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ELEANOR'S POV It didn't take me much longer to make my final decision. Risky or not, I was going to try escaping from the mafia lord. I simply couldn't sit still and have myself become nothing but a puppet of his. Without hesitation, I tugged at the frame of the windows and stretched my body forward. Holding on to it, I wiggle myself out of the room through the window and jumped down. "Ow," I winced, realizing I had fallen on the wrong side. My waist immediately felt sore, dirt from the floor staining my body. Not allowing that bother me, I quickly got back to my feet and looked around me. I realized I was in the garden and from my quick tour around, I could tell I was close to the main gate out of his house. Quickening my steps, I walked in the direction of the gate. I had managed to not attract any attention as I walked and I just needed to do that for a bit longer and in no time, I'd be out of the mafia's house and life, temporarily. I should have been a bit more cautious though. Should probably have taken my steps a bit more slower or should have waited till it was a bit more darker before I left. "Going somewhere?" I froze in my tracks as I heard the cold, now familiar voice behind me. It was followed by a click of the tongue and then footsteps walking towards me. "Don't even try to run," no one other than Marcus repeated like he could hear my thoughts. "Don't you dare." I swallowed then shut my eyes as he walked in front of me. My breathing became heavier as I could literally feel him moving closer to me to place his hands on my shoulders. "Care to explain where you were heading?" My eyes shot open to meet his staring intently at me. His eyebrows were knitted, his lips pursed as he obviously anticipated a response laced with fear from me. "Do you know the type of people I hate the most?" He continued as I wasn't giving him a response. "People that do not stick to their words and go against agreements. People that try to act smart with me." I swallowed. Way to go, Eleanor. You had just managed to have the mafia king hate you more than he previously already did. "And you did just that," he breathed out, his words coming out even colder. "You did just that." "I-I'm-" "Don't even try to apologize," he cut me off by placing a finger on my lips. "You know, I was going to let you rest today since you literally just got here but apparently you do not want to be treated that way. You do not want to be treated gently. You want to be treated like the little mischievous girl you are." "I-I-" "So be it then," he replied with a smirk, his fingers leaving my lips to slowly trail down my neck. "You leave me no choice." I swallowed, feeling his cold finger trail even further to touch my collarbones and slowly down my chest. What was he doing? He simply couldn't be intending on- "Don't touch me," I blurted out, taking a step backwards from him. "Stay away from me." He took my words with levity as he immediately moved closer towards me and in a flash, lifted me off the ground to easily throw me across his shoulders. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" I literally yellled, feeling myself get hung upside down as he tightened his grip around my legs. "Let me go! Let me go you freaking monster!" "If I were you, I'd stay silent." "No," I argued as he began walking. Kicking aggressively, I tried to wiggle my way out of his arms as I kept on yelling. "Let me go. You better- Ow!" My words were cut short and replaced by a loud wince as I felt a harsh spank on my butt. He did not just spank me. How dare him?! In shock and denial at his outrageous actions, I remained silent, feeling the pain on my butt intensify. It was so sudden and I was so sure a bruise would have been left on it from how hot it burned. "I see you finally learned your lesson." Realization immediately hit me, my eyes widening as I glared. "How dare you hit me?!" "Utter one more word," he growled out in response. "And I would spank you again. So hard your pretty little ass would be so bruised you wouldn't be able to get up for days." "You lunatic," I screamed at him. "You can't do anything to me so you better let me go." He ignored me and I took it as a cue to continue to run to my mouth. "What do you even want to do to me?" I continued. "Hurt me? Try to hit me one more time? Why? What are you going to gain from this? Is this really because I tried to escape from you? Or because I did and you weren't able to catch me for so long? Is that it? Is your ego that fragile that you're so mad it was brusied?!" "I see you have a nice sharp mouth," he finally replied me. "Let's see for how much longer you can run that little mouth of yours so confidently." No words were uttered from neither of us for a while as he continued walking. With a sigh, I resigned to my fate. I had gotten caught by him and could only wait and wonder what he was going to do to me next. I had no one to blame but myself. I should have just remained in the room and waited for him to show up instead of trying to play smart with him. Maybe if he had noticed how obedient I was to not try to escape he'd have given holding me captive a rethink. But rather unfortunately, I had gotten rid of even the tiniest bit of hope of that happening. With a light kick to push the door open, he stepped into a room I guessed was his. It was wide and had exquisite looking furnitures around it. My little mental tour of the room was quickly cut short though as I felt myself get lifted off his shoulders to be thrown on his bed. "Ow," I winced out, trying to regain my balance. Though the bed was soft, it still felt uncomfortable to be thrown so suddenly on it. "Don't come any closer," I muttered to myself as I ignored his deadly gaze and tried to get up. It was useless though as almost immediately he moved closer to join me on the bed, literally pinning me against it. "Let me go!" "Shhhh," he drew closer to shush me, placing a finger on my lips. "I told you to stay quiet." "What were you thinking, huh?" He continued, drawing even nearer as his fingers slowly trailed down my lips. "What exactly was going through your mind?" "You seemed to have forgotten but you are mine. As meaningless as you are you still belong to me. Meaning I own you. I own your body. Every single inch of it. " "You would not do anything without my permission," he smirked at me as he continued. "Even your every movement at the slightest, would be controlled by me." "You're going to do everything I ask you to," he whispered in a voice loud enough to instill fear in me. "You're going to bend at my words, make sounds only when I ask you to and obey my every command. There would be no option other than you doing as I please and by the time I'm done with you, you'll barely be in control of your own body as you'll be left with nothing but regret for ever trying to escape from me." I glared at him as he refused to break eye contact, a mischievous expression making its way to his face. His eyes were cold as he stared and the moment he smirked, I suddenly felt the impact of his words coming at me with full force. Fear immediately gripped me, realization doing the same. I was done for. He wasn't joking. He meant every single word that slipped out of his mouth.
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