**Chapter Fourteen: as the next chapter begins- Blake's POV**

830 Words
As we reached the town, the familiar rhythm of our drop-off routine began. Keira was the first to go, her laughter lingering in the air as she waved goodbye. Next was Aimee, who had a sparkle in her eyes, clearly delighted to be home after a long day. Danny followed, his easy smile a constant reminder of the camaraderie we all shared. But as we neared Malia's house, an unexpected shift in the atmosphere caught my attention. She turned to me, her voice soft but firm, “You can drop me here,” she said with a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. I couldn’t help but wonder why Malia didn't want us to take her all the way to her door. Was she embarrassed to be seen with us, or was there something else lurking beneath the surface? Perhaps it was just a matter of wanting to maintain some semblance of independence. My thoughts raced, but one thing was clear: she had to get used to this new reality to the fact that she was mine now. In every sense of the word, whether she embraced it or not, our lives were intertwined, and I wouldn’t let a little distance – physical or otherwise – change that. **Malia's POV ** We had dropped the girls off, and now I was left alone with the boys, the lively banter flowing around me as we made our way home. The closer we got to my place, a familiar knot of anxiety twisted in my stomach. With a casual voice that masked my apprehension, I said, "You can drop me here." The unease settled deeper as the reality of my tiny cottage came into view. How could I possibly let them see my little haven, tucked away and modest, when they all lived in grand mansions? I felt the weight of embarrassment pressing down on me, wondering if they would think less of me for not living up to the standards of wealth they embodied. As Jackson pulled over, I opened the door, half eager to leave the awkward moment behind me. I thanked him, but as I turned to Blake, I felt an overwhelming urge to bridge the distance between us. I leaned in and kissed him softly on the cheek, feeling a rush of warmth flood through me before darting towards the safety of my front door. The cottage may be small, but it was a sanctuary where I felt most myself, away from the scrutiny of their world. Once inside, I raced to my room, closing the door behind me as if it could physically shield me from the thoughts that lingered. I let out a long, shaky breath, grappling with the whirlwind of emotions that had filled the night—laughter, camaraderie, and a pulse of excitement that lingered in the air. As I lay back on my bed, my eyelids growing heavy, I whispered "happy birthday" to myself, allowing the soft darkness to embrace me. Soon, I drifted off. I was gently roused from my sleep by the familiar sounds of my family, their voices harmonizing in a cheerful rendition of "Happy Birthday." The aroma of warm breakfast wafted in the air, making my stomach growl with hunger. My parents stood at the foot of the bed, grinning from ear to ear, as they handed me brightly colored cards. "Happy birthday, sweetie!" they chimed in unison, their joy infectious. As I sank back into the plush pillows, my dad’s excitement surged as he added, "A large package arrived this morning addressed to you. Let me go get it!" My heart raced with anticipation—who could it be from? What could be hiding inside? Mum settled at the end of my bed, her smile unwavering as I quickly inhaled the toast, practically savouring every crumb. My dad returned, struggling slightly with the sheer size of the box he carried, and as I tore into it with uncontainable excitement, the suspense built within me. The layers of wrapping paper fell away to reveal a stunning bouquet of flowers, the biggest i have ever seen, vibrant and fragrant, alongside a beautiful black strappy dress and shoes that seemed to glimmer with promise. Nestled among the gifts was a note that made my heart skip a beat: "Tonight you are all mine. Please be ready by 6 pm; your lift will arrive to bring you to my location. B x." Could it be…? My breath caught in my throat... Blake. The realization dawned on me like sunshine breaking through clouds—how - how romantic! My heart did a joyful flip as I exchanged glances with my parents; their eyes sparkled with excitement, sharing in my delight. I eagerly recounted the enchanting moments from the previous night, admitting just one or two details—like the near-death experience that had spiced things up. In that moment, surrounded by love and the thrill of unexpected surprises, I felt incredibly alive.
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