The Queen of Diamonds-26

1929 Words

The irony didn't escape me. "Her life has been threatened." "What's happened? Are you sure? This is horrifying!" If only she knew. "I have good evidence. I wouldn't ask something like this for anything less." "I'm sorry. Of course, you know best." She sat silently, eyes far away. "I overheard Cesare and Lance talking about shipping Pot rags to Dickens as workers. Would that do?" Pot rags. "Is that what you think? That I'm just a Pot rag?" She put her hands to her mouth. "I'm so sorry, Jacqui. Of course not, you're not like that." I shook my head. She just didn't understand. "I appreciate the thought, but my Ma would never leave for that; she's an owner." And I remembered how the Clubbs sold the secrets of others. Could I trust Lance Clubb? Gardena said, "Perhaps he can get her a po

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