The Queen of Diamonds-25

1940 Words

"You look gorgeous," I said. "Is this your Spring dress?" She blushed. "Thank you. It is." "Mine is still being displayed." I laughed. "My dressmaker is quite the entrepreneur." "Come, sit." She patted the table next to her. An attendant stood by with my chair, so I sat. "It's nice to see you, Mrs. Diamond." "So nice," Rachel Diamond said, in a singsong voice. Then she raised her head. "Who are you?" "This is Mrs. Spadros, Mama," Gardena said. "Oh, yes, how wonderful to meet you." We last saw each other not six weeks ago, but Gardena shook her head, so I let the matter drop. I took a sip. "I hope your family is well?" "Yes, as well as can be expected." "Is something wrong?" "Jack has taken to his rooms these past few days. Jonathan has felt rather poorly as well; the doctor pre

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