she finished serving Nick, she sat down. We said grace and proceeded with our lunch. We ate quietly until Grandpa broke the silence. “Tell me, John, how did you meet this bonehead?” I glanced at Nick who was smiling. “Nick’s parents hired me to tutor him because he was doing poorly in life and several subjects.” We all laughed. “Finally, they did something good for Nick!” Grandpa pointed out, smiling. “So, we’ve got you to thank for turning this dumb-ass jock into a smart jock?” “I guess so. But really, the benefit has worked both ways. Nick’s the one who saved me from the bullies last year. Not only that, but he also saved my life twice. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for his bravery.” “Oh, yes,” Grandma told me with a sad face. “We heard about that. I’m so sorry for what that demented child did to you.” “He’s the past. We just need to move forward with our lives.” I smiled. “Well said!” Grandpa agreed. “Are you two actually living together? As a couple?” Grandma asked us. Nick grinned at me, then at her. “You could say that. After I emancipated myself from my parents, I moved in with Jaan and his mother. A few months later, Jaan’s mom had to move to Newark so she could be closer to her ill mother. She wanted to take him along, but we convinced her otherwise. We’ve been living together since the beginning of summer. And yes, as a couple.” “That crazy weather girl and my retarded son don’t know what they’re losing,” Grandma said angrily. “They should have never let you go off like that. You’re their one and only son for Christ’s sake. I definitely wouldn’t have let you fly the coop all alone.” “It worked out for the best, Grandma. I’m a million times more responsible now. I provide for both of us. I never thought I’d be able to do that. Jaan is my rock. More than that, he’s my soul.” They smiled happily. I wanted to hug and kiss Nick right there, at the table. Nick had never said those words out loud. He had always said, ‘I love you,’ but never such soul-filled, poetic words. My heart could not take it anymore. Nick was killing me with his love, words and dedication. When Nick turned to me with a smile, I instantly melted like a stupid little schoolgirl. “You even turned him into a responsible young man.” Grandpa told me. “I wish my son would have met someone better,” Grandma added. “That crazy weather girl poisoned my little boy.” “Why do you keep referring to her as the crazy weather girl?” The trio turned to me. Grandpa was the one to speak up. “Hasn’t Nick told you about his mom’s past?” “We don’t talk about his parents that much. I know that’s a touchy issue for Nick so I don’t ask him about them.” “Oh, he’s a keeper.” Grandma told Nick with a smile. “You’d better hold onto him tight, Nick.” “I will,” Nick told her, smiling. He quickly turned to me. “My mom was a local weather girl in Buffalo. She met my dad, but she didn’t accept him initially because he was poor.” “Exactly!” Grandpa interrupted. “After I became rich, that gold-digger flew into his arms like ants to a melting candy in the middle of summer.” “That old witch accepted my Edward for my husband’s money.” “That’s why you don’t like her?” “Yes, but in our defense, John, the old sow never liked us,” Grandma replied. “She said that we were a couple of c***k head hillbillies. Do you know what she did to us?” I shook my head. “No.” “For their wedding, she sent us a fake invitation for a different time and date. She said that it was a misprint, but we know she did it out of pure spite. We missed our only son’s wedding.” “Whoa, and she had the nerve to call me a gold-digger.” I added. “I can see why she hates me. She hates anyone who’s humble. I’m not rich, but my mother taught me the best principles in life.” Grandma smiled. “No amount of money could compare to your humility. If she hates you, we definitely love you.” “Yes, welcome to the club.” Grandpa added, smiling and lifting his cup in the air. “I can’t wait to call her and inform her that we met you and fell in love with you. That’ll surely mess up her day.” We laughed, and even Nick joined in. I guessed that the bad leech in the family was the crazy weather girl, but Nick’s dad didn’t look like a saint either. There was something about him that gave me the creeps. He seemed cold and ruthless. “Sons!” Grandpa told us. “If you ever need a place to stay, this is your home. You’re welcome here anytime.” “Thanks, Gramps. We’ll keep that in mind,” Nick told him. “Yes, we will.” We continued with our lunch, talking and joking around. I learned tons of information about Nick’s parents that Nick had never wanted to share with me. I learned that while they were dating, Nick’s dad used to sneak out every night to have late night adventures with Nick’s mom. It was on one of those adventures that Nick was made and that was the main reason why they got married in the first place. I also learned that Nick was going to inherit his grandfather’s fortune and his dad wasn’t going to see a single cent. That was the main reason why Mrs. Hawking wanted to keep Nick around. He was her little goldmine, her priceless possession. All her work went down the drain when Nick met me and chose me over them. Thanks to me, her goldmine walked away from her. But, who was truly at fault here? They were. They should have loved and accepted Nick no matter what. He was a human being with emotions, not a bank account. Nick needed his parents’ love. Money was one of those things that would come and go, but love would always be there. Grandpa and Grandma were clearly the opposite of Nick’s parents. They were like the North and South Pole. They could never be together! I definitely saw where Nick got his humble heart. We laughed a lot that day. They showed me all the rooms in their mansion while we recounted to them the events of the previous year. Nick’s level of maturity impressed them because it was a huge contrast from the last time that they saw him. I was so sad when we had to leave because I’d bonded with Nick’s grandmother. But, Nick and I wanted to get home before twilight and have a quiet evening together. They gave Nick an envelope before we left. At first, Nick refused to take it, but they insisted until he accepted it. By the looks of the envelope, it was money. We said our good-byes and drove off into the horizon. “That was a unique experience.” Nick chuckled. “I know. They’re one hundred percent cool, right?” “Yes! I like them a lot, Nick. They’re the opposite of your parents and that may be the reason why they don’t mix. They repel each other. We’ve got to visit them again.” “They invited us for Christmas and if we don’t go, they’ll never forgive us. We’ll be back, Jaan. I promise.” I finally felt accepted and loved by Nick’s family. That was all I’d ever wanted from them and those two old folks gave it to me. In a way, their acceptance felt more like a blessing. I needed that single act in order to feel that Nick and I were meant to be. Family blessings were very important to me and they had given it to us. Nick grabbed my left hand and gently kissed it. He also looked excited and happy for us. He gave my hand an affectionate squeeze and held it until we reached home, not knowing that it was one of the last moments that we were going to spend together as a couple that year. A very emotional and heartbreaking time waited for us. Something that would change our young lives forever.
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