44: Control

1985 Words
Coley disliked Wyatt a lot to the point that she told herself that she would never do anything associated or initiated by him. Knowing that he was the husband of Ghrae made her dislike him the most since she did not want him for her for some unknown reason; it could be an instinct since she had seen a lot of trashy men. Anyway, she hated him and she would never accept any of his suggestions or invitations. Until today came.   “Nightclub?” Noah asked with an eyebrow lifted.   It was a great coincidence as everyone was in the coffee shop when Wyatt arrived to spread the invitation for the birthday party of one of his female friends that he met in the town a few days ago. Nora dropped by the coffee shop to have a chat with Coley since her brother told her that she was helping out in the coffee shop. Ghrae decided to go to the coffee shop with Coley together since she had nothing to do, which of course gave Coley high energy from the early start of the day.   “Yup. A friend of mine is celebrating her birthday at the nightclub tonight and she told me to invite some friends,” Wyatt said as he took a sip on the watermelon smoothie that Noah prepared for him. “Ooh, it’s good.”   “Thanks, mate,” Noah proudly replied as he grinned.   “Coley and I are surely coming,” Nora excitedly said as she enthusiastically tapped her shoes on the floor while squealing.   “Why do you look like that?” Ghrae asked as she sipped on her iced vanilla americano while staring at the brunette’s face.   The customers were not as many as yesterday though there were more than the usual number of customers that Noah often gets for the past years. Since the customers were busy with their own business and drinks, Noah and Coley were able to take a break for a while as they listened to the blond who seemed to be making an important announcement.   As mentioned earlier, Coley would never do anything that was associated with Wyatt. But after hearing that the brunette was going to go clubbing after more than a week of not being able to take a step in the club, it felt as if she had to choose between dignity and happiness. The brunette sat on her chair with an unreadable facial expression. No, she did not want to go to the birthday party because Wyatt was the one who invited them; but at the same time, she badly wanted to go because she missed the blasting music that would bring up her energy and the delicious smell and taste of alcohol. Coley missed the exciting feeling of being in a nightclub without having to worry about tomorrow.   “Are you not going?” The brunette was unsure whether she was imagining or the blond was actually smirking at her. “Party starts at seven.”   “I-I’m not going if Ghrae isn’t,” Coley cleared her throat as she took her cup of double chocolate frappe and took a sip on it, the whipped cream sticking on her upper lip.   Nora squinted as she watched Ghrae take a tissue paper and wipe the whipped cream off Coley’s lip. At that point, she was unsure whether they were more like a couple or a mother and daughter. Either way, the red-haired woman suddenly missed her purple-haired friend who was as caring as the raven was to the brunette. Because of that, the red-haired woman pulled out her phone as she sent a message to Margo: bub, wear something pretty tonight at seven.   An excited smile appeared on the red-haired woman’s face when her phone vibrated after five seconds as she read Margo’s reply: why? Nora typed on her phone instantly: because I said so and you’ll do it, right bub? *wink* A smirk of success flashed on her face as she raised her arms to the air when she got the reply that she wanted from the purple-haired woman: fine, whatever.   “Ghrae, you must go,” Wyatt pouted as he looked at the raven who did not look interested at their conversation as she just drank her iced vanilla americano.   “Okay,” Though she was not interested in going, the raven simply replied before continuing to take sips on her drink.   “Ghrae, are you serious?” Coley knew that she was lying to herself if she said that she was sad because Ghrae was going, which meant that she had to go.   “Mhm.”   With a fake groan to pretend that she did not want to go, the brunette let out a sigh as she brought her drink back up to her lips to take a sip again. Deep inside, she was already thinking on what to wear for tonight.   “You don’t have to go. It’s not as if your presence will be needed there,” the blond said as he shrugged and rested his leg on his other.   “I have to go because Ghrae is going,” The brunette shot him a glare.   “Ghrae isn’t a baby.”   “What if she is?” The raven plugged her wireless earbuds in her ears as she turned her eyes outside the window that was next to her, knowing well that they were starting another petty argument.   A little while later, everyone went back to do what they were supposed to do. Nora decided to head over V Records to hang out with Margo since she could not wait for the night to come. Wyatt left as well since he said that he did not want to be in the same area as Coley. Noah went to clean some things behind the corner while Coley stayed with Ghrae since they decided to have a debate whether which comes first: egg or chicken.   “Eggs come from chickens. So obviously, chickens come first,” Coley stated.   “No. Chickens can’t just appear out of nowhere,” Ghrae slightly furrowed her eyebrows.   “I’d say the same to eggs,” The brunette squinted as she smirked like she just won the debate.   “No, Coley. Two birds that aren’t exactly chickens created a chicken egg; hence, the egg came first as the first chicken came out from it,” Ghrae calmly explained.   Coley actually knew that eggs came first before chickens; but for some reason, she just loved seeing the frustrated look on the raven’s face as she found it adorable since it was different from her usual poker face. The brunette could not help but c***k a smile as the raven continued to add more explanations to her argument that the brunette was not even listening to any word that was leaving the raven’s pink lips but just staring at her pretty face. Noticing that Coley was not even listening to her long explanation, Ghrae let out a soft groan as she stopped speaking.   “You’re so adorable,” Coley giggled.   “Yeah, whatever,” While the raven was staring at the running vehicles, a realization appeared in her head as she remembered about their plans later at night. “By the way, Coley.”   “Yeah?” A small smile was plastered on the brunette’s face as she leaned forward with her eyebrows lifted.   “I’ve never been to a club,” Ghrae honestly said as she turned to face her. “I’ve only been to formal parties, but never nightclubs where strangers are partying at.”   “Really?” Suddenly, Coley stood up from her seat as she folded the sleeves of her sweatshirt up to her elbows. With a smirk on her face, she pushed her hair back with her fingers. “Then I’ll teach you some basic dance moves.”   “What?” the raven scoffed.   “First, just raise your hands up above your head then sway your body like this,” Coley bent her arms upward as she began to sway her body sideways in a sexy way that made Ghrae leave her mouth ajar while watching her with slightly wide eyes. “And just sway your body along the music. Feel it!”   The brunette continued to sway her body along the beat of the R&B song that Noah played through the speakers on the corners of the ceiling, supporting whatever she was doing because the customers around were watching her with their mouths ajar. The raven watched her dance shamelessly in disbelief as her eyes unconsciously dropped down to her body that was swaying smoothly as if she was born to dance. She could see that she was really used to clubbing; but that was not the main point as she swallowed a lump in her throat while watching her. She is sexy.   “Just like that,” Coley stopped as she flopped her hands back to her side and looked at the raven, catching her checking her out. “Are you checking me out?”   “Uh,” Ghrae sealed her lips in as she immediately moved her eyes back to meet her deep dark orbs.   Coley knew that it was a yes as she smirked while staring back at her. Instead of teasing her about it even more, she decided to go back to the topic which was the basic dance moves in clubbing because she herself did not want to let the water balloon inside pop.   “Now you try,” The brunette cleared her throat as she lent her hand for her to grab.   “No, I am not doing it here,” The raven shook her head.   “But you need to learn the basic dance moves for your first clubbing.”   “I’ll just,” Ghrae heaved a heavy sigh before continuing. “Show you later.”   For some reason, the brunette was tingling with excitement after hearing her reply as she nodded and walked away to distract herself by working. She knew that she should not be that excited when she was just going to show her that she understood what the basic dance moves were, but she just could not help but desperately look forward to it. Coley took one last glance on the raven before shaking her head harshly as she faced Noah who was praising her for dancing and attracting more customers.   ***   The time that everyone had been waiting for finally came as they all prepared for the birthday party; they did not care about whose birthday it was as they only wanted to come to party. The blond had already dressed up; he wore a gray topcoat with a light-brown t-shirt underneath, a pair of gray slacks, a pair of white slip-on sneakers, a silver designer’s watch around his wrist, and a pair of designer’s sunglasses. His overall look made it believable that he was the son of successful business people. He stayed at the living room in Ghrae’s apartment since he was going to pick the two women up with his car as he waited for the raven along with the brunette.   Coley was wearing her favorite black leather jacket with a black crop top underneath, which exposed her hard toned abs, partnered with a pair of black leggings and a pair of black combat boots. She was waiting for the raven as well as she sat on the single sofa chair while completely ignoring the blond’s existence by reading a magazine that she found in the drawer of the end table.   It did not take that long as the bedroom door clicked which meant that it opened, making the both of them instantly turn their head toward the bedroom. Finally, there was the woman that the two of them had been waiting for, looking extra gorgeous for the night.
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