**Chapter Twelve: A risk worth taking-Blake's POV**

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After Aimee's scream pierced the night, the car screeched to a halt, and we all bolted out, hearts pounding with a mix of fear and adrenaline. The barrier of the bridge loomed in front of us, a stark reminder of the danger that lurked just beyond its edge. We scanned the dark waters below, frantic for any sign of life, but the deep river's surface lay smooth and ominous under the pale light of the moon. The stillness hung heavy in the air until Aimee's voice broke the silence, a tremor of confusion lining her words, "Wait, what was that... was that bubbles?" Without thinking, I sprinted down the embankment, the cold night air biting into my skin, and dove into the frigid water. It enveloped me like a shroud, rendering everything a haze of darkness. I resurfaced, gasping for breath, my wolf instincts clawing at the edges of my mind, sensing the urgency of the situation. Struggling against the powerful current, I pushed deeper, the icy grip of the river contrasting with the heat of panic igniting within me. And then I caught a scent, something unmistakably familiar and fragile. My heart sank as I finally laid eyes on her, lifeless in the water, devoid of the spirit that had once shone so brightly. Instinct kicked in as I swam to her, desperation fueling my movements. I tugged at her body, but the weight of reality crashed down when I realized her leg was caught beneath a rock. Drawing on the strength I had inherited from my father, a lineage of warriors, I heaved the boulder away with everything I had. Finally, I broke the surface, pulling her body with me and dragging her onto the grassy bank. The frantic cries of her friends filled the air, a chorus of anguish. I knelt beside her, pressing down on her chest, attempting CPR, my thoughts a whirlwind of dread and denial. “Oh goddess, please don’t let us lose her,” the girls prayed, their voices trembling in unison. With one last determined push against her chest, I leaned down to give her oxygen, desperation coursing through me. And in that fleeting moment, as our lips touched, a spark ignited—a connection, however brief, that hinted at the deep bond we shared. Suddenly, she rolled onto her side and coughed up a torrent of river water, confusion flashing across her face as she gradually emerged from the depths of oblivion. The girls erupted in joyous relief, showering her with kisses and cries of happiness. I lay back on the ground, fatigue washing over me, releasing a deep sigh of gratitude to the gods above for sparing her. And as she turned her gaze toward me, a whisper escaped her lips, “Blake.” **Malia's POV ** As I felt the life seep from me and the water drowning my lungs, I knew, I just knew, this was the moment I was going to die. My limbs surrendered to the weight of the ocean, and as my body went limp, an unexpected wash of peace enveloped me like a warm blanket. Everything faded into darkness, removing the burdens of pain and fear. In that suffocating silence, I found solace—an eerie assurance that perhaps I was slipping into something infinite, an unconscious embrace where worries could not follow. Nothingness; is this what heaven feels like? The thought flickered within the void, as if somehow the universe itself acknowledged my surrender. Yet, just as the tranquility became tangible,...nothing .... ... .. a sudden force surged through me. Boom! Like a lightning bolt striking my very soul, I awoke to sensations anew. I felt the water retreat, an almost tidal wave leaving my body, and with it, a breath of life that filled my lungs like wildfire. My vision cleared, and in the chaos of splashes and muffled voices, I was enveloped by the warmth of familiar arms—my girls. Their love rushed over me like a flood, igniting my heart with happiness and relief. Turning my head,“Blake,” I whispered, my voice barely audible. Our eyes connected, and in that instant, a wave of emotions swept over me—stirrings of longing, gratitude, and an inexplicable bond that felt as profound as the depths I had just escaped. In those eyes, I found a promise of tomorrow, a reprieve from darkness, and and an undeniable spark that ignited hope within my heart. Just as we thought the night was coming to an end, I shot a look at the moon, and that’s when it hit me—my wolf. The air crackled with anticipation; it was a feeling I had longed for, one I believed I had lost. I took a deep breath and asked everyone to turn away, granting myself the privacy to shed my damp clothes. The moment I let the last fabric drop, the transformation began. My bones started to crack and bend, a painful reminder that rebirth is never gentle. Waves of excruciating agony coursed through me, yet with each surge, I felt my spirit breaking free. After what felt like an eternity, the pain receded, replaced by a primal energy that surged throughout my new form. I had fully transformed. I padded over to the edge of the water, glancing into the reflection of the moonlight dancing on the surface, and there she was—my beautiful wolf. I studied her sleek fur and powerful frame, overwhelmed by the connection that pulsed between us. Turning back, I noticed five other wolves standing in a semi-circle, their forms majestic against the backdrop of the night. Each one was a work of art in its own right; Aimee’s wolf gleamed a golden brown with warm hazel eyes, while Keira’s more chocolatey hue sparkled with fierce, piercing green. The boys were a mystery to me, but I could guess their identities: Danny had a light grey coat paired with mesmerizing blue-green eyes, while Jackson, slightly larger, exuded dominance with a dark grey pelt and ice-like gaze. Then my attention was drawn to the largest wolf of them all—Blake, a massive figure cloaked in raven-black fur, his gaze cutting through the darkness with striking blue eyes accented by a line of silver. He was captivating, a force of nature, and as I looked around at my pack, I understood that I was finally home.
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