Chapter Four

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Chapter Four The Elite Hawks made it to Regionals once again. Nick took them to the final match for the second consecutive year. The last battle was scheduled for November twentieth. The team and Nick were beyond excited. Excited? They were freaking out! They were defending their title against the Fighting Crows who had place third the prior season. Unfortunately, the Southeast Sparrows lost to them so they were out for good. Nick honestly thought he had this game in the bag, but in my humble opinion, he forgot that they’d barely won against the Southeast Sparrows the previous season. I knew that the Fighting Crows would give them a hell of fight. That day was also very special to us because it was our one year anniversary. I had spent one amazing year with Nick and I was looking forward for more. We were both extremely excited as the day neared slowly. As for the anonymous letters, I still got them on a weekly basis, but they started to vary. Sometimes they would say that Matthew was watching over me or others, that Nick was still the old dog with his old tricks. Either way, I didn’t believe them anymore and I truly didn’t care. We all knew Emily was behind them, although she denied it profusely whenever we confronted her about them or threw the notes in her face. Things between Nick and Emily were never the same after she “accidentally” revealed to everyone that he’d slept with Kitty. Nick finally saw that she was up to no good and kept his distance from her. He tried his best to ignore her, but he would occasionally say hi or bye whenever their paths crossed. After all, there were several years of genuine friendship behind all the drama. But, that was it. There were no more long conversations, no more laughing or flirting around. Nick was mine and no one else’s. I had won and Emily lost. Things were amazing between us now that Emily was basically out of the picture. We stopped fighting and we were closer than ever because we were about to celebrate our one year anniversary. Emily had been the only reason for our fights, arguments and confrontations. Financially, things were in really good shape, too. Nick bought a used black Mustang. It was old, but it served its purpose which was getting us from one place to the other. That basically meant we no longer had to walk to school or whenever we went grocery shopping. Nick even reconnected our old BlackBerry plans which I had completely forgotten about. Things were looking up for us, but I had a nagging feeling that something evil was lurking around the corner ready to strike at anytime. That’s one thing that never changed. Extreme happiness always seemed to be followed by an intense emotional sadness. I prepared myself for the worst, but with Nick by my side, I was ready for anything. We had each other and we were ready for whatever life was preparing for us. “You look beyond excited.” I told Nick. We were driving to Elizabeth City, or the home of the Fighting Crows, the day of the final match. I silently admired him from the passenger seat while he sang Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana. He turned to me with a smile. “Hell, yes! In a few hours, we’ll be defending our title against those third rate losers. We’re going to kick their asses all over the stadium tonight and we’ll have our second consecutive win. Do you know what that means for the Elite Hawks?” I shook my head while trying to hold in my laughter. Nick was so passionate about football that it made me laugh. I had never seen anyone so in love with sports as Nick. I, on the other hand, found it funny that guys would work themselves up over a simple game. To Nick, however, it was not a simple game. It was a matter of pride and dignity. He tried to explain it to me once, but I just kept admiring his hot body. “It basically means that Nick Wild Hawk will be the s**t until the end of time. My name will go down in Elite High’s history as the captain who led the Elite Hawks to two undefeated seasons. Anyone who enrolls there will know my name.” Nick smiled proudly. I laughed and clapped at the same time. He turned to me seriously. “When we get to the hotel, I’m going to s***k you hard. Don’t make fun of me.” I smiled. “You can’t. As soon as we get there, you’ve got practice.” “Damn!” Nick chuckled. He turned to me with an evil look on his face. “But tonight, Nick Wild f**k is going to tear you apart in celebration of our victory and anniversary.” I laughed heartily. I was genuinely happy to be with him. I loved Nick more than my very own life. Nick turned up the radio and continued singing. We arrived at the Fighting Crows’ football field at exactly eleven in the morning. Nick’s teammates along with Coach Jordan were already waiting for him. They welcomed him with high-fives and quickly began with warm ups. I silently watched them from the bleachers since there was basically nothing else to do but to admire the scenery. I decided to buy something for lunch since Nick would be hungry after practice. I knew my man very well now. I