The 3 of them walk out of Dipak's office door and step back into the room as red laser people. It's very odd.
"Good afternoon. I would like to test the princes for magic."
"My boys don't have magic."
"I'll judge that sir."
Victor stands up. "Ok."
His dad rolls his eyes. "Victor."
"What's it going to hurt for them test us for magic? They want to check. They probably don't want to many magicians there."
Omar shakes his head. "I actually like magicians. But I don't want to restart my class 12 times. So I want to check you now, so I can get you into the next wave of classes before they begin. And then I don't have to restart them when I find out you have magic 2 months later. That pisses me off."
Kane looks at Omar. "You know what pisses me off? Getting left in a village for 4 hours because the magician can't remember where the hell he put us. Perhaps you could teach a memory spell."
Johen shakes his head. "I'm sure you got all the information you needed while you were stuck there."
"Yes, and then some."
"Well, then it worked out."
"Ignore them. Me and Johen will talk to you 1 at a time. Kane stay here and try to be less grumpy."
"Maybe if I had more sleep I would be in a good mood." Kane sits down at the visiting end of the table.
King Blayze looks at Kane. "Are you trying not to have magicians for the castle? Or it doesn't matter?"
"It's for Omar. He said he had a hunch. I don't think it makes any difference to the table or not. We've had run ins with evil magicians. And we've also had a lot that have helped us. We're not going to a base a decision like this on whether or not someone has magic. Omar doesn't like starting his classes over and refused to move forward with conversation without testing them."
"I guess it doesn't hurt then. But honestly I've never hear of anyone in me or my mates blood lines that had magic."
"It shows up sometimes. It's not always passed down. Hell siblings can be different. 1, 2, or all of them could have it. We don't know until he tests for it."
"Do you need any other information while you're here?"
Victor walks in. "I don't have magic. You were right dad." Corbin goes next.
"Not currently. They are passing around different ideas. The princess was stuck on moving your entire village and castle for awhile." They chuckle for a bit. "It took us awhile to convince her that's not going to happen."
The king wipes his eyes. "She's trying to help. That is sweet of her. But yes, that would cost entirely to much. We have no where near enough for that."
"What about you being king? Are you willing to drop the title?"
"Well I would have to."
"Former king isn't so bad. People would still call you king, away from the castle anyways."
King Blayze raises his eyebrows.
"No magic for me either."
"And the titles on the boys. Would they be removed?"
"They would not take the boys titles. There would be no point in stripping their titles. They would keep the title prince. Able to 1 day go and be kings."
The king nods and rubs his eyes. Nikolas pats his dad's shoulder as he goes by. "You're alright."
"What about our 2 advisors though?"
"That would have to be discussed. Assuming the princess isn't still trying to figure out how to move a village, we could move on to that. But I don't see them staying unless they are super amazing or something."
Corbin smiles. "Well they are pretty amazing."
"I thought there were 3?"
"Nikolas killed him."
They stare at each other. The king finally answers, "He was giving very bad advise that was going to get us killed eventually."
Nikolas comes in with Omar and Johen. "1's got magic."
"Yea that was weird."
Kane nods. "Why did you kill the 3rd advisor?"
"He was going to run to you and tell you we are trying to come up with a plan to kill your magician. He would have tried to gain your trust by sacrificing us and saving himself."
"Why was he made an advisor to begin with?"
"I was young still. I definitely made a mistake on my vote. I thought he was fun and exciting at the time. I swayed my younger brothers to vote that way too. He would bring girls around. Give us a drink every now and then."
The king sits up. "WHAT?"
Nikolas chuckles. "Nothing to bad. Just a lot less boring than the rest of you."
The king nods. "I am fairly boring. But the kids liked him and he was good with explaining things in ways everyone could understand. Like grain." The king shakes his head. "You ever seen a teenager try to listen to speech about grain? It's horrible. But somehow he could make it fun. Then he started talking bad about everyone, us included. Nikolas isn't wrong. That is exactly what he would have done. And honestly, he would have probably given those teenagers alcohol too."
Omar nods. "I have watched Nadine try several times to listen to boring speeches. She falls asleep every single time. Dipak once hit her right between the eyes with a grape to wake her up."
They start laughing.
I glare at Dipak. "That wasn't funny."
He winks. "It was from the other side of the table woman. That was awesome."
"I have what I came for. I will start teaching you once this gets sorted out. I am leaving now." He goes over to the door and waits by it.
Kane jumps up. "DO NOT LEAVE ME HERE." The Blayze's laugh.
Johen makes the door and Omar comes in the room. Johen rubs his eyes. "Thank you for your time. I'm sorry everyone are being assholes today." Kane pushes him in the door as both of our tables laugh.
King Blayze looks at Nikolas. "You have magic?"
"I guess. I did what he said and made an orb. I doubt I'll be any good but I guess it's here."
"Let's go to dinner. We can let your mother know. That'll make her happy."
We stand up too. And once again the servant cracks up laughing.
Dipak shakes his head. "Sit back down. He doesn't end the meeting. I'm supposed to do that."
We talk for an hour before we break for dinner. Collecting people's thoughts and ideas. Marcus likes them just because their king doesn't like his dad. Kane thinks Nikolas is honest. I don't think any of them are lying. But maybe he's more honest. They haven't actually lied about anything.
We go to dinner then I go to bed with Johen. He's so warm. He's warmer than the other boys. And I can hear his breath and his heartbeat when we make love. It's so different. I love it. I cuddle up with him and go right to sleep when we're done.