The Queen of Diamonds-27

1934 Words

I strolled past, and he fell in step beside me. "A man took ill, but he's being cared for." "Very well, mum. Spadros Manor?" "Yes, thank you." In the carriage, I shook my head. Anastasia (and likely, Frank) had dragged Mr. Durak into this scheme of hers ... or was it theirs? ... and used him to defraud the city. I wondered whose idea creating these false gems was. The little I knew of Frank Pagliacci indicated poor reasoning skills. Whether this came from lack of intelligence or carelessness, it was difficult to say. The process as described to me by Anastasia's great-nephew Trey, though, spoke of a plot well-crafted. The factory and processing alone would have taken years to set up. Would Anastasia have planned the kidnappings, the attack on Tony, the false letters, the break-in at M

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