made my way out of the football field and into the streets of Elizabeth City. Elizabeth City was incredibly beautiful, welcoming and friendly. Our town was a speck in the wind compared to Elizabeth City which seemed to radiate and glow. Luckily, I found a small diner right across the street from the school. The name of the place was Big Ed’s Diner. A fat man, holding a silver platter, adorned the yellow roof of the building. His giant smile was contagious and warm. Inside, a few people were having early lunch or late breakfast since it was almost noon. I went up to the counter and read the menu to myself. There were so many choices that I couldn’t decide what to buy. “You should try a Big Ed Burger,” a deep voice came from behind me. “They’re delicious.” I immediately turned around and came face to face with a really good-looking jock. He wore a white singlet with blue basketball pants and held a black shoulder bag slung over his right shoulder. I had to admit, he was hot and incredibly sexy and probably had an amazing body, judging from the broadness of his shoulders, but what I liked the most were his light blue eyes and short brown hair. He smiled cockily. “Try them.” My hands became sweaty and I immediately lost my ability to speak. After taking a few seconds to relax and learn how to breathe again, I managed to speak up. “I think I will.” I turned back around and ordered two Big Ed Burgers to go. I paid the waitress and stepped aside to wait for my food. The mysterious hot jock stepped forward. A dreamy smile instantly spread across her face. “The usual, Johnny?” “You know it, babe. And make it quick. I’m late for practice.” Johnny graced her with his sexy grin which made her cheeks turn bright red and few drops of sweat developed on her forehead. I immediately knew that he was another heartbreaker like Nick. She rushed off to get his order and he turned to me. “Where are my manners?” He held out his hand which I immediately shook. “I’m John Mercer, but people call me Johnny Quick.” “I’m John too…Ames that is.” He laughed. “If you don’t want to tell me your real name, it’s cool, you know.” “What do you mean? That’s my real name.” Johnny looked unconvinced. “Why would I lie to you? I don’t even know you. You’re not important enough in my life to bother lying to.” Johnny pointed at me, his eyes sparkling with humor. “That’s one hell of a good point. I never heard that one before. Are you studying to be a lawyer?” I shook my head, trying my best not to fall for his charms. “You should consider that career, but yet again, I’m no one important in your life for you to value my opinion.” I laughed. “Funny.” “John Ames…” he murmured to himself. “That name sounds familiar, but you’re not from around here, right?” “You’re right.” Just then, the waitress, who’d come back and was standing behind the counter, wiping it with a damp cloth, gave me ‘the look’—shaking her head and rolling her eyes at the same time. According to Madison, girls do ‘the look’ whenever they want to call someone a “b***h” without saying the word out loud. Yes, that w***e just gave me that look! If she met my Nick Wild Hawk, she’d realize that he was ten times better than her stinky Johnny Quick. Suddenly, she turned to him. “Good luck tonight, Johnny.” “Thanks, babe. The trophy is staying home tonight.” “What makes you so sure?” I blurted. They immediately turned to me. Johnny snorted. “Excuse me?” My cheeks burned but I held my ground. “What makes you so sure you’ll win tonight? You came in third last season and the Elite Hawks won.” Johnny laughed. “For starters, John, I’m the captain of the Fighting Crows this year and the best defensive tackle in New Jersey. Looks like I got myself a little hater.” I laughed just as a customer called the girl over. When she was gone, I turned back to Johnny. “Well, Nick is the best quarterback in New Jersey and he’s going to kick your ass tonight.” He chuckled. But then, he snapped his fingers and smiled. “John Ames! You’re dating Nick Wild Hawk.” I was surprised. News really does spread. “Yes, I am, but how do you know that?” “I attended the final game last season. I witnessed his little speech,” he explained with a smirk. “I knew you looked familiar. You’re Nick’s precious baby boy.” “Your order’s up,” the waitress interrupted us trying to force a smile. I snatched it from her hands. “Please, come again.” “Thank you.” I headed toward the door, pulled it open, then turned to Johnny with a smile. “See you tonight, loser.” He laughed heartily. I quickly stepped outside and dashed across the street with my insides churning. I have no idea why I said that to him, but I was either defending Nick or flirting with him. Either way, I briskly walked towards the football field because I did not want Johnny to change his mind and beat the s**t out of me for calling him a loser. When I finally reached the bleachers and sat down, I managed to breathe normally and relax. Nick was still practicing with the team and a few of the Fighting Crows’ team members were beginning to arrive. All of a sudden, my tummy gave a faint rumble