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MARCUS’ POV I glanced at my wristwatch to check the time, a hiss escaping my lips as I noticed how much time had passed without the head of the ‘dragon back’ showing up. Perhaps, he was being late on purpose to annoy me. After all, he had no reason to act otherwise as we were arch enemies. The dragon back clan and mine had been enemies for as long as I could remember. We were both okay with having so much hatred for each other, our attitudes towards each other serving as more than enough proof. But for some reason, we both suddenly decided to put her feuds behind us and end our conflict. Being the mafia lord was already a one way ticket to having so many enemies so I guess having a minus one couldn’t be so bad. After all, it had always been wiser to keep ones friends close and enemies even closer. I glanced at the longcase clock in the living room this time, hoping my wristwatch was wrong and hissed again. He seriously couldn’t be intentionally keeping me waiting. Did I seem like a joke to him? If anything, I was a more than principled man and absolutely hated when people tried to get smart with me. Speaking on trying to get smart with me. Involuntarily, my mind wandered off to the girl who had managed to do that neither once nor twice but numerous times. Eleanor. Eleanor Young. Her name subconsciously fell out of my mouth, a smirk forming on it immediately. She was one brave and cunny little girl, I had to give that. No one, literally no one had managed to run from me for that long without at least a broken limb or an injured organ. Not only had she done that so smoothly, she managed to keep me on my toes the whole time. That naughty little girl. She was still naïve though. Cause I was positive if she knew better, she’d know not to voluntarily get herself involve with me. It was like voluntarily walking into the lion’s den. Brave but in long run, very foolish. I let out a light chuckle as I thought of her again. Though she tried to hide it, I could tell deep down how scared she was. I watched her squirm at my words, her fingers and toes curling as I barked out orders to her, reminding her of how she’s become mine. Under normal circumstances I wouldn’t have hesitated to get rid of either one of her hands or both for punishment from stealing from me but surprisingly I couldn’t. She was pretty, I had to admit. Way pretty to be without hands. Her slender and small framed body needed her hands to be the complete package. The complete very attractive package. There were so many wild thoughts running through my mind as I stared at her, mentally weighing my options. Getting rid of her so easily would bring me only little pleasure so what was the point? Especially when I could have her around me for so much longer, tapping into my pleasure every single day. “Sir,” my thoughts were abruptly interrupted as I raised my head to meet my messenger rushing towards me. “Sir.” “What is it?” I asked, rather peevishly. “Is he here already? Took him long enough.” With another hiss escaping from my lips, I rose to my feet and adjusted my black jacket, looking in the direction of the main entrance. He should be lucky we were about to resolve our conflict otherwise I wasn’t one to take tardiness lightly. “That’s the thing sir,” my messenger spoke up again, earning a confused expression signified by an arched eyebrow from me. “He won’t be coming. I just received word. He cancelled the meeting.” “What?!” I almost yelled at my messenger. “He cancelled? At the very last minute? No, after making me wait for him for hours?” “I’m sorry, sir.” I took a deep exhale, feeling more irritated than ever. This was the type of people I despised. People who so easily went back on their words without a good enough reason to do so. “Did he give a reason?” I asked. “Or did he just cancel?” “Not that I know of,” he replied me. “All I was informed was that he was no longer interested in having a meeting with you.” “Well, I’ll take that as him refusing to end our feud,” I slowly nodded. “Very well then. You may leave.” “Yes, sir.” That was the problem with people. You give them an inch and they spread their legs wide enough for a mile. No one in the history of the mafia world had dared to stand me up and for the first time it’s happening, it just had to be by my arch enemy. Great. Just great. I let out a grunt as I massaged my temples, feeling him ruin my mood already. I was pissed and at that rate would only end up getting more pissed if I remained in that room that was supposed to contain both of us. I needed to clear my head. I needed a distraction. Right, a distraction. Without much second thoughts, I rose to my feet and headed to the door. Taking off my jacket and tossing it over to the nearest guard, I walked towards my new little puppet’s room. I had earlier asked the twins to take her to one of the empty rooms closest to mine and if they had acted on my commands, she was to be on the first floor. As quickly as I could, I climbed the stairs to the first floor, slowly approaching her room. If only she knew the favor I did to her by allowing her escorts be the twin brothers. Not only were they my close friends but they were the most decent men around here I could trust to take her to her room without harming her or trying to take advantage of her in the process. I smirked as a wicked thought made its way to my mind. Maybe, just maybe I didn’t do it completely for her. Maybe it was for my own selfish reasons. After all she now belonged to me- both her body and mind and sharing what was mine had never been one of my fortes. I stopped as I approached the door to her room. I hesitated, contemplating on me opening the door or knocking before entering. She had probably gone through enough shock for the day for me to throw her into another one by surprisingly showing up. Shaking my head, I threw away all thoughts of me being nice to her as I pulled the door open loudly. Not surprisingly, she was in the room but very much to my surprise, she was far from being where I expected her to be. She was by the window. Half of her body lunged forward as she tried to jump down in an attempt to escape. “What are you-” she didn’t give me an opportunity to complete my question though as immediately my words slipped out of my mouth, her legs slid out of the window. Yet another brave but foolish decision.
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