**Chapter Three: Could this really be happening - Malia's POV**

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I finally stumble through the door, fatigue wrapping around me like a heavy blanket, and collapse onto my bed, allowing the chaos of the day to seep out of my mind. It's the perfect moment of surrender, where the world outside fades and only the weight of my thoughts remains. But as I lay there in the stillness, my fingers twitch, and before I know it, I'm drafting a message to Blake. Wait—what am I doing? Confidence surges through me like a tidal wave, unexpected and almost overwhelming. Sitting there, I feel like I'm in a full-blown tug-of-war, the angel on one shoulder whispering cautionary tales of heartache, reminding me that this leap could very well end in disaster, while the devil plays the role of my enthusiastic cheerleader, pushing me onward with carefree abandon. It’s a battle between my ingrained shyness and this newfound sense of boldness that dares to imagine something more. My heart races, and I barely register the moment I hit the send button. In that heartbeat of clarity that follows, I ask myself—what have I just done? Suddenly, I’m pacing my room like a caged animal, anxiety spiralling as I await a response. Who am I in this moment? Who is this girl who dares to flirt with the idea of a real date, especially when I've always found solace in my own company? With my eighteenth birthday approaching, the prospect of love feels both thrilling and terrifying. My mind races with endless possibilities, and as I contemplate the idea of finding my soulmate, the familiar shroud of fear mingles with a flicker of hope. What if this is the beginning of something wonderful? What if Blake is the one? My phone vibrates, and my heart suddenly stops. For a split second, I think it might be blake, and my heart is racing and has a very unusual speed. But as I glance down at the screen, relief washes over me like a wave. It’s just our group chat, and the familiar banter of Aimee and Keira fills my screen. They've found another opportunity to bombard me with their relentless invitations to the party this weekend. I can practically hear their excited voices urging me to join them, their enthusiasm spilling out through the sad emojis and relentless guilt trips. "Nooooooooo" is my only response; it barely captures the exhaustion of having to fend off their well-meaning but incessant pressure. I didn’t know friendship could feel like such a daunting task—one that might just drive me to my wit's end. These girls will be the death of me, I think, shaking my head as their playful prodding continues, each new message a reminder of the social life I keep trying to hide from. As I settled back into bed, the soft glow of my desk lamp illuminated my school books, waiting patiently for my attention. I was determined to hit the best grades possible; the thought of leaving this stagnant place behind fueled my drive. Each equation I deciphered and each essay I drafted felt like a step closer to a new beginning, one where I could provide for my family and carve out a better future for us all. The rhythmic sound of my pencil scratching against paper was a form of solace, even as the weight of my dreams pressed heavily on my shoulders. Hours slipped by, consumed by the pages of textbooks and the flicker of my organizational skills. Just as I felt my eyelids growing heavy, my phone vibrated insistently on the bedspread, jolting me awake. I glanced at the screen, perplexed to see Blake's name flash before my eyes. My heart raced at the thought of him reaching out; it was an unexpected flicker of excitement in my otherwise studious evening. “Meet me tomorrow at Karen’s Diner 7pm,” the message read. My mind spun in disbelief—was this really happening? Adrenaline coursed through my veins, and I bolted out of bed, racing to my tiny closet, clothes spilling out in every direction as I rummaged through the mess. Panic set in as I pondered what to wear. Should I go for casual chic or something more daring? And what about my hair? It always seemed to have a mind of its own. The thought of doing my makeup made my stomach twist; I could never get it just right. “What is happening?” I muttered to myself, caught between the thrill of this unexpected invitation and the fear of turning into a flustered disaster before Blake. I wake up to my 6 a.m. alarm, the familiar sound dragging me from the depths of sleep as I brace myself for another day in that prison they call school. With a heavy sigh, I reach for my diary and scribble in big letters, “35 DAYS TO GO!” and attempt to draw some fireworks beside it, the burst of colours symbolizing my impending freedom. The thought of escaping this dull routine fills me with a giddy mix of anticipation and relief. Although I’m eagerly counting down to my 18th birthday, which is just a couple of days away, the idea of leaving this place behind is far more exhilarating. I can hardly wait to meet my wolf to see what she’s like, as the thought of that bond brightens my otherwise bleak outlook. As the minutes tick by, I rush through my morning routine, glancing at the clock and feeling a familiar knot of frustration in my stomach. I dash down the stairs of our cozy little cottage, barely grabbing a slice of toast as I sprint toward the door, tossing a quick goodbye to my mum, who’s already lost in her morning coffee. Outside, the crisp air bites at my cheeks as I make my way to the end of the road, where Keira and Aimee are waiting for me in Keira's shiny new BMW. They always manage to look like they just stepped off the pages of a magazine, radiating confidence and beauty. Keira’s short brown bob bounces perfectly as she shifts in her seat, and next to her, Aimee’s long browny-blonde hair glistens in the sunlight. It's a stark contrast to my own grounded existence; I can’t quite grasp why these two stunning, popular girls choose to include me in their daily adventures. They come from well-off families and could pick anyone to be in their circle, yet here they are, picking me up each morning. It’s a small act, really, but every day, I feel grateful for their friendship. A tiny spark of joy flickers within me, reminding me that sometimes, the best things in life come when you least expect them. I hop in the back seat and we head off, the engine purring as Keira expertly maneuvers her new BMW through the suburban streets. The smell of fresh leather fills the car, wrapping me in a cocoon of luxury and excitement. As we drive, my mind drifts back to a text that sent my heart racing: "Meet me tomorrow at Karen's Diner 7pm" from Blake Greywood, that 6'4" muscular dreamboat who had been the center of my thoughts for weeks. F**k! The realization crashes over me like a tidal wave, and I scream silently in my head(or so i thought), my panic palpable. The sudden sound of brakes slamming jolts me back to reality, and Keira turns to me, her brows furrowed in concern. "Hells man, are you okay?" she asks, startled by my inner turmoil. I let out a nervous snigger, half-relieved, half-embarrassed. "I am so sorry." Aimee, ever the inquisitive one, leans in with curiosity etched on her face. "Well, out with it then! What’s going on?” I pause, savoring the moment, letting the anticipation bubble over before flashing them a cheeky grin. “He messaged me…” My heart skips as they both lean in, their eyes wide with intrigue. “Who?” they chorus in unison. “Blake bloody Greywood! I thought it was some kind of sick joke at first, but no! He wants to meet me tonight at 7pm!” The plea spills from me like a desperate invocation as I look into their eyes, “You need to help me, please! I pray to the gods, help me!” Their reaction is instantaneous, their shock morphing into sheer excitement. Both Aimee and Keira erupt into unison screams, their enthusiasm reverberating through the car. “Omg yes, of course, we’ll help! Come back to mine after school, and we’ll get you ready!" Aimee declares, her eyes sparkling with mischief. Keira, still processing the news, nods in agreement. "Yes, of course! But please, be cautious—we don’t want you getting hurt. We love our girl too much!" She finishes with a playful wink and a kissy face that makes us all dissolve into laughter. The day may have started mundane, but now it sparkled with the promise of adventure, and for the first time, hope blossomed in my chest.
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