and I knew that nature was calling me. I couldn’t wait for Nick so I unpacked my burger and began to eat it. It was one of the greasiest pieces of food on earth. Why had I listened to that dumb jock anyway? Oil was literally dripping from the lettuce. I had no choice but to eat it, I was so hungry. A few seconds later, Coach Jordan blew his whistle to end practice and the team headed to the locker rooms to change before heading to the diner. Nick jogged over to where I was waiting for him with his lunch. I handed him his burger and as I expected, he loved it. I even gave him half of mine. I was picking up the wrappers when someone stepped in front of us. I immediately looked up and came face to face with Johnny Quick. ‘f**k’ was the only word that quickly formed in my head. “Nick Freaky f**k. I’m sorry…Nick Wild Hawk,” Johnny corrected himself with a slight smirk on his face. Nick stood up to meet him at eye level. “Johnny Queer. Oh! I’m sorry. I was trying to say Johnny Quick.” Johnny smiled. “Yes, I am. My reputation precedes me.” “Yeah,” Nick smiled. “Your girlfriends told me all about you. Actually, it was more like a complaint.” Johnny laughed and his eyes fell on me. I begged God for Johnny to ignore me, but He did not listen to me. “Hey, John,” Johnny said with an evil smile. “Did you like the burgers I recommended to you?” Nick immediately glanced at me. He was frowning and his smile had disappeared. I wanted to die. Again, I asked God to strike me down, and once again, God was deaf and I was still breathing. “Yeah.” “I’m glad. See you tonight, John.” Johnny winked at me with a grin. When Johnny was out of sight, Nick crossed his arms. “How the f**k do you know that guy?” Fuck me. “I met him at the diner across the street.” “Fifteen minutes, Jaan! You’re gone for fifteen minutes and you met a guy already?” “Nick! I went to buy something to eat. It was a casual conversation while we waited in line. He approached me.” My heart was pounding. I was trying to find a way to calm Nick down before he exploded like an Airhead. “You think I’d mess around? Really?” Nick threw his water bottle across the field and punched the air. It was sort of funny to see him acting like a little boy after you would tell him no. “No. It’s just…stay away from that guy. I don’t want him to mess with you, because I’ll f**k him up.” I laughed. “Baby, he’s trying to psych you out before the big game. He’s straight. He knows that if he messes with me, he’ll distract you. You need to focus, my sexy stud. He wants to win really badly.” Nick took a deep breath. It took a few seconds, but he managed to calm down. He smiled nodding. “You’re right. That son of b***h really wants to win. Stay close to me and don’t go near him. He’s not f*****g with my baby just to piss me off. No one uses my Jaan like that. Got it?” “Yes, Sir!” I saluted him trying my best to hold in my laughter. Nick smiled and grabbed my hand. “Let’s go find a private place. I can’t wait for tonight. I want to f**k you good right now.” I chuckled. Nick was so adorable whenever he would get angry or jealous of other guys. It made believe that he truly loved me and would hate to lose me. We quickly picked up our bags and headed to find a private empty place where we could…meet our needs. * * * * * If the Elite Hawks and Southeast Sparrows had a blood bath last season, I cannot describe to you what I was now witnessing between the Elite Hawks and the Fighting Crows. It looked like a m******e was taking place in front of me. Literally, right in front of me, as Nick made me sit down with the team. I wanted to sit with Madison and Kitty, but he wanted to keep me close at all times. I will never be able to understand Nick’s level of jealousy. I would never, in a million years, cheat on him. I loved him. He was my fantasy and dream turned reality. I closed my eyes whenever Nick got tackled to the ground. Pure and unadulterated rage was fuelling their aggression and driving them over the edge. Nick and Johnny wanted to shred each other into tiny pieces. I guessed that their huge egos and prides were too big to fit in the same field. A loud thud resounded throughout the field and my heart skipped several beats. Nick spitefully tackled Johnny to the ground even though that was not his job. The crowd groaned in disappointment. Nick was flagged and there was a ten yard penalty for our team. Johnny quickly stood up and pushed Nick away. At once, the two teams collided, pushing each other. Even the players that were sitting down ran to the field. The referees quickly calmed them down before the argument got out of hand. They huddled on their respective sides and the game resumed without any further penalties. A few seconds later, another loud thud resounded. This time, Johnny tackled Nick to the ground. “Motherfucker!” Lee Roy shouted. He was an Elite Hawks’ team member who was out for the season due to a fracture of his ankle. “f**k this game! Pound that b***h, Nick!” The teams quickly ran to their respective sides. They stared at each other like two alpha packs of savage wolves. They clashed