Before June: Two✓

955 Words
During evenings when the sky is littered with stars and the hospital is silent, I secretly sneaked into the rooftop of the hospital to watch the city lights and stars shining through the peaceful night. Just like what I’m doing right now. I slowly opened the rooftop door and peeked to see if anyone was there or not. When I’m sure that no one was there, I went in and sit on the concrete chair on the edges of the building. While watching the stars in the sky, I swing my feet and put my hand on the concrete seat I am sitting on. Maybe when someone sees me here, they will think I am a suicidal person. I closed my eyes as the air blew and danced through my loose hair. I wish it was always peaceful like this. No more worries, no more medicine, and no more pain. I coughed incessantly while holding my chest. I lowered the mask I was wearing to take a deep breath. What a life. “Do you need water?” someone asked from my back. I turned my head to see who it was. It’s Elm who’s holding a bottle of water. I shrugged. “How did you know that I’m here?” “You’re always here at night and I’m your guardian. It’s my duty to always monitor and watch every action of you,” he said like it doesn’t matter. He even whistled and put his both hands in the pocket of his pants. I looked at him sharply, wondering if he’s also watching me getting dress or when I’m in the comfort room. He seemed to have read what I was thinking so he stepped back and raised both hands and waved it, and said, “No, of course.” I breathed a sigh of relief at what he said. Good or else I’m going to punch his so-called handsome face. “But maybe, you know.” He raised and down his two eyebrows then smirked at me. I looked at him darkly like I’m going to kill him right now. If look can kill someone like him, surely, he would have been lying on the cement he was stepping on. “Just kidding!” he said and laughed out loud. “You looked like a bomb that will explode in no time.” “Whatever.” I sighed in defeat and just rolled my eyes at him. I felt him go next to me, but I just ignored him. Silence enveloped us as we both watch the houses in the city. I wonder if when can I go there again like before, I wonder if when will we go there in the arcade to play with the whole family. “Aren’t you sleepy or getting tired of watching me?” I asked, breaking the long silence that had enveloped us. “We don’t get tired, and we don’t sleep. We’re not human,” he answered. “Then, why are you here?” I queried curiously again. “Why do you kept appearing in my sight wherever I go?” “You called me.” I slowly looked at him with a furrowed brows and a mind full of questions. “I never called you. And for your information, I don’t even know how to call you—“ I stood up in a daze from my seat when I saw a black in cloak man behind him like he had been watching us for a while. A strange smile appeared on his face, causing me to lose my balance and fell into the building. Fortunately, my one hand clung to the edge of the chair. “Anna!” he shouted. His eyes were bloodshot as he walked away from me, leaving me here almost dying because of nervousness. “Elm, help!” I shouted while shivering in fear. Is this my end? Why is my life like this? A few minutes had passed but he still didn’t come to help me. So, all I could do is to close my eyes and wait for my death. My hand is already slippering on my grip. Hot liquids began to flow down on my cheeks and just accepted that this was my end. It was as if everything around me was slowing down and only the loud beating of my heart could all be heard as I completely fell on the high building, and he didn’t come to save me. But that was I thought he save me. Even before I fell, he appeared behind me and lifted me in a bridal style and we both disappeared into thin air, unaware that we were on the rooftop again. I faintly leaned under the cement we had sat on earlier. Every breath I let out was deep and I coughed non-stop again. At the speed of events, my brain couldn’t even progress it. Leaving me a hundred questions. Who’s that man in black? What did he want from me? Is Elm connected to them? Or opponent? What is the real purpose why I can see a guardian? “Thank you,” I said, almost whispering. “I know you have a lot of questions in mind, just ask me those questions tomorrow. As of now, you need to go back to your room and get some rest. From now on, you’ll not go here unless without me,” he said, full of authority in his voice. He was like a different person, gone his pride posture. My curiosity went farther and farther because of his behavior. What is happening? The last thing I know, I’m already in my room, lying on my hospital bed and alone.
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