**Chapter Thirteen :Run wild-Blake's POV**

1170 Words
From the moment the spark left our lips, a kiss so electric it sent shivers through my very being, I knew that destiny had woven our fates together. When I first laid eyes on her in her wolf form, with fur that shimmered like amber in the moonlight, I felt an undeniable pull. Her sandy-colored coat contrasted beautifully with the deep blue of her eyes, a captivating blend that ignited the primal instincts within me. In that moment, it was clear: we were bound as mates, connected by forces beyond our understanding. I wonder if she could feel it, too. As we set off into the woods, the moon hung high and cloaked in a surreal orange hue, casting an enchanting glow across the landscape. The air was thick with anticipation, the perfect atmosphere for our run. With exhilaration coursing through my veins, we surged forward, racing across the terrain, feeling the freedom that only the wild could offer. As I took a sharp turn, I spotted Malia struggling to keep pace, her determination igniting a fierce competitive edge in me. Without hesitation, I pushed harder, adrenaline fueling my every stride as we left the others behind. Suddenly, I made a swift turn and pounced, my instincts taking over. We tumbled together, engaging in a playful struggle, our bodies entwined in a dance of dominance and submission. The thrill of the chase surged through me, and my wolf emerged, a powerful force that echoed in a triumphant howl, resonating through the depths of the forest. With a playful spirit, I pinned her down once more, leaning in to lick her face, a gesture of affection and triumph. In that moment, amidst the trees and under the watchful eye of the moon, I knew that our bond would only grow stronger, forever entwined in this wild and exhilarating life we were destined to share. I just hoped that she felt the same way. **Malia's POV ** In that moment, as I stood there surrounded by the graceful wolves, I felt an exhilarating rush of freedom, a wildness that beckoned me to run alongside them. I took another look at the wolves, their eyes sparkling with an ancient wisdom and untamed spirit before we broke into a full sprint. Each stride felt lighter than air, a euphoric release from the constraints of my human life. I focused on Blake’s wolf, its powerful form moving effortlessly through the forest, a magnificent blur of fur and energy. Driven by admiration and a desire to keep up, I pushed myself harder, heart racing with every leap and bound. Suddenly, in an instinctive dance of playfulness, Blake’s wolf turned and pounced, and we became entwined in a joyous tussle. Laughter bubbled within me as I felt an undeniable connection beginning to take shape, a bond that was unlike anything I had ever experienced. Was this what the girls had felt earlier—the thrill of the untamed spirit? It was exhilarating, a rush that left me breathless and wanting more. As we playfully took turns pinning one another to the ground, a sudden, mighty howl erupted from the depths of Blake’s wolf, vibrating through my body like a sonic wave. In that instant, something unexpected happened—the wolf licked me, and my own instincts surged to life. My wolf was in a frenzy, wild, and unrestrained. Confusion coursed through me; how was I supposed to respond? I battled to calm my wolf, fighting against the crazy intentions swirling in my mind, a tempest of thoughts fueled by the emotions of the moment. The truth hit me like a lightning bolt: I had never kissed a boy before. My entire being was racing with images and sensations I couldn't quite grasp, leaving me dizzy in the intoxicating mix of exhilaration and uncertainty. In that moment, a wave of realization washed over me: we were isolated from the others, lost in this intimate bubble shared only between him and me. Anxiety coursed through my veins as I wrestled with the question echoing in my mind—did he feel the electric connection sparking between us? My thoughts were a tempest, each one competing for space as I turned away, instinctively pushing myself back toward the direction we had come from. The sound of his wolf's paws thudding softly against the ground behind me offered a strange comfort, yet it only heightened my awareness of our new dynamic. When we finally reached the car, I was met with the sight of our friends already shifting back, their laughter ringing in the air, all while I felt utterly exposed. My clothes drenched and cumbersome, leaving me feeling vulnerable at the thought of transforming back into human form. The last thing I wanted was for anyone, especially Blake, to witness me naked in such an awkward state. Yet, there he was, drawing my attention as he shifted behind the car, quickly pulling on a pair of grey joggers and a sleek black tee. How could he manage to look so incredibly handsome in such simple attire? I felt flustered and out of place by comparison. Seemingly reading the turmoil in my mind, one of the others tossed me some fresh clothes—a lifeline when I needed it most. I made a beeline to the woods, my wolf guiding me toward the edge where we could find our privacy. The shifting process twinged with familiar pain, but to my surprise, it wasn’t as excruciating as I remembered. With each transformation, I would learn how to endure it. As I stepped out of the trees, clad in a slightly oversized football jersey and black shorts, I couldn't help but chuckle at how ridiculous I must look. But at least I was dressed, and, for the moment, that was enough. We all decided to hop into Jackson's car, the evening air buzzing with the thrill of spontaneity. Keira, ever the free spirit, took it upon herself to perch on Danny's lap, her laughter infectious as she effortlessly created enough space for us all. I couldn’t help but admire her ease; how did she manage to exude such confidence so quickly? Aimee sat up front with Jackson, her animated chatter serving as a soundtrack to our adventure, while I found myself wedged in the middle, sandwiched between the lively energy of Keira and the mysterious presence of Blake, who seemed lost in thought. The warmth of all our shared stories filled the car, amplifying the excitement as we reminisced about how ee had shifted together, watching each other. Suddenly, amidst the laughter and chatter, I felt a hand entwining with mine. It was a sensation like no other—electric and grounding all at once—igniting an unexpected thrill that sent butterflies racing through my stomach. I glanced down to see Blake’s fingers laced with mine, a gesture that seemed to both surprise and delight me, sparking a connection that was both exhilarating and deeply intimate in that cramped, yet cozy space.
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