again with loud thuds and groans. Nick was hurled backwards and dropped to the ground hard. Johnny had broken through our defense. My heart broke into several pieces when I saw Nick lying there on the ground motionless. I was about to dash onto the field when Lee Roy stopped me. “Nope! I can’t let you go out there.” “But, Nick! I’ve got to make sure he’s okay.” “Nick’s fine. He’ll kill me if I let you go out there.” Just then, Nick stood up and my heart was beating once more. He glanced at us and nodded at Lee Roy. The teams quickly assembled once again. Johnny intercepted the ball and ran to our goal line. Out of obvious spite, Nick came out running like a raging bull and tackled Johnny. I swear that Johnny’s head flew off as he hit the ground, but it was only his helmet. He stayed down for a couple of minutes while the paramedics checked him out. Abruptly, Johnny sat up, but he was in a lot of pain because he held his back and abdomen at the same time. I don’t know how he managed to stand up and rejoin the game. Johnny was one tough son of a b***h. The teams gathered once more after yet another penalty. Nick ran the ball right in front of us, and out of nowhere, Johnny tackled him. Johnny stood up first and turned to me grabbing his balls. “Babe, you need a real man by your side not this punk ass b***h. Ditch this p***y and I’ll make your wildest fantasies come true tonight.” I was stunned. ‘Stunned’ was not even the proper word to describe how I felt. My body went cold and my breathing forced. I could not believe he said that in front of Nick. Scratch that, he’d said it in front of everyone! Lee Roy stood up and pushed him while Nick ran towards him with his right fist in the air. The teams clashed once more, but they were not trying to fight each other, they were trying to separate Nick and Johnny. They needed them in order to win. In a pure state of adrenaline rush and nervousness, I jumped into the rabble. I had no idea what I was doing among the crazy mob of jocks. I was just trying to get to Nick, but it was impossible to break through. As soon as Nick saw me, he turned away from Johnny, grabbed my arm and tugged me to the sideline. Even though I could not see his face, I knew he was furious. “Stay there!” I was starting to get angry at him now, but I knew that it was his testosterone level speaking and yelling at me. Why was he angry at me? All I wanted was to make sure he was okay. I sat down again while Nick walked up to Lee Roy. Nick told him something and Lee Roy simply nodded. Lee Roy walked back to the benches and sat in front of me. I could see, but he wanted to block me if I tried to stand up again and made a run for it. The game continued a few seconds later after everyone calmed down. At one point, Johnny intercepted the ball again. He was running cockily to our goal line when Nick and another team member tackled him from each side. The spiteful attack was brutal. Everyone stood and gasped at the same time. Nick was basically throwing away the game. After spinning in the air like a helicopter blade, Johnny dropped on the ground and lay motionless. I did not know whether he was dead or alive, but Nick and I needed to get to the Mexican border fast. I turned to Nick. He was stalking around like an angry caged-beast. He obviously wanted to destroy Johnny on the spot. No one dared to go near him because he looked like a wild, savage animal. That was the Nick that everyone except for me feared. The referee blew his whistle, went up to him and scolded him. Nick could not continue playing the way he was or he was sure to get kicked out of the game. All of a sudden, Johnny’s hands twitched. He barely managed to sit up this time. He grabbed his chest with his right hand and his head with the other. He looked defeated, but somehow, he managed to stand up. After two steps, his legs caved in. He fell again while his coach and paramedics argued back and forth. His coach walked up to him, but Johnny shook his head persistently. Apparently, he was asking Johnny to step down and let the backup defensive tackle take his place. Johnny was not having it. He stood up again with cheers and applause of his loyal fans. I glanced at the clock. Two minutes remained and the scores were tied. It was all or nothing. After another penalty, the teams quickly huddled again. They clashed with loud thuds and groans as the time ticked fast. Just as Nick released the ball for a pass, Johnny sacked him. Both of them flew through the air and landed on the ground. Everyone gasped. Nick got up but Johnny remained on the ground. He did not move or twitch this time. I feared that Johnny Quick was dead. His coach and the paramedics ran over to him. I thanked God when Johnny sat up again. He was beaten, but alive. They argued with him for a few, but Johnny was not giving up yet. I glanced at the clock. Twenty seconds remained. Johnny walked to his side of the field while his teammates watched in awe. Nick followed him and they quickly got into positions like two gladiators that were ready to die for their love of the sport. The teams slowly assembled around them. They could not be more proud of Nick and Johnny. Nick faked a pass and ran the ball towards the Fighting Crows goal with Johnny right on his heels. Nick was merely a few feet away from the goal line when Johnny leapt forward to grab him. For a few seconds, time stood still. They fell over the goal line just as the buzzer rang. Nick scored the winning touchdown. “Yes! He did it!” I yelled. “My Nick did it!” Lee Roy and I hugged before he dashed to field along with the rest of the team to celebrate. Johnny took off his helmet and violently threw it on the ground. The team lifted Nick into the air and praised him. We knew now that Nick Wild Hawk was better than Johnny Quick. In a surprising turn of events, Johnny began to clap for him. I couldn’t believe what he was doing. I guessed that he accepted his defeat graciously and proved that he was a respectable athlete. That little action showed Johnny’s sportsmanship and nature. The fans then descended on the field to celebrate with the Elite Hawks while I silently admired the events from a distance. Nick had a huge smile across his face. He took off his helmet and lifted it into the air. The crowd went crazy with excitement by chanting and glorifying his name even louder. I stood there admiring my man for a few minutes as he celebrated his greatest achievement yet. “I guess, I’m a loser,” Johnny conceded. I had no idea when he got there but Johnny stood beside me looking like he had been through hell and survived. We both laughed. “I’m sorry for talking trash to you earlier. I wanted to throw Nick off his game, but I just fuelled the monster inside of him…my mistake.” “Apology accepted.” I smiled. “I knew what you were trying to do. Believe it or not, I wanted to warn you.” “Why didn’t you then?” “Because I wanted it to work to our advantage, and it did.” Johnny chuckled. “I can see who has the brains in this relationship. Nick is just a hothead.” “Yes, but he’s my hothead.” We laughed and turned to face the mob again just to find Nick standing in front us. We had no idea how and when he got there, but he was standing there and staring at Johnny without showing a single emotion on his face. Johnny smiled back and stretched out his hand to him. “The best man won, Nick. Congratulations.” Nick silently looked at him and lifted his. They shook hands. “I always win.” Nick smiled. “You played a hell of a game. I can see why you beat the Sparrows.” “I can see why you beat us,” Johnny replied glancing at me. “You got something good going on with John. Don’t be a fool and lose him.” “I maybe a hothead, but I’m not stupid.” Johnny laughed. “See you guys around.” When Johnny left, Nick turned to me. “I won for you, Jaan.” “I know, and this is your reward.” I kissed him in front of everyone. Nick answered my kiss with equal passion and desire. He kissed even better when he was all dirty and sweaty. Nick laughed after breaking free from my kiss. “I’ve got to win more often.” “Yes you should.” “Nick! Come on, dude!” Lee Roy interrupted smiling happily. “They’re going to give out the medals and trophy.” “Go on, Nick. It’s your moment.” “Wait for me.” “Baby, I’m not going anywhere without you.” Nick smiled happily and kissed my hands. Then, he ran towards the celebrating mob that was a few feet away. “That was awesome!” Madison shouted out of nowhere popping up from behind me. Kitty was walking behind her with a huge smile from cheek to cheek. “Johnny Quick is so f*****g hot, sexy and gorgeous. Now, that’s a stud. I bet that his sperm tastes good too.” “Madison! That’s gross!” My face felt warm. Madison had a strange form of humor. “What? I bet it is and I could swear that they were fighting over you instead of the first place trophy.” “Madison! That’s crazy talk.” “No,” Kitty chirped in. “This is crazy talk: blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah!” We laughed happily and watched the entire award ceremony. Johnny got his second place medal and trophy. His team seemed satisfied with their second place win as they burst into happy chants after they were handed the second place trophy. Nick got his second consecutive first place medal and trophy. He was losing his freaking mind because he could not stop smiling. I was so happy and proud of him. That amazing man was mine. Madison and Kitty hugged me when Nick lifted the trophy into the air. Thousands of fireworks illuminated the night sky above our heads and gave the residents of Elizabeth City an impressive display. Nick was on top of the world. As I looked up, I saw Emily on the top bleacher with Mr. and Mrs. Hawking. They were talking and staring at Nick. Suddenly, Emily glanced at me with a cold look on her face. My skin crawled and my body became numb. What were they talking about so discreetly? Why were they together like the perfect happy family? Something was definitely wrong. Those three really hated me. I signaled the girls to look at them. Their smiles instantly faded knowing what that meant. Things were about to get ugly for Nick and me.
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