46: Chances

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At this point, they were all basically there in the loud flashy nightclub with shot glasses in their hands because they needed to relieve their stress from the outside world and not because of a birthday party of a stranger that did not care about their presence. Smiles of satisfaction were plastered on their faces as they clinked their glasses together for the nth time before letting the bitter liquid flow down their throat as they felt the heat after, though it felt good.   “Hey, Nora!” Dylan was already on his feet as he placed his glass back on the table after drinking the remaining whiskey in it.   “Hey, Dylan!” Nora mimicked with a grin on her face before drinking her cocktail that was only consisted of Sprite and whiskey.   “Come and dance with me!” Dylan pushed his black curtains back with his fingers though it was useless because his hair fell back down.   “All right!” The red-haired woman placed her glass back on the table as she enthusiastically got up from the couch and took the black-haired man’s offering hand.   The raven immediately moved her eyes toward the purple-haired woman after as she saw how her mood instantly changed while she just stared at her empty shot glass. Margo was in a good mood earlier but it was now back to a gloomy one as she took the bottle of whiskey and poured it in her shot glass, drinking it in one shot. She briefly squinted as she felt the bitterness in her throat. They could see Dylan and Nora dancing with their hands on each other from a distance.   “Hey, you alright?” Coley asked when she noticed that Ghrae seemed to be staring intently somewhere.   “Hm?” Ghrae turned to her as she flashed a smile. “I’m fine.”   The brunette ignored her heart that just skipped a beat after seeing how the raven’s hair flipped smoothly with her long eyelashes fluttering. She nodded and smiled back as she drank her glass of vodka in one shot. Nothing mattered to her more than staying right beside Ghrae as she sat alongside her for the entire time even though some women and men came by earlier to ask her to dance, which she immediately rejected with no hesitation. It was better than seeing Ghrae feeling uncomfortable and alone, after all.   Because of the alcohol that was going through her system, the brunette stood up as she briefly stretched her arms upward and offered her hand to the raven for her to take. The alcohol was pumping up her energy as she was ready to head to the dancefloor in the middle of the club since clubbing was nothing without dancing. Though Ghrae was not sure about what Coley was thinking, she did not hesitate to take her hand.   “Let’s dance,” Coley whispered to her ear and was about to leave together when she saw Margo sitting on the couch who seemed to just drink for the entire night. “Hey, Margo!”   “What?” Margo raised an eyebrow as she looked up at her.   “Let’s dance!” Coley enthusiastically said as she offered her other hand to the purple-haired woman since the other hand was on Ghrae’s hand.   “No,” Margo did not even think twice as she immediately responded before drinking another glass of whiskey in one shot.   “Don’t be a party pooper!” The brunette pushed her hair back with her fingers as she glanced at the red-haired woman who was energetically dancing with the blond on the dancefloor. “Nora wouldn’t like it if you’d just sit and drink her like a loser!”   Margo froze as she took a glance at Nora over her shoulder. It was as if Nora instantly sensed the purple-haired woman, she turned to her and met eyes as she grinned wider and gestured her to join them. Margo was unsure whether to let her jealousy or boldness take over her even just for the night. With the brunette and the raven who were looking at her in anticipation and the red-haired woman who was secretly wishing for her to come and dance with her, the purple-haired woman heaved out a sigh as she placed her empty shot glass back on the table. It was just for a night that she would try to enjoy doing something that she never does.   “Fine, whatever.”   “Yeah!” Coley grinned as she helped Margo get up from her seat, almost stumbling since she lost count of how many shot glasses she had of whiskey. “Be careful.”   “Noah, are you coming?” Ghrae asked as she looked at the brunet who was exactly the same as Margo from earlier; drinking glasses of alcohol in silence.   “No,” Noah answered as he looked up to them with hope that they would try to convince him to join them like how they did to Margo.   “Okay, enjoy,” Coley answered as the three of them went toward the dancefloor.   A fake smile of masked pain appeared on Noah’s face as he looked back to his empty shot glass. He started to regret even joining them as he sulked like a child while pouring his glass with vodka. Before he could even bring it up to his mouth, a soft feminine hand stopped his hand. With curiosity, the brunet looked up to find to whom belonged the arm as he saw a familiar woman with bangs.   “Lizzy!” Noah said in surprise to see a face that he often sees in his own coffee shop.   “Hi! What are you doing here? It’s unexpected to see you here,” Lizzy grinned as she sat on the empty space beside him.   The black-haired woman was wearing a beige long sleeve turtle neck tucked in an army green short skirt. Unlike her usual light makeup look, she added more details on her makeup; she wore red matte lipstick for her usually light lips and dark maroon eyeshadow to make her eyes look smokey. The adorable medical student that loved iced black coffee with whipped cream that Noah knew looked way different to the woman that was right in front of him.   “Y-Yeah. A friend invited me and I don’t know why I came,” Noah blinked multiple times as he did his best to act normal while he looked away from her. “You look different, by the way.”   Lizzy let out a hearty laugh as she took the shot glass that was in his hand away and put it back on the glass table. She had been noticing him from a distance for a while and she knew that he could end up wasted if she just let him.   “I can’t go to my friend’s birthday party with a stressed look, you know.”   “Ah, so you are friends with the birthday girl,” Noah nodded as he looked at the opposite direction, making her look at him with questioning eyes.   “Where are your friends?” Lizzy asked as she looked around until she saw the faces that she had seen in his coffee shop. “Oh, there they are. Why are you being a loser here?”   Noah scoffed as he looked at her in disbelief, which only made her smile innocently. Despite the bold look of Lizzy for the night, he could still see the same cute medical student that he knew from the coffee shop.   “I’m not being—”   “Drinking shots of vodka alone with a gloomy face while your friends are enjoying the party on the dance floor? Sure,” Lizzy mocked as she smirked at him.   “I just don’t want to dance,” Noah sighed as he leaned back.   Lizzy looked around in search of her friends that she came to the club with as they were out of sight, which meant that she had her freedom to do whatever she wanted without being looked for. She then asked herself internally whether to stay with Noah, her longtime crush, for the entire night or join the others in dancing the night away to relieve her stress from school. As she saw how Noah was alone like her, she decided to just take it as a chance to get possibly closer to her crush.   “Then let’s just chat for the entire night,” Lizzy took Noah’s empty glass and poured whiskey in it as she drank it in one shot while Noah just stared at her in awe.   As Ghrae slipped in between the suffocating crowd, they found a space for the three of them as Coley slowly bent her arms upward and began to sway along the rhythm of the music. At first, Margo just stood there awkwardly as she watched the brunette dance professionally like a natural born dancer and clubber though since the brunette kept holding her arms sensually to make her move until the purple-haired woman decided to stop living by her cold, intimidating reputation as she followed the brunette in dancing; after all, alcohol was to be thanked since it helped her become bold.   “Didn’t you tell me that you were gonna show me your dance?” Coley whispered to Ghrae’s ear as her body did not stop from moving.   The raven swallowed a lump in her throat as she tried to follow the dance moves that the brunette taught her in the coffee shop earlier. She shyly brought her arms down as she awkwardly swayed her body sideways along the beat of the music. Just when she thought that Coley would at least be impressed, she immediately stopped in embarrassment when the brunette stopped dancing and placed her hand over her mouth to suppress her laughter while the purple-haired woman followed.   “I-I’m not a dancer,” Ghrae said as she looked away. With that Coley and Margo let out the laughter that they had been holding in.   “That’s fine, Ghrae! No one is born perfect, after all!” Margo said in between her laughter.   “Ah, why are you so adorable?” Coley laughed as she lightly pinched the cheeks of the shorter woman.   The raven unconsciously pouted as she stared at the deep dark orbs of the latter. The both of them stayed like that for a while as the laughter of the brunette slowly died down.   Getting sick of the blond, Nora pulled Margo once she spotted her on the dancefloor as she pulled her away and began to dance with her. They hopped along the beat until the music changed to a slow sensual song that immediately had the both of them put their hands on each other’s bodies while they leaned closer to each other. Dylan saw them as he only put on a small smile on face before turning away to naturally blend in with the strangers.   “Dance like this,” Coley huskily said as she slid her hands down the raven’s flawless arms down to her wrists.   The brunette gently held her wrists as she placed them on her shoulders while her hands went to rest on the sheer fabric of her dress as if her hands were meant to be placed on the raven’s waist. Coley took slow steps around along the slow music and guided Ghrae, who followed her steps with no difficulty, as they did not take their eyes off each other. The both of them danced close to each other as if they were the only ones on the dancefloor. It was probably the alcohol in her system that made it able for Ghrae to see how the taller woman’s brown eyes darkened.   She’s so beautiful.   Seeing Ghrae’s moist nude lips, Coley knew that she might not be able to stop herself. Because of the alcohol that seemed to be dominating her whole system, she slowly leaned her face in as she noticed Ghrae closing her eyes in anticipation. Their lips were already touching and none of them had no intention to lean back as they were about to completely connect their lips together when a familiar male voice interrupted them from doing so with his loud voice through the speakers.   “Happy birthday to Belle!”
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