35: National Playgirl

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While Ghrae left the apartment to meet Margo in the record shop for the fifth time, Coley and Wyatt were left alone in the apartment as they glared at each other while sitting on different seats with Coley sitting on the sofa and Wyatt sitting on the single sofa chair. The blond basically went to the apartment with the plan to have lunch with the raven yet she had already left before he could even meet her in the apartment, which left him no choice but to stay in the apartment with the brunette while he waited for her to come back.   “Why are you here, Big Bird?” Coley asked with annoyance evident in her tone as she squinted her eyes.   “Why do you care, Little Bear?” Wyatt glared at the brunette as well.   The brunette stopped glaring as she cringed at what the blond just said. Disgust was evident in her face as she looked at him while Wyatt started to slowly realize what he just said. Instead of saying an insult, he just realized that he just called her a sweet pet name. As much as Wyatt wanted to bang his head on the wall, he decided to keep calm and go with the flow without denying anything for her to not lose to the brunette, who did resemble a bear.   “What? Did I make your heart flutter?” the blond said as he smirked.   “You are utterly disgusting,” Coley aggressively shook her head as she stood up and took her leather jacket on the armrest.   A satisfied smirk stayed plastered on the blond’s face as he watched the brunette wear slip her arms in the sleeves of her jacket, pulling the jacket up. Until Wyatt realized that Coley was leaving the apartment, which meant that he would be left alone in the apartment where he believed to have a ghost lingering around. The blond immediately stood up from his seat and took his black bomber jacket to wear, making the brunette look at him in confusion.   “Do you perhaps know where Ghrae is so I can just go to her directly?” Wyatt asked as he cleared his throat and shoved his hands in the pockets of his jacket.   “Even if I knew, I wouldn’t tell you,” The brunette shot him a glare before turning to the door as she held the doorknob when the blond suddenly appeared next to her. “What the f**k is up with you now?”   “I’m not staying here,” the blond said as he immediately thought of an excuse to conceal his fear. “I mean, it wouldn’t be inappropriate for me to stay in someone’s apartment alone.”   “You’re realizing that now?” Coley scoffed.   Wyatt flashed a smile as he gritted his teeth inside. If only she was not being annoying to him, he would have pursued her since she was his type. The blond let out a chuckle as he gestured the door to be opened instead of arguing back.   “What a p***y,” Coley muttered though the blond could clearly hear it as if she intentionally said it out loud.   The brunette opened the door after turning the lights off as she stepped out of the apartment with the blond following. Not enjoying each other’s presence, the brunette fastened her pace in walking as the blond walked slowly for him to stay at the back with the distance between them being more than five feet apart. Until the both of them realized that there was only one elevator as they both sprinted their way to the elevator, which resulted to the both of them being together in the lift eventually.   ***   Wyatt and Coley separated immediately once they reached the ground floor as the blond got in his expensive car and drove away with the brunette cursing him internally for being a show-off. Because of that, the brunette decided to go back to the club to check on her motorcycle though on her way to the club, she happened ran across her red-haired friend, which resulted to the both of them going to the club together after having lunch at Healthy Burgers.   “Why are we hiding?” Nora whispered as she followed Coley in crouching behind a blue car that was parked beside the sidewalk across the club   “Shhh,” the brunette uttered as she held the side mirror of the car and forced to look through the windows of the car.   The nightclub looked like an ordinary building with a neon sign on the front that was not activated in daytime. Beside the nightclub was the open parking lot where there was only one vehicle, which was Coley’s motorcycle. Seeing her treasure made the brunette place her palm over her mouth as she pretended to cry in joy to see that no one had stolen her motorcycle yet even though it had been more than a week since it was staying there.   While the brunette continued to stare at her motorcycle as if she could zoom in with her eyes to examine every part of the motorcycle, the red-haired woman cautiously looked around them to check if the owner of the car was around even though they had no idea who owned the car. The other people who were walking along the sidewalk were throwing suspicious and weird glances on them as they whispered to each other.   “We’re not doing a crime, we’re not doing a crime,” Nora explained as she let out a fake laugh to the people who were passing by them.   The people did not believe her though as they just hurriedly walked away from them to not get caught being associated with them if ever, they were going to do a crime. The laugh that was escaping the red-haired lips slowly toned down as she turned to the brunette, who was still looking at her motorcycle through the car windows, with an annoyed look.   “Ouch!” Coley turned to look at her friend in shock as she rubbed her shoulder where she just slapped her.   “What the f**k are you even doing? People are thinking that we’re scheming something,” Nora hissed as she glared at the brunette.   “I’m just checking on my bike,” Coley pouted.   “Then why do we have to hide like stalkers?!”   The brunette could not answer her as she just extended her pouting lips. Even though they were friends, Nora did not know a single thing about Coley’s background. Basically, the only thing that the red-haired woman knew about the brunette that was true was that she ran away from home. Other than that, the rest of the things that the brunette told her about background were lies. Suddenly, the image of Ghrae and her usual poker face appeared in Coley’s head as she realized that the raven was the only one who knew about her being chased by gangsters.   “I’m done anyway,” Coley stood up from crouching as she stretched her arms before offering her hand to the red-haired woman to help her get up.   With a huff, Nora accepted her hand as she forcefully pulled her hand to get up, making the raven wince in pain and glare at her. The red-haired woman ignored her as she stretched her arms as well while they began to walk away from the car before the owner would come and suspect them for possibly doing something to their car even if they were not.   “Hey, it’s you,” A blonde-haired woman stopped from walking as she faced Coley and Nora who looked at her with question marks on their faces.   “Huh?” Coley dumbly uttered as she looked around to see if the stranger was talking to someone, but no. She was looking directly at her. “Me? Do you know me?”   Nora raised an eyebrow as her hands slipped to her arm and clung on it like a possessive girlfriend while she looked at the blonde with squinted eyes. The stranger raised an eyebrow as she scoffed at the sight while her eyes moved to land back on the brunette’s brown eyes.   “I thought you didn’t have a girlfriend,” The blonde flashed a mocking smile as she crossed her arms across her chest and took a step forward. “Right, you weren’t the serious type.”   Coley stared at her blankly as she did her best to remember where and when she met the blonde since she looked utterly familiar while she stared at her face longer. Observing how the blonde was talking about her not being the serious type in relationships, Coley assumed that the stranger could be one of her flings. Finally, her memory came back as she remembered who she was. The stranger was the blonde-haired woman that she ditched in the club because she saw the gangsters.   “Oh, it’s you,” Coley slowly nodded as she pointed at her with her index finger.   A smile—not a happy one appeared in her face as she placed her hand on the brunette’s clothed shoulder, seductively caressing down her arm, and turned to her with their faces being close without caring about the existence of the red-haired fake girlfriend.   “Care to give me an explanation?” the blonde whispered to her ear, though the red-haired woman had excellent hearing skills.   “Nope. We have to go somewhere really quick,” Nora spoke as she held the blonde’s arm tightly and pulled her away from the brunette. “We don’t have time for you.”   “But I need to know why she suddenly left when we were making out,” the blonde innocently said.   “That’s none of your business,” Nora forced a smile before turning to the brunette with loving eyes. “Babe, come on. We can’t be late.”   “Uh, yeah,” Coley nodded as she threw a glance on the blonde before letting the shorter woman pull her away from the stranger.   The brunette could feel the piercing glare of the blonde on her back as they walked away. A guilty chuckle left Coley’s lips as she recalled herself abruptly leaving the blonde in the club when they were just getting started. For some reason, Coley felt relieved that she did leave the blonde-haired woman that night; not only because she could be spotted by the gangsters, but because she would not have met Ghrae if not for that. While the brunette was smiling by herself, the red-haired woman stopped on her tracks as she turned to the brunette with squinting eyes.   “What?” Coley asked as she chuckled before adding. “Babe.”   “Ugh. I so want to wipe that smirk off your face,” Nora commented as she lightly shook her head.   Sure, Nora did have a crush on Coley because she was undeniably hot but it only lasted for an hour. The rest of the time that she was with her felt nothing as she only saw her as a friend now.   While they stood across each other with the red-haired woman scolding the latter, another blonde-haired woman suddenly approached them as she recognized the brunette.   “I found you,” the blonde enthusiastically said as she looked at Coley with loving eyes.   The red-haired woman had her jaw dropped as she felt déjà vu while watching the two of them in front of her. The brunette looked at her with the same confused expression as she tried to remember who the stranger was.   “I’m the girl in the arcade who asked for your number,” The blonde let out a chuckle as she noticed that the brunette was trying to recognize her. “You must’ve made a mistake in typing your number because a pizzeria answered when I called.”   “Oh, is that so?” Coley let out a fake chuckle as she did not even know it belonged to a pizzeria. “I’ll type it in again for you.”   The blonde’s face lit up as she took her phone and gave it to the brunette. Coley smiled at her after punching random numbers on the phone as she gave it back. Before the brunette could even do the same mistake, she immediately lifted her hand to stop the blonde from leaning in to give her a peck on the cheek. Fortunately, the blonde did not mind as she just pouted and said goodbye after.   Coley turned as she saw Nora looking at her in disbelief.
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