**Chapter Two: unexpected feelings- Blakes POV**

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Walking down the corridor, I was lost in my thoughts when my eyes fell upon her—this girl sprawled on the floor, her long, golden hair glinting in the fluorescent lights like spun silk. Her big blue eyes shimmered with surprise, and I felt an inexplicable urge to know her name. I think it's Malia; after all, being the future alpha, it's critical for me to be familiar with everyone in the pack. Yet, despite her presence being a mere momentary encounter, she sparked something within me that I couldn't quite place. Before I fully registered what I was doing, I found myself crouching down to help her up. My words tumbled out in a hasty rush; it was as if my mouth had taken control before my brain could catch up. As I continue on to class, my mind swirls with the aftermath of my impulsive decision to ask Malia out. What was I thinking? I am the future alpha, a role that demands strength and foresight, not whims of infatuation with just any girl. From a young age, it was drilled into me that the selection of a mate is a crucial duty; a strong luna from a reputable family is essential to fortify our pack's future. Each lucky alpha before me has found their mate, someone to stand beside them, and I had expected to do the same when I turned eighteen. Instead, luck has eluded me, reminding me that not everyone is destined to find their soulmate, even if we all cling to that hope. I’ve had my share of romantic interests, of course, but none have lasted once they crossed that threshold into adulthood. There’s something disconcerting about it all. Malia, however, stirs something deeper within me—an intrigue sustained by my questions about her. Is she eighteen? Where did she come from? What bloodline does she hail from? Each thought spirals in my mind as I try to piece together a picture of her that aligns with the ideal I’ve been taught to seek. Suddenly, the rhythm of my daydreaming is shattered by a ball thumping off my head. I blink back into reality to see Jackson, my future beta, grinning at me. "Yo, daydreamer," he calls out, breaking the tension of my thoughts. "The party this weekend is going to be lit!" An involuntary smile tugs at my lips. Despite my turbulent thoughts of duty and destiny, the prospect of the party offers a brief distraction. Yet, in the back of my mind, Malia lingers—an enigma I can’t ignore, and I know this weekend might just hold more significance than I ever anticipated. **Malia's POV** I had reached our usual spot in the cafeteria, and as always, there were my girls, Aimee and Keira, animatedly discussing something that clearly had them both excited. The topic this time was the party happening this weekend, a social gathering that I had absolutely no intention of attending. It wasn’t that I was anti-social; I just preferred quieter moments away from the throngs of people getting lost in the chaos of flashing lights and loud music. As I approached the table, however, I could see their expressions shift from enthusiasm to concern—a small knot of worry began to form in my stomach. “What’s up?” I asked, trying to sound casual. But before I could even finish my question, they both held up their phones, and I felt my heart drop. There was a video of me from earlier in the day—a moment I’d rather forget, now a humiliating spectacle for the entire school to witness. It didn’t take a genius to figure out who was behind this disaster. Kirsty, with her cruel sense of humour and desire to tear others down, had struck again. A wave of frustration and embarrassment washed over me, and I could feel my eyes stinging as I fought back tears. But no, I wouldn’t let her ruin my day; I was determined to stay strong. I quickly wiped my eyes and launched into an explanation, excited to share the strangely fortuitous events that had unfolded for me that morning. Aimee and Keira listened intently, their expressions shifting from concern to shock, with mouths agape. "Wait, I don’t quite understand,” Keira said after a moment, shaking her head in disbelief. “Why would Blake ask you out? No offence,” she giggled, and soon we were all laughing, the tension somewhat alleviated. Aimee chimed in, a more serious note in her voice, advising me to be careful. “We don't want you to get hurt. We all know what those jerk jocks are like,” she said, her brows knitted in concern. I appreciated their protective instincts, and it felt good to have friends who had my back, even amid the chaos that sometimes surrounded our lives.
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