**Chapter One: Another day at Evermane highschool -Malia's POV**

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Thirty-six days and counting—counting down to the minute when I’d finally breathe freely, unchained from the sickening routine of Evermane High School. Each passing day whispered reminders that the end was near, and my mind raced with images of what my future would look like. No more early mornings or soul-sucking lectures. No more cafeteria drama. Just me, soaring out into the world where I could write my own rules. Lost in thought, I ambled down the corridor, my feet carrying me on their own while my head danced through the endless possibilities ahead. Maybe I'd travel to Beyond the border, sipping espresso in quaint cafes, or intern at a buzzing magazine in Sunnydale—somewhere that wasn’t buried beneath the weight of textbooks and judgmental gazes. Suddenly, my mental canvas shattered as I collided headfirst with what felt like a giant steel wall. “Oof!” The wind knocked from my lungs, I toppled backwards, landing flat on my back. The world around me spun into a blurry whirlpool of bright lockers and whispering shadows. Warm crimson crawled to my cheeks as I fought momentarily against the tide of embarrassment flooding in. As I blinked through the daze, giggles echoed in the corridor, blossoming into embarrassed snickers among my peers. I caught myself at the center—a spectacle, a comedy show, with me as the laughingstock. Peering up, my heart gave a little jump as the culprit unfurled in my vision. I heard a familiar voice that sends anger seething through my body—Kirsty Wells, the head cheerleader, my nemesis. Every syllable dripped with condescension, her laughter rolling over me like thunder clouds. It sent an electric pulse of fury coursing through my veins. She had her phone out, snapping away, and I could only presume she was capturing an embarrassing moment to plaster around the school like it was the funniest joke on the planet. My face burned hotter than a furnace at the thought of my humiliation becoming a centrepiece for her twisted amusement. With a burst of determination, I tried to get up, ready to confront her head-on, but before I could even steady myself, that b**ch knocked me back down again. It was like being shoved in slow motion; I fell into the earth as her and her posse stepped over me like I was some invisible hurdle in their path. Striding with a confidence only the queen bee could possess, they were the storm, and I was just the fallen leaves swept away in their wake. Anger flared inside me like a million tiny fireworks, but I had to swallow it down, stifling the urge to scream. I couldn’t let them see how much power they had over me. This wasn’t just another day of KG (Kirsty Games)— this time, there was a plan brewing in the corners of my mind. The tables would turn; they had to. And one day, she’d regret making me the butt of her jokes. I just needed to play it smart. After all, invisibility can be a superpower if used wisely. I snap out of these thoughts when suddenly my eyes locked onto Blake's (Blake frigging Greywood) worried expression pierced through the fog in my mind as I blinked away the daze. The future alpha, star quarterback, seemed genuinely concerned. It felt surreal, like a dream. "Hey, you okay?" Blake asks, his deep voice piercing through the snickers and murmurs of the crowd. I nod, still trying to process what just happened. Kirsty and her crew are already walking away, no doubt to spread the embarrassing moment all over social media. Blake's hand is still extended, and I take it, feeling a jolt of electricity as our palms touch. He pulls me up with ease, and I brush off my jeans, trying to play it cool. "Thanks," I mutter, avoiding eye contact. "No problem," he replies, his bright blue eyes crinkling at the corners as he smiles. "Though, you might want to watch where you're going next time." He chuckles, and I feel my face heat up. I glance around, noticing that the corridor has emptied out, with only a few stragglers lingering to gawk at the scene. Great, just what I needed – more attention drawn to myself. Blake follows my gaze, then turns back to me. "Hey, Malia, can I ask you something?" I raise an eyebrow, intrigued despite myself. "What is it?"Want to grab a coffee with me after school? I owe you one for, you know, saving you from Kirsty's wrath." I hesitate, unsure if I should accept. Blake Greywood is not exactly known for his kindness or interest in anyone outside of his jock circle. But there's something about his charming smile and the genuine concern in his eyes that makes me consider it. "Why?" I ask, trying to sound nonchalant. Blake shrugs. "I don't know, just thought it would be nice to get to know you better. You seem... interesting." I raise an eyebrow, unsure if I should take that as a compliment or an insult. But before I can respond, the bell rings, signalling the end of the break. "Guess I'll have to think about it," I say, backing away slowly. Blake nods, his smile still plastered on his face. "Cool. I'll wait to hear from you, Malia." As I turn to head to my next class, I can't help but feel a flutter in my chest. What just happened? And why do I get the feeling that my life is about to take a drastic turn. I hurry into the chemistry class as I'm already running behind, I'm not one to be late for class as I know I need to keep my grades up and pass with flying colours if I want any sort of decent future away from this place. As I take my seat, thoughts are still trying to take over from shock of what had just happened. Had Blake Greywood really just asked me for coffee. Mr. Thornton, our ever-enthusiastic chemistry teacher, stands at the front of the classroom, animatedly gesturing as he dives into the convoluted world of molecular structures and chemical bonds. His voice drifts in and out of focus for me, a steady hum interspersed with the occasional burst of excitement over some obscure fact about isotopes. I find my mind wandering down a rabbit hole of thoughts—what I’d rather be doing, plans for the weekend, or the book I left on my nightstand, teasing me with its promise of escape. Each minute feels like an eternity, and I can’t shake the feeling that time is moving at a snail's pace. The way he passionately describes the properties of acids and bases only heightens my longing for the bell to ring and usher us out into the freedom of the hallway. I catch a glimpse of the clock, its hands seemingly stuck, and all I can do is wish for the lesson to end, for the respite of laughter and chatter with friends outside this confounding classroom. The bell finally rang, piercing through the chatter and anticipation that filled the classroom like a countdown to freedom. My heart raced as I bolted from my seat, eager to share the whirlwind of emotions I had experienced just moments before. Blake, the charming and effortlessly cool guy who usually floated through the halls surrounded by a crowd, had actually noticed me—me, the self-proclaimed nerd. He had walked up to me with that disarming smile, his voice smooth and inviting as he asked if I’d like to grab coffee sometime. I couldn’t believe my ears; it felt like a scene straight out of a movie. As I navigated the throng of students buzzing with excitement, the only thing on my mind was how Aimee and Keira would react. They had always been my biggest cheerleaders, the ones who ached with anticipation for a moment like this. I could almost hear their gasps of disbelief and see their wide-eyed expressions as I relayed the surprising news. The cafeteria loomed ahead, a haven where I could finally shed my anxieties and revel in the prospect of something new and thrilling. I burst through the doors, scanning the bustling room for my friends, practically vibrating with excitement. This was the moment I had to share, the defining moment that might just change the way they—and I—saw me.
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