36: Fifth Wheel

1995 Words
For the past minutes, the red-haired woman just would not leave the brunette alone as she kept teasing her about how she was a certified playgirl of the nation. The brunette, of course, could not defend herself as it was true that she had more than ten flings in total.   They basically did not really have anything to do as they decided to take a walk around the streets until they decide to something other than walking around. After the encounter with two of Coley’s flings, the next encounter that they had with was the woman that made Coley suddenly nervous about Nora possibly talking about her meeting her flings just minutes ago.   As the brunette suddenly covered the red-haired woman’s mouth to stop her from babbling about her, that was when they realized that the raven was not alone as they saw the purple-haired woman with a tall blond-haired man that Coley had never met. For some reason, Nora threw her friend’s hand off her mouth as she grinned and ran to the man to give him a hug.   Coley, Ghrae, and Margo watched them hug as if they were lovers that had not seen each other in a year as they exchanged confused glances. The brunette slowly approached them as she looked at her friend and the man hugging with a confused look and stood by the raven’s side. Coley was probably envious of them as she suddenly remembered her hug with Ghrae that made her bite her fist to prevent from grinning widely.   “Here,” Coley immediately took her hand off her mouth and wiped it on her jeans as she looked at the wrapped popsicle that the raven was handing to her. “I thought I’d get you one.”   “Aw, so you always think of me even when we’re not together,” Coley grinned as she stepped forward to wrap the shorter woman in a hug though she was able to stop her by stabbing her stomach with the popsicle that she was holding. “Ow!”   “Eat it already otherwise it’ll completely melt,” Ghrae blankly said as she took the brunette’s hand and placed the wrapped popsicle on it.   “Hmm, I forgot how to rip open a wrapper. Can you do it for me?” Coley spoke in an attempted cute voice as she returned the popsicle back to the raven.   “How could you forget that? Are you dumb?” Ghrae replied impassively as she took the popsicle from her.   Margo snickered from the side though it died down as she started to cringe while watching them. Because of Ghrae’s reply, Coley was about to sulk when she saw Ghrae ripping the wrapper for her as requested. Basically, the brunette succeeded as her smile grew broader. It was basically the reason why Margo could not help but cringe. She was basically being a fifth wheel at that moment as she watched the dark-haired women flirt with each other while the love of her life and her ex-boyfriend were flirting as well. It was a pain in the eyes.   “By the way, why were you with Margo and Ghrae?” Nora asked Dylan after having a long hug with each other.   “I happened to run across them,” Dylan answered with a smile—basically one of the reasons why Nora once fell in love with him.   “Not really. You literally sat at our table and ordered more ice cream for us,” Ghrae joined in the conversation.   “Ah,” The blond let out a chuckle as he got caught and sheepishly scratched the back of his head.   “Hm? You were out with Margo for ice cream?” Coley asked in curiosity before sticking the chocolate popsicle back in her mouth.   “Yeah, it’s a long story,” the purple-haired woman simply answered.   “No s**t. You have to tell me how that happened,” Nora said in surprise as she glanced at the raven and the purple-haired woman.   “Eh, it’s not a big—” The red-haired woman suddenly ran to the purple-haired woman and held both of her shoulders, making Margo look at her with wide eyes.   “It is a big deal, bub. You hate people except me and Noah,” Nora said as she emphasized her words.   A chuckle left the purple-haired woman’s lips as she softened at the cuteness of the bunny-toothed when she noticed the raven watching them, making her press her lips in a thin line and pretended to not look too happy. Knowing that someone knew about her having a crush on her friend made Margo extra cautious in her actions as she cleared her throat and kept her eyes fixated on the latter’s chestnut orbs.   “I’ll tell you later,” Margo said as she gave the red-haired woman a small smile and a pat on her head.   While the both of them were flirting, the brunette turned to the blond man who gave her a friendly smile. As if he was a suspicious person, Coley squinted his eyes at him while eating her popsicle.   “Who are you?” Coley asked in curiosity.   “I’m Dylan,” the blond-haired man flashed his charming smile once again before he added. “Nora’s ex.”   Coley and Ghrae widened their eyes as they turned to look at the red-haired woman who looked at them with a questioning smile while the purple-haired woman wore a blank facial expression as if it was not an interesting fact. The raven slightly opened her mouth as she finally understood why the purple-haired woman seemed to be uncomfortable and mean to the blond man who was not even a rude man. It was no wonder that Margo seemed to dislike the blond even though he had always been kind to her.   As for the brunette, she was surprised that the red-haired woman had an actual boyfriend. Sure, Nora often talked to Coley about the hot people that she met and about how much she wanted to make out with them but that did not mean that Nora actually dated them, which was why that made Coley think that she was definitely not the type to be in relationships. The musician would also tell the brunette about how being in relationships was a waste of time and an addition to her priorities that was why she did not want to actually be in relationships.   “You’re lying,” Coley said as she looked at the blond suspiciously.   “What?” Nora could not help but laugh at the reaction of her friend. “Dylan’s not lying. We did date for, uh—”   “Eight months,” Dylan answered as he smiled at the red-haired woman.   “Yeah, eight months.”   “But I thought you don’t do relationships,” Coley furrowed her eyebrows as she tilted her head to the side in confusion.   “Yeah, I realized that I’m not getting into any relationship anymore after we broke up,” Nora shrugged.   The raven secretly glanced at the purple-haired woman who was just wearing a poker face for the entire time. Ghrae felt like she was an empath as she could see the pain behind those cold hazel eyes though it was likely because she had confirmed the secret romantic feelings of Margo toward the red-haired woman that made her able to read her emotions during situations like that.   “Does that mean there’s no chance of us getting back together then?” Dylan teased as he grinned.   Those stupid crescent eyes, Margo thought as she stared at his face that looked exactly like that grinning face with smiling eyes emoji. As she realized that, she began to hate that emoji as well.   “We’ll never know,” Nora teased as she beamed.   Those adorable bunny teeth, Margo thought as she could not help but smile while staring at her smiley face that looked like an actually baby rabbit smiling. The reason why she liked rabbits was only because they looked like the love of her life.   “By the way, why didn’t you invite me to have ice cream?” Coley pouted to the raven.   “We never planned to have ice cream,” Ghrae replied. As if her hand was moving by its own, it moved as she tucked the latter’s brown locks that were blown to her face by the wind behind her pierced ear.   “Then let’s plan when to have ice cream right now,” Coley said as she lightly shook her head for her hair to fall over her face again for the raven to tuck her hair behind her ear again.   “I just ate, Coley,” Ghrae sighed as she tucked her hair behind her ear again even though she knew that the brunette was making her hair fall over her face on purpose.   “It doesn’t necessarily have to be right now,” The brunette was about to shake her head again when the raven cupped her face to stop her from doing so.   “Seriously, Raku?” The raven raised an eyebrow as she looked at the taller woman’s face with her cheeks being squeezed by her.   “What?” Coley inarticulately spoke as she giggled with her eyes smiling while she let the latter squish her cheeks.   Ghrae stared at her smiley face as she squeezed her cheeks with her hands for a while. Suddenly, the image of a bear appeared in her head the longer she stared at the brunette as she realized that she resembled an adorable grizzly bear with her brown hair and cute face. The raven then thought that the brunette had an attractive duality. In general, Coley was seen as a sexy dominant woman who could basically make anyone kneel before her; while in the eyes of the raven, she was an adorable bear who just loved seeking for attention. The thought of that made the raven briefly smiled as she released the brunette’s face and dropped her hands back to her sides.   “Nothing,” Ghrae lightly shook her head.   “Brown hair,” Dylan called as he looked at the brunette since he did not know her name.   “It’s Coley, blonde hair,” Coley flashed a brief smile as the image of another annoying blonde-haired man appeared in her mind briefly.   “Do you mind if I take red hair out?” Dylan grinned as he decided to go with the flow.   “Why are you asking me that, blonde hair?” the brunette replied with an amused smile on her face. She was starting to think that the blonde seemed to be a fun person as she disliked him less. No one could ever replace Wyatt in being the hated blonde of Coley.   “You are with her, so I’m asking you.”   The brunette turned to the red-haired woman who looked amused in their conversation. Margo did not look interested and obviously just wanted to go back to her record shop.   “I don’t mind as long as you’re not planning on doing something bad to her,” Coley shrugged.   The blonde let out a hearty laugh as he nodded and gently placed his arm around the red-haired woman’s shoulders. The height difference between them made them look like a perfect couple. Suddenly, Nora turned to Margo with a grin on her face before they could even leave.   “Hey, bub.”   Margo turned to her as her face softened. She raised her eyebrows in question to her.   “Do you mind?” Nora asked as she gave the purple-haired woman the puppy eyes.   The four of them turned to the purple-haired woman in anticipation as she looked at her in surprise from the sudden attention that she was having. Everyone was waiting for her answer as if her answer could change the world.
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