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ELEANOR'S POV I gulped. With another satisfied smirk, I watched Marcus loosen his grip on me to slowly get off the bed. Immediately, I shut my eyes, desperately hoping it was all nothing but a dream. A bad dream I wanted to so desperately wake up from. My eyes fluttered then opened and it took barely a second for me to realize I wasn't dreaming. I was really in the mafia lord's house. In his room and on his bed, unaware of the next thing he was going to be doing to me. Suddenly, I heard the sound of a flick. My eyes shot open, following the sound to see it was Marcus, standing by a corner of his room as he flicked the light switch. In a flash, the bright white bulb in the room was replaced with dim red light finally giving me the opportunity to notice how unusual the room was. It wasn't a regular bedroom with a king sized bed and just a couple of fancy furnitures. It contained more strange looking unfamiliar objects. Way more than anyone could imagine. Feeling goosebumps crawl towards my skin, I lifted my upper body slowly to take a good look at my surrounding. What in the world? A light gasp escaped my lips as I stared at the objects decorating his bedroom walls. There weren't your regular ceramic or silver made ornaments that did nothing but beautify your surroundings. They were strange objects, all made of leather and metal with the ability to bring out ones deep and dark fantasies. Belts, cuffs, whips, ropes... "W-what?" I stuttered, unable to speak out of fear and terror. "W-what are these?" I wasn't dumb. Neither was I completely naive. I knew what they were. Sex toys. All I got in response from him was a smirk as be proceeded to begin walking towards me. Immediately, I moved backwards, feeling my toes curl at his actions. Ignoring how terrified I was beginning to seem, he tugged at the buttons of his shirt and slowly began undoing them. I swallowed, watching his hands quickly mess with the buttons and before I knew it, send his shirt flying to the ground. "What are you doing?" "Me?" He chuckled lightly, his expression darkening. "Oh, you will see very soon." Without hesitation, his hands tugged at his belt as he pulled and took it off him, having his trousers automatically fall to his lower waist. Like he was followed a pattern, the moment his belt hit the ground, he went for the buttons of his trousers and undid it. With his trousers still hanging around his lower waist, he walked across his room to the corner housing his collection of toys. With a satisfied smile on his face, he stood for a short while, staring at them all closely like he was contemplating on what decision to make. "No," I said in a voice audible to me only. "N-no. Pl-please no." He couldn't be serious. He just couldn't. He moved closer to the toys again, his fingers gently caressing them. "Please no," I whispered again. I wasn't new to s*x but out of the numerous guys I've had s*x with, not even a single one of them were into such bizarre manners of s*x. We had our fun and went exploring numerous times but it was always in the normal and consentual manner I deemed normal. "Okay, let's begin," his cold voice filled the room pulling me out of my fear induced trance. Sparing me one more glance, he seemed to have made his final decision as he immediately reached for a pair of cuffs. He clicked his tongue, hesitated one more time then grabbed a vibrator alongside other objects I wasn't familiar with. "No!" I immediately rose to my feet, stumbling until I was able to get off the bed. "Don't you dare come any closer." He arched an eyebrow at me and surprisingly remained in his position as he watched me try to leave. Not caring how crazy I seemed to try to escape from him for a second time, I stumbled towards the door only to notice it was locked. "What were you thinking?" his voice came out even colder as he dropped the toys to walk towards me. "There's no escape here." "Don't-" My words were cut short as he moved towards me to lift me off the ground and this time, harshly throw me on the bed. "You belong to me." "I do not," I dared to utter, ignoring the pain in my back as it hit the bed. "I-" "Be quiet," he said in a very cold tone. I didn't need to have him repeat himself to know it wasn't a request but an order. "Except you want me to use this on you." He raised his arm to show me a piece of gag, dangling from his fingers. Immediately, I pressed my lips against each other, fear consuming my every being as I watched him. "Good girl," he noticed the fear in my eyes and smiled in satisfaction. With a nod, he dropped the gag and climbed the bed to move close to me. "Now, let's begin." Unable to utter another word out of fear, I remained silent, dreading whatever was going to come out of his mouth next. I was shaking, my fear evident, doing nothing but giving him pleasure. "Now take off your top." "What?" I managed to stutter. "I-" "Take off your top!" He literally barked out at me, watching me flinch again. "Don't make me repeat myself." It took everything in me to not have tears well up in my eyes. He was a monster. Nothing but a monster. Slowly and fearfully, I raised my arms to take off my tank top. I shut my eyes in disgust and I exposed my bare breast to him. "Nice," I stared at him, watching me seductively eye my breast then stare at my n****e. Biting his lips, he leaned his body closer to mine and without hesitation, pinched my n*****s. "Nice and firm. Good." "Ow," I winced out in pain, feeling my n*****s redden from his harsh touch. "That hurts. Please let me go." "Take off your trousers," he continued in his monotoned voice then reached for a pair of cuffs and belt. "As fast as possible." I couldn't dare argue otherwise out of fear of what he could do to me. Shamelessly, I got up to reach for the waist of my jeans, tugging at it and taking it off. "Good," his eyes travelled from my bare legs to my panties and I could tell how desperately he wanted them also gone. Surprisingly, he didn't ask me to take off my panties as he moved closer to me. Leaning his body against mine, he held by the hands then raised my hands over my head. I shut my eyes, feeling his cold breath against my skin as he lowered against me. Before I could process how much I hated it, the cold feeling was gone as he instead, grabbed a belt to tie my hands and have them in position over my head. "Please, stop," I cried out in pain, as the uncomfortable leather of the belt braced my skin. "It hurts please!" "Now spread your legs!" Holding back my tears, I spread my legs in front of him. Immediately, he leaned closer to tug at the strap of my lace panties and pulled at it. Without caring whether it hurt or not, he pulled my panties, literally ripping it off to reveal my freshly shaved p***y. "Please, don't do this to me." "You," he whispered then pulled out a vibrator from his side to turn it on. "You see these toys around you? I'm going to use every single one of them." "N-no... please." "And you are going to please me," he continued, rubbing the switched on vibrator harshly against my clit. "I'm going to watch you squirt and scream and feel absolute pleasure from you while you do nothing but please me and make me feel good." "No," I tried to let out but it was useless, the sound of the vibrator intensifying to bury my inaudible wimps. "" I hated it so much. But more than anything, what I hated even more was the fact that though I tried to fight it, a part of me wanted it. Despite how bizarre it was, a part of me wanted him